Teachers Teaching Teachers #274 - P2PU and OER with Kevin Hodgson, Bud Hunt, Karen Fasimpaur, Fred Hass, Harry Brake - 11.30.11
On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers we continue our conversations about Open Educational Resources (OER) with this amazing cast of wonderful teachers!
In particular we learned more about the P2PU [ http://p2pu.org/en ] course that Bud Hunt facilitated and Karen Fasimpaur helped organize: Writing and Common Core: Deeper Learning for All [ p2pu.org/en/groups/writing-common-core-deeper-learning-for-all
On his blog Bud wrote (a month ago): [ budtheteacher.com/blog/2011/10/31/on-being-still-in-a-motion-medium ]
I’m finding thatP2PU offers a fascinating space in which to operate. It’s a space with ethos but little structure. I’m building as I go. And wondering, from time to time, if this course meets my general metric for success in all that I do as a teacher – is it useful? Are people getting what they need from the course?
Enjoy! Also on this episode: Christina Cantrill, Paul Oh, Kevin Hodgson, Scott Shelhart, Fred Haas, Paul Allison, Harry Brake, and Chris Sloan.
20:16:57 Paul Allison: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113993022447291199374/posts/NXgtFUqit7R
20:19:41 Paul Allison: http://digitalis.nwp.org/
20:19:48 Paul Allison: http://p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-ed-pilot/
20:19:53 Paul Allison: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/writing-common-core-deeper-learning-for-all/
20:19:59 Paul Allison: http://www.k12opened.com/wiki/index.php/Ncte2011
20:52:06 Paul Allison: I'm back. Hi Scott. Let's get this thing going
20:52:14 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): ok.
20:55:43 karen (@kfasimpaur): Greetings everyone!
20:56:05 karen (@kfasimpaur): Fyi, Scott and I are both here and in Google +.
20:56:09 PeggyG: :-) Yes more than a couple
20:56:18 karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi, Peggy. How are you?
20:56:22 PeggyG: Hi Paul, Scott and Karen
20:56:28 PeggyG: Great to see you again Karen!
20:56:35 karen (@kfasimpaur): You too.
20:56:51 karen (@kfasimpaur): (I'm designating myself as the chat go-between. :)
20:57:22 PeggyG: fantastic!! you did a super job last week Karen!
20:57:35 PeggyG: that's Bud Hunt!!! :-) Say hello!
20:58:11 karen (@kfasimpaur): Bud says hi!
20:58:51 PeggyG: Great to see him!!! We used his powerful quote about purposeful play to frame the theme for the K12 Online Conference :-)
20:59:09 karen (@kfasimpaur): On the g+ tonight (top to bottom): Bud, Karen, Harry Brake, Paul Allison, Paul Oh, and Scott Shelhart.
20:59:26 PeggyG: not seeing all of those images on the screen
20:59:29 PeggyG: just Bud
20:59:55 karen (@kfasimpaur): Do you see the smaller "Brady Bunch" images on the side? I'm thinking not....
21:00:10 PeggyG: no
21:00:15 karen (@kfasimpaur): <working on it>
21:00:37 karen (@kfasimpaur): Otherwise, you're seeing who is currently speaking
21:00:42 PeggyG: it's not stuck on one person but only shows one in the main window
21:00:47 PeggyG: yes
21:00:48 karen (@kfasimpaur): Better now?
21:00:53 PeggyG: no
21:01:18 karen (@kfasimpaur): Can you usually see smaller images on the side?
21:01:20 PeggyG: can see the person who speaks when their image pops up--can't see the little images around the side
21:01:32 PeggyG: right
21:01:35 karen (@kfasimpaur): Ok, seems like that's how it's going to be :)
21:01:36 PeggyG: no brady bunch
21:01:49 PeggyG: no problem
21:02:17 karen (@kfasimpaur): Joining us now in is Kevin Hodgson and Chris Sloan
21:02:31 karen (@kfasimpaur): Also on now is Monika.
21:02:44 PeggyG: lots of "big guns" tonight :-) woo hoo!
21:02:53 karen (@kfasimpaur): Nice group
21:03:25 PeggyG: fabulous group!
21:03:51 karen (@kfasimpaur): Also joining us on g+ is Fred Haas
21:05:31 PeggyG: is there a link for tonight's show?
21:05:41 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): link to the hangout?
21:05:53 PeggyG: no-to the resources like Bud's program
21:06:06 karen (@kfasimpaur): I think the hangout is full now.
21:06:28 PeggyG: I don't want to be in the hangout
21:06:36 karen (@kfasimpaur): Bud's p2pu course - see http://www.p2pu.org/school-of-ed and click Writing & Common Core
21:06:42 PeggyG: perfect! thanks!
