2011-10-14 ACTEM SEEDlings Geek of the Week LIVE

 mrichme ->  Welcome Peggy!

 PeggyG ->  hi! looking forward to this

 PeggyG ->  are you at the conference?

 mrichme ->  I am

 PeggyG ->  it sounds fantastic!! Isn't Tony Vincent awesome??!!

 PeggyG ->  Hi Cheryl

 PeggyG ->  Hi Cathy-are you at the conference?

 Cathy E ->  nope - just saw your message on skype

 PeggyG ->  :-)

 mrichme ->  @Peggy  Tony has been A-MAZE-ING and Lucy Gray is here as well.

 PeggyG ->  wow!!!

 PeggyG ->  wish I were there!

 mrichme ->  Alice Barr is up first

 mrichme ->  She is showing Tony's A/B switch that he uses for VGA connections

 PeggyG ->  sure hope Cheryl can get the stream going

 mrichme ->  I think she is talking about ustreaming it

 PeggyG ->  cool!! thanks for keeping the info coming mrichme

 mrichme ->  They are recording it for a later podcast

 PeggyG ->  saw that about ustream

 teknochops ->  Best one at ACTEM

 mrichme ->  ustre.am/7dE7

 mrichme ->  Evernote is being showcased right now

 mrichme ->  the app MotionMath is being showcased right now

 PeggyG ->  can't get that link to work

 mrichme ->  www.ustream.tv/channel/seedlings#utm_campaign=t.co&utm_source=1720755&ut...

 mrichme ->  Mike Arsenault is showcasing Newspaper Map

 mrichme ->  newspapermap.com

 mrichme ->  piclits.com is the latest presentation

 PeggyG ->  Hi Lucy

 teknochops ->  I like Piclits

 cheryloakes ->  trying to ustream

 mrichme ->  Zombies vs. Literacy app

 PeggyG ->  Sounds like you're having a fabulous conference!!!

 PeggyG ->  I love Piclits!! :-)

 mrichme ->  itunes.apple.com/us/app/zombies-vs.-literacy/id393601768?mt=8

 mrichme ->  AASL Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning is being shown now

 PeggyG ->  We had the creator, Terry Friedlander do a show for us on Classroom 2.0 LIVE

 PeggyG ->  thanks a lot for posting the links!!

 mrichme ->  ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/guideslinesandstandards/bestlist/bestwebsitestop25.cfm

 teknochops ->  Who is that guy on the Ustream?

 PeggyG ->  watching the stream now on ustream but different chat

 mrichme ->  Bob Sprankle is showing PhotoStreaming in iOS5 and the new VoiceThread app for the iOS

 mrichme ->  Cheryl is showing the voice capability with a Google Search

 mrichme ->  with Chrome

 mrichme ->  literature-map.com is being showcased right now

 mrichme ->  The ability to find similar types of authors

 mrichme ->  cueprompter.com

 mrichme ->  Online teleprompter

 mrichme ->  newsmap.jp

 mrichme ->  Visualization of the news headlines

 mrichme ->  tools.e2bn.org/speech

 mrichme ->  Qwiki.com

 PeggyG ->  Qwiki is really interesting. I subscribe to their dailt news

 PeggyG ->  daily...

 mrichme ->  I do too Peggy

 mrichme ->  I feel like I get a recap of a historical fact each day

 mrichme ->  Lucy Gray is up

 PeggyG ->  I'm thrilled to have voicethread on mt iphone--can view all of the voicethreads in my account

 mrichme ->  Google A Day

 mrichme ->  agoogleaday.com

 teknochops ->  Voicthread rocks

 teknochops ->  THere is some cost, but low if you want to import/manage class

 PeggyG ->  oh no!  don't stop!!!

 mrichme ->  assistments.org

 PeggyG ->  that site looks amazing!

 mrichme ->  The person who is showcasing it has been using it in preparation for the State Assessment

 mrichme ->  It has been designed by the people from Worcester PolyTech Institute

 mrichme ->  Hackasaurus.org for examining how websites are constructed

 mrichme ->  shoutkey.com for shortening a website

 mrichme ->  answergarden.ch

 PeggyG ->  found it :-) love that site

 PeggyG ->  what do we type in on shoutkey?

 mrichme ->  rim

 PeggyG ->  cooL!! got it!

 mrichme ->  Patrick Larkin is stepping up

 mrichme ->  Socrative

 mrichme ->  t.socrative.com

 mrichme ->  or m.socrative.com

 mrichme ->  room 407

 mrichme ->  oops 4047

 PeggyG ->  I entered my response

 PeggyG ->  thanks a lot for sharing the liks mrichme!!

 PeggyG ->  links...

 PeggyG ->  have a great day!!

 mrichme ->  No Problem Peggy!

 mrichme ->  Talk to you soon

 PeggyG ->  :-)
