COOLCast Nov. 2, 2011 - Where is the Change?
Jeff - Thu, 2011-11-03 01:24
Post-Show description:
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
November 2, 2011
November 2, 2011
Participants; Tim Owens, carol yeager, Jim Stauffer, Stephen Downes, Giulia Forsythe, Jeff Lebow
Topics: Getting to know Tim, Where is the change in Change 11?, Interactivity in MOOC's, The Magic of DS106, Interactive Presentation options, How best to tune in to blog comments, the Canvas alternative, and plans for a Wowza date
carolyeager: Greetings Jeff
scottlo: okay if I patch the audio through to ds106radio?
scottlo: done
Stephen Downes: hola
scottlo: Hey Stephen
Downes: hi again
wayupnorth: Hello Stephen
carolyeager: Hello Stephen ... hope you are fit and fiddle again
Markuos: Markuos: made it Jeff
Downes: yeah... but it turns out the much vaunted insurance doesn't cover the cost of my stolen cameras
carolyeager: Drat .. not even extended home insurance?
Downes: and.,.. actually, I still have the nasty cold I caught in NYC
Downes: Worst. Trip. Ever.
carolyeager: :-(
JL: Hangout at:
carolyeager: @Jim .. glad to see the fights were successful :-)
carolyeager: oops flights
wayupnorth: yes, I made it to Yellowknife - hope I have a better trip than @Downes
wayupnorth: gotta run for a headset
carolyeager: And what a couch!
scottlo: UMW was recently mentioned in relation to campus wide WP blogging, can Tim talk to that?
Stephen Downes: Looks like the sound problems my office computer has with Google Hangout still persist
JL: Plan B computer availabie? Very much hope you can join in.
carolyeager: Love the energy happening ...
wayupnorth: I saw the recording of the session with Stephen & George and it was great
Stephen Downes: bleah... Hangout doesn't detect the iSight cameraon my MacBook
carolyeager: Variety of offerings is a good thing!
wayupnorth: exciting to see change in the making
carolyeager: Hmmm, Stephen .. maybe it jas caught your physical malady?
Stephen Downes: yeah
wayupnorth: I think we ought to fundraise and get Stephen a netbook :-)
Stephen Downes: well it's ridiculous
Stephen Downes: my home computer does all this stuff just fine
scottlo: is video conference a practical communicaton model/mode for such a large number of participants
carolyeager: Hoe is where the heart is ... and a broader functioning computer
Stephen Downes: No backstory on my side..
Stephen Downes: "wants to own everything he's doing??????"
Stephen Downes: b^%$^%&^
Stephen Downes: He *still* hasn't recognized that Google Chat simply doesn't work on my office computer
carolyeager: Maybe a more gentle entry into broader and more varied choices would be good
Stephen Downes: It's not that I don't *want* to use it, it's that IT DOESN'T WPRK
wayupnorth: Is there a possibility of reconciliation? It was an excellent method for the friday session
Stephen Downes: so he should stop saying 'oh he wants to own everything and doesn't want to use it...'
carolyeager: I se that Stephen neds voice!!!
carolyeager: Needs voice ...
JL: Join hangout at:
Stephen Downes:
Stephen: trying again
Stephen Downes: got 'call error'
wayupnorth: @stephen - we see you joining, then dissappearing - no video, only a white window
scottlo: Yes, but Jeff isn't there an upper limit to how many participants can be involved in video conference?
Stephen Downes: it keeps saying "It seems you are already in the video call" - which of course I'm not
JL: perhaps a browser restart?
scottlo: Carolyn makes an excellent point about different needs and audiences and which type of tech to use!!
wayupnorth: @JL - did you say you could skype Stephen in - I know he's tried over and over to use G+
scottlo: just lost it on the EdTechTalk site - anyone else?
Markuos: yeah me too
wayupnorth: I still have chat, but am watching G+
Markuos: got things back again now
wayupnorth: But that planning discussion is a great view on how things are developed
carolyeager: I think irt is great to open the tesgting to all which is what I have b=seen so far in MOOCdom
carolyeager: the actual contiuous use may or may not work and that is fine too
Tim Owens: I will say for the record I understand why people love Elluminate and it has its place
carolyeager: sometimes, the variety is disconcerting to the participants and it takes time i= to introduce new tech features to keep the participants engaged ... IMHO
carolyeager: Yes, the audio in Backboard is terrible!
carolyeager: Yes, Tim, it does, and so do additional options ... all in their time and place
carolyeager: And I am one person on a laptop running a MOOC with not as large a group as Change .. and I do need some stability as I have noplace else to turn.
carolyeager: It would be reay good to have abroad exchange of perspectives and analysis among the variety of offerings and facilitators.