21:07:23 Chris Sloan: howdy
21:07:23 PeggyG: Great to have the hangout folks join us here in the chat :-)
21:07:26 monika: Bud is always neat
21:07:27 PeggyG: Hi Chris
21:07:34 Chris Sloan: Hi Peggy
21:07:37 PeggyG: yes monika!
21:08:27 Bud Hunt: Thanks, monika. likewise.
21:08:54 PeggyG: really excited to be learning about those open courses!
21:09:02 karen (@kfasimpaur): Christina Cantrill from NWP now joining us...
21:10:33 PeggyG: that's the part I love--that anyone can follow the courses without officially taking them. With a doctorate and now retired I don't need any more course credits but want to keep learning!
21:11:04 monika: nice
21:11:37 PeggyG: incredible model!!!
21:11:52 karen (@kfasimpaur): That's interesting, Peggy. The "lurking" thing is sometimes a little hard for me as a faciliatator. :)
21:12:05 karen (@kfasimpaur): Hard to know if folks are there or not.
21:12:08 monika: remix... like people do daily..
21:12:17 monika: ha
21:12:18 karen (@kfasimpaur): exactly
21:12:19 PeggyG: I'm sure that is strange!
21:12:37 monika: lurking is huge.. imo
21:12:42 PeggyG: I'm not usually a lurker but just don't need to complete an entire course.
21:12:54 karen (@kfasimpaur): It's weird though, because then we'll hear from someone who wasn't "active" who says this all has changed their life
21:13:03 PeggyG: awesome!!!
21:13:08 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Lurking is a "stage of development" in the online space.
21:13:09 karen (@kfasimpaur): truly
21:13:24 Bud Hunt: Yeah, Karen - that's the weird piece - the lurkers who said they were excited.
21:13:26 monika: i think the web is just making transparent things that have always happened.. we've always had lurkers..
21:13:31 Bud Hunt: and found it useful.
21:13:31 PeggyG: @Scott-for me it's a choice I make and not related to a stage
21:14:04 karen (@kfasimpaur): Good to be reminded of that, Peggy. As a facilitator, you kinda never know if folks are thre or not sometimes
21:14:33 monika: ah.. frozen
21:14:48 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): @Peggy, True, but I think the majority of lurkers are at the left end of the curve.
21:14:52 PeggyG: we can be learning and involved but what we take away for our personal involvement may not be what the instructors mean by involved
21:15:14 PeggyG: key word! flexibility! really valuable
21:15:15 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Maybe lurkers exist on both ends of teh scale.
21:15:22 PeggyG: definitely Scott
21:15:34 PeggyG: many people begin using social media as a lurker
21:16:15 karen (@kfasimpaur): Link to this is in the syllabus of Bud's course...very valuable resources (annotated CCSS)
21:16:28 Bud Hunt: http://budtheteacher.com/commoncore
21:16:42 karen (@kfasimpaur): <missing the ability to paste here. sorry>
21:17:06 PeggyG: I know Karen!! that is so frustrating~
21:17:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): @karen, try dragging links into the chat
21:17:48 PeggyG: if the chat can't be a floating window it will knock you out
21:17:59 PeggyG: tried that last week
21:18:47 PeggyG: what a cool title!! hacking poetry :-)
21:19:20 Paul Allison: Scott anythng to ask in the hangout yet?
21:19:25 karen (@kfasimpaur): There are a ton of interesting toics on p2pu... school of ed is a newcomer
21:19:32 PeggyG: not yet--still learning
21:19:51 Chris Sloan: @karen. school of ed on P2PU?
21:20:03 karen (@kfasimpaur): Chris, yep
21:20:11 karen (@kfasimpaur): Most of p2pu is not "ed-related"
21:20:20 PeggyG: are there more courses than the school of ed courses?
21:20:20 karen (@kfasimpaur): (until I got there...ha ha)
21:20:33 PeggyG: good for you Karen!
21:20:46 Chris Sloan: modeled on traditional schools of ed, but fundamentally different, I suppose?
21:21:02 karen (@kfasimpaur): FUNDAMENTALLY (and not really modeled on traditional schools of ed, I would say)
21:21:05 PeggyG: that's the kind of thing they're talking about in the MOOC conversations--ways to create dialogue in open courses
21:21:15 karen (@kfasimpaur): Honestly, I got roped into calling it the "School of Ed" :)
21:21:22 PaulOh: Digital Is website: http://digitalis.nwp.org
21:21:24 karen (@kfasimpaur): P2PU has a notion of "schools"
21:21:32 PeggyG: just the fact that they're open is not traditional sch of ed
21:21:38 karen (@kfasimpaur): School of Webcraft (w/mozilla) etc.
21:21:52 Chris Sloan: ok, karen. getting it
21:22:02 karen (@kfasimpaur): We debated a lot of traditional school of ed type issues...including whether to pursue formal credit -- lots of pros and cons
21:22:04 PeggyG: is that branding Karen?
21:22:13 karen (@kfasimpaur): I wrote a whole series of blog posts on this at www.k12opened.com/blog
21:22:20 karen (@kfasimpaur): Yep, it's branding :)
21:22:27 PaulOh: Karen, can you say more about the pros and cons of pursuing formal credit?
21:22:44 PaulOh: I was just discussing the "formal credit" issue with Christina today.
21:22:45 PeggyG: I'm sure that's important!
21:22:54 Bud Hunt: as a facilitator, it was handy to not have the credit as an option
21:23:17 PaulOh: Not sure what you mean by that, Bud.
21:23:41 PeggyG: different requirements if it's not for credit and don't have to grade things :-)
21:23:42 Bud Hunt: without the credit, folks came if they wanted to.
21:23:47 Bud Hunt: or they didn't.
21:23:55 Bud Hunt: was kind of nice
21:24:03 PeggyG: I would love that Bud!
21:24:14 monika: credit. oh credentialing.
21:24:23 PeggyG: yes
21:24:37 PaulOh: Yeah, that was great for me as a participant, Bud. Not sure how that worked for you as a facitlitator.
21:24:40 PeggyG: in our state those courses would have to be approved by the state dept
21:24:46 PeggyG: if they were for credit
21:25:04 Bud Hunt: BTW, Christina - "Reading Digital Is" would be a great course.
21:26:37 PeggyG: I think you lose your flexibility in the course once you offer credit
21:26:46 monika: perhaps if we spent less time on credentialing and policy toward that. we could spend more time crowdsourcing and creating conduits for these communities of practice..
21:26:47 karen (@kfasimpaur): <easier to say that than to type it all>
21:26:58 PeggyG: I agree Monika!!
21:27:05 karen (@kfasimpaur): We did our first P2PU certificate today!
21:27:21 monika: and who decides what counts
21:27:25 karen (@kfasimpaur): Hard issues...
21:27:39 PeggyG: exactly!! in AZ it would be the state dept of ed
21:27:51 karen (@kfasimpaur): Monika, we had a univ who wanted us to do a multiple choice final for credit. I refused.
21:28:01 monika: silly people
21:28:14 PaulOh: Thank goodness you refused, Karen!
21:28:22 karen (@kfasimpaur): Thanks. I had to really fight for that.
21:28:25 PeggyG: that's nonsense!
21:28:45 Chris Sloan: pretty interesting Karen. I can see how formal ed is antithetical to the P2PU model
21:29:26 PeggyG: AZ is very conservative and when I moved her from MA (many years ago) all of my doctoral credits were so progressive that I had to document every course I took (100 credit hours) to get certified in AZ
21:29:36 monika: craziness
21:29:46 PeggyG: yes!!
21:29:47 monika: transparency is showing us how crazy
21:30:06 monika: ah.. everyone should have a Karen
21:30:07 PeggyG: no transparency here!! and it takes forever to get a course approved
21:30:26 PeggyG: good point Bud
21:31:28 PeggyG: do you need to cap enrollment if you're not giving credit?
21:31:46 monika: like a crowdsource
21:31:48 monika: nice
21:31:49 PeggyG: yes
21:32:10 PeggyG: it's the grading of lots of students that's a killer
21:32:33 PeggyG: but the engagement can come among participants and not always student to teacher
21:32:47 Bud Hunt: well, yea, Peggy. It worked.
21:32:54 PeggyG: :-)
21:34:19 karen (@kfasimpaur): Peggy, p2pu is all about peer involvement...but I would say, for me at least, that's sometimes been hard to foster.
21:34:27 karen (@kfasimpaur): Depends on the people
21:34:31 karen (@kfasimpaur): and the topic
21:34:35 PeggyG: I understand that challenge!
21:34:44 PeggyG: very true about the people
21:35:32 monika: credit allows for a mindset of partial freedom, imo
21:35:36 karen (@kfasimpaur): One thing that's cool about p2pu is that even when the courses are "over," people are still joining in
21:35:36 PeggyG: I was in the first Cormier-Siemens open course and there were about 1000 people in it. I couldn't keep up but I still learned from it
21:35:45 PeggyG: I love that Karen!
21:36:14 Christina: crashola!
