Week#5 EduMOOCast - July 27, 2011

Post-Show description: 

Hangout Chat
Rob Darrow: Seven research principles learning...what are they?

John Graves: 30-50% dropout rate in on-line courses.

John Graves: Informal learning different from forced learning.

Rob Darrow: Community College dropout study:


Vance Stevens: let's do it

John Graves: http://ietherpad.com/edumooc2011week5

John Graves:http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=350x350&chl=http%3A%2F%2Fi...

Vance Stevens:http://ietherpad.com/edumooc2011week5

Rob Darrow: So wiki to speech could have students respond directly on the wiki with their voices?

John Graves:https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jgraves.WikiToSpeech

John Graves:http://youtu.be/tfKTk6rgWsA

Rob Darrow: eportfolio mooc


John Graves: WikiToSpeech.apk


Rob Darrow: Are you a mooc-head?

Rob Darrow: hi rebecca - good to see and hear you!

John Graves:


Hello Rebecca!

Rob Darrow: That is a good point about when the mooc panel talks. I wonder if that would change involvement if panel was on Monday vs. Thursday?

Rob Darrow: Hey Sanford...good to have you here

Sanford Arbogast: is it still raining?

Rebecca Hogue:Complexity theory is in this journal - Educational

Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 40, No. 1


John Graves: stigmergy

Rebecca Hogue: Can MOOCs be used to create "real" knew knowledge ...


Vance Stevens:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stigmergy

John Graves: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12838403/20110721/stigmergy.htm

Yes, new knowledge can be created.

scott lockman: speaking ofcreating new knowledge: may I attempt to pass this audio through to ds106radio?

Jeff Lebow: of course


John Graves: Yes!

Rebecca Hogue: sure

scott lockman: it's now happening, thx

Sanford Arbogast: do you mean I have new knowledge or we have created a new idea?

knowledge for myself

John Graves: We (together) are discovering what is possible.

John Graves: Summarize, distill ...

Rob Darrow: So, Rebecca, sounds like you're saying the instructor in a f2f course focuses the learner in a direction?

I wonder if there is a connection between contructivism, connectivism and complexity theory?

John Graves: Downes lastweek said to put out a weekly newsletter.

Rebecca Hogue: Do you guys do the panels?

Yes, good question.

Rob Darrow: I have done most of the panels

Rob Darrow: But doing thepanel live with the Twitter back channel is more fun

Rebecca Hogue: Out of curiosity, where is everyone?

Rob Darrow: Hi Maizie

Rebecca Hogue: So cool!

Rob Darrow: Jeff says, use GMT for an international audience for time

Fewer clicks the better, for sure!

Maizie Avihayil: So what time is it GMT?

I got confused

scott lockman: I thought it was SL time - what ever happened to that


Rebecca Hogue: #lrnchat

Maizie Avihayil: I have a daughter in England and 2kids in New zealand

...and I'mtotally confused

John Graves: http://timeanddate.com/worldclock

Rob Darrow: @Scott ... Yeah, SL time!

Sanford Arbogast: yeah i agree

Public Chat

11:10 PM monk51295 hey Jeff. can you say who the people are speaking..

11:11 PM Stafford Tweetdeck and GTalk

11:11 PM Stafford :-)

11:12 PM monk51295 thank you

11:16 PM jefflebow: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12838403/20110721/edumoocast4.htm

11:16 PM Stafford Yay! Auckland is my Hometown!

11:16 PM monk51295 nice

11:17 PM Stafford So how different is wiki to speech different from text to speech on mac?

11:19 PM Stafford So it is more like a Hypercard stack

11:19 PM Stafford (If you remember using hypercard)

11:19 PM maizie I have 2 kids in Hamilton

11:21 PM Stafford Today's prsentation on WIKIs an collaborative witing was cancelled at ASIA TEFL Conference :-(

11:23 PM jefflebow: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=350x350&chl=http%3A%2F%2Fietherpad.com%2Fedumooc2011week5

11:24 PM jefflebow: http://ietherpad.com/edumooc2011week5

11:24 PM Stafford can we have the QR code again pls

11:28 PM Stafford got it, now how do I make my phone speak...???

11:29 PM Stafford Yup

11:30 PM Stafford wiki-to-speeh did I ge the app nme right there?

11:31 PM Stafford a link to the .apk woldbe good

11:32 PM Stafford *would be

11:32 PM jefflebow: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jgraves.WikiToSpeech

11:33 PM Stafford nope - blocked i Korea

11:34 PM Stafford .apk

11:35 PM jefflebow: https://sites.google.com/site/epcoplearnspace

11:36 PM jefflebow: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12838403/20110727/WikiToSpeech.apk

11:38 PM Stafford Got It!

11:40 PM jefflebow: Cool.https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/edumooc/BgLg6dJK9Co/discussion

11:43 PM Stafford You should hit up google for some seed money

11:43 PM jefflebow: Complexity theory is in this journal - Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 40, No. 1

11:44 PM Stafford They are hot for anything to do with speech to text and vice versa - I believe English Central received some help from Google

11:44 PM jefflebow: stigmergy

11:45 PM jefflebow: Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the sa

11:49 PM monk51295 agreed - modeling what you're wanting learners to do

11:50 PM osvaldo Osvaldo : In All Moocs or EduMOOC

11:52 PM Stafford About to turn into a pumpkin - Goodnight all from wet, rainy Seoul, will be sure to join in at a later date when I'm not in my pajamas :-)

11:53 PM jefflebow: http://rjh.goingeast.ca/

11:53 PM jefflebow: 'night Stafford

11:54 PM osvaldo But Edumooc with No facilitors is nearly non existing

11:54 PM matt montagne hey y'all

11:54 PM jefflebow: Hey Matt

11:55 PM monk51295 maybe that's what hangouts will allow

11:55 PM matt montagne How do you all bring the MOOC into your day job?? Or do you even try?

11:55 PM matt montagne Hey JL

12:02 AM jefflebow: #lrnchat

12:04 AM jefflebow: http://learning2gether.posterous.com/

12:07 AM jefflebow: http://lrnchat.com/

12:09 AM jefflebow: http://reformsymposium.com/

12:14 AM clarkshahnelson diigo