Tim Owens: Everything is a balance of cost/effort/time. Which you have more of determines what you might do.
carolyeager: Yes, Stephen, it is ... the variety and individual peculiarities are difficult to manuever around and still present a good learing experience
carolyeager: So far, I am stilllearning .. even as the old dog in the MOOCsphere ...
Tim Owens: Sounds like a lot of this is still on the horizon, it will be interesting to see Change develop
JL: hangout at:
wayupnorth: I think we need to enjoy Change11 from the position of being part of something very interesting as it develops
Markuos: I sure am excepting of the process - It is messy - I'm having problems myself #change11
Markuos: Problems help with my learning process
Markuos: #change11 sure is engaging for me
Tim Owens: Lack of absolutes is a great quality to have in an onine course. Part of why I wrote the post. Elluminate sounded like an absolute at that point, which was dissapointing to me.
Tim Owens: But I certainly understand that when things are on fire you don't need to learn how to develop a new method of putting out fires. You need water!
wayupnorth: The process is a tremendoul learning tool - but if participants expect content delivery (course) they will experience disorientation
scottlo: six listeners on ds106 radio - I'll try to join hangout in a few minutes
Tim Owens: ds106 has a problem with filtering as well, lots coming out of the firehose. :)
carolyeager: It takes an inordinate amount of time .. and I have no lfe!
carolyeager: beyond MOOCs right now
Giulia: Radio, livestream, google hangout I can't decide where I should participate!
Giulia: :)
scottlo: The Forsythe is in the house
Giulia: hello LO
carolyeager: Yes, it was magical and it often depends upon the participants
carolyeager: a critical mass of creatove entities is more than helpful
carolyeager: I think the vaiety od weekly topics tends to limit a caryover of commentary
wayupnorth: commenting is fragmented - some comments are on blogs and some comments on blogs exist only in grsshopper
JL: Hangout at:
scottlo: Forsythe, you jump in the hangout and tell 'em what you think
Giulia: Yes, WordPress made a big difference
carolyeager: Exactly! The grading factor does tend to push comments
Giulia: we were able to comment to each other, quote and link and it made connections through pingbacks
carolyeager: Hello Giulia
wayupnorth: lost stephen's last bit of audio
Tim Owens: I didn't realize trackbacks were a Wordpress feature?
scottlo: Is it possible to ignore the criticism - especially if it will come no matter what you do?
Tim Owens: We have to dream right?
wayupnorth: I've thought of copying comments from grsshopper to my blog manually, but it would appear as my comment, not the one who originally wrote it. Could include the info in a text intro.
wayupnorth: But I don't see nearly all the grsshopper comment
wayupnorth: YES! Carol
Tim Owens: Cogdog's 50 ways to tell a story
Giulia: tim, u mean trackbacks were ONLY a wp feature?
Tim Owens: I thought that's what you were saying? That because of wordpress you get those trackbacks. I had thought other blogging platforms could ping back
Giulia: they don't play together
wayupnorth: Change is more about ideas, while ds106 had a greater emphasis on tools
Giulia: blogger tracks to blogger but not to wordpress (it seems to me anyway)
Tim Owens: gotcha
Giulia: and typepd and posterous and ...
carolyeager: Good point Jim ... ideas and tools would be a nice mix
scottlo: Good point on informal small discussion Jeff -
carolyeager: And the conversations byeond the presentatins in a synchronous venue is also a wonderful learning opportunity
wayupnorth: PLENK10 gave me the start I needed to make sense of moocs - a nice mix of tools and ideas - or perhaps that was just the connections I made
carolyeager: Yes, that is the interactive presenttion I referred to earlier (Nancy's) with the integral interactivity
wayupnorth: I've got to run - this has been enlightening - look forward to seeing the rest of the recording
Giulia: bye wayupnorth!
JL: belated bye Jim
carolyeager: ttfn Jim ...
scottlo: Tim you can share some examples of Canvas being used at UMW at some point on blog or twitter???
Tim Owens: Definitely, still early days so we'll know more in the Spring after a full semester I think.
Tim Owens: My wife is going to get jealous with all these dates
jefflebow: Thanks all
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