21:36:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): I've done the majority of my undergrad degree as a distance ed student. I wish my courses would have been more like P2PU
21:36:25 PeggyG: sorry Christina!
21:36:39 PeggyG: I agree Scott.
21:36:41 Bud Hunt: @Peggy - what counted as being "in?"
21:36:52 Christina: Thanks PeggyG
21:37:17 PeggyG: signing up and following the regular newsletters, clicking on links, participating in the webinars, etc.
21:37:41 monika: rhizomatic expertise..
21:38:26 karen (@kfasimpaur): I've known Harry for a lot of years. He is awesome!
21:38:42 Bud Hunt: (One of the things about a MOOC is that if you say you're in, you're in - big bite of agency and intentionality and culture there)
21:38:42 monika: what's it called
21:38:44 PeggyG: I agree with that!!! in the univ. it may not be test-driven but it's often grade-driven
21:38:49 Christina: I just met Harry at the NWP Annual Meeting in Chicago ... hi Harry!
21:39:07 PeggyG: that makes sense to me Bud
21:39:18 karen (@kfasimpaur): "in" is interesting. at p2pu, we ask for participants (as opposed to "followers") to commit to participating.
21:39:32 karen (@kfasimpaur): not sure if that's the right model or if it works...
21:39:43 PeggyG: I think it's fair to ask for commitment to varying degrees
21:40:09 PeggyG: if it means you have to complete all assignments it's more traditional (even if it's not graded)
21:40:16 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): My college has tried forced discussion boards and forced colaboration.... it fails often.
21:40:16 karen (@kfasimpaur): You'd want Harry in your grad school group :)
21:40:29 karen (@kfasimpaur): agreed
21:40:41 PeggyG: you can force them for the grade @Scott, but they are meaningless
21:41:03 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Yes, just like many of the papers I have to write.
21:41:11 karen (@kfasimpaur): In p2pu, participants are asked to design their own assignments or tasks
21:41:12 PeggyG: this is fascinating!! so glad he's sharing these stories
21:41:19 karen (@kfasimpaur): Again doesn't always work :)
21:42:04 PeggyG: that's where it's good to have flexibility--same thing doesn't work for all
21:42:16 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Karen Fasimpaur: Would like to hear from Harry about all this because he was in a different p2pu course Literary Magazine ASF: will do I have a major student impact that students of mine were involved, so that is an interesting slant... Sent at 8:37 PM on Wednesday Fred Haas: The paths of getting involved are really varied and interesting. I was hip to P2PU really early, when it seemed like all programming. Then I sort of drifted away until I saw a notice about the CCSS course, ot even aware that it was Bud at first. Chris Sloan: common theme tonight. what does it mean to be a teacher, what does it mean to be a student? Karen Fasimpaur: We want to do a future group looking at our own personal learning and learner agency Christina Cantrill: interesting notice Chris
21:42:56 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): @peggy, some of the "other" chat in the hangout
21:43:16 PeggyG: thanks! which browser are you using that allows you to float and copy/paste?
21:43:38 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): chrome on a pc
21:43:48 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): two monitors
21:43:51 karen (@kfasimpaur): Looking at a future p2pu course w/Harry with teacher-student pairs
21:43:55 PeggyG: Chrome didn't work for me last week so it must be the PC...
21:44:07 PeggyG: love that idea of that course Karen
21:44:15 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): not copy paste.... highlight and drag
21:44:16 karen (@kfasimpaur): (I can float chat on one browser)...third button from right
21:44:39 PeggyG: I can't because the whole bar doesn't show
21:45:05 PeggyG: I'm in Safari but was in Firefox and last week Chrome on a Mac
21:45:08 karen (@kfasimpaur): Peggy, can you drag dividers?
21:45:21 PeggyG: no-just freezes on the screen with no icons showing
21:45:39 karen (@kfasimpaur): Here are the blog posts on formal vs. diy education www.k12opened.com/blog/archives/tag/formal-vs-diy
21:45:58 karen (@kfasimpaur): I finally got the dragging this. Thanks Scott
21:46:07 PeggyG: thanks Karen! I'll look forward to reading those! I've been on your blog a number of times :-)
21:46:27 karen (@kfasimpaur): Thx, Peggy. These were challenging issues to think through.
21:46:39 PeggyG: I'll bet!
21:46:49 Bud Hunt: monika - makes me wonder about what professional development detox looks like
21:47:02 PeggyG: :-) I'd like to hear more about that
21:47:07 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): @Peggy change you screen resolution (control + mouse scroll) that will let you see teh float button
21:47:33 monika: interdependency, rhizomatic expertise, choice,
21:47:33 PeggyG: tried that last week--didn't work on my Mac
21:47:43 PeggyG: no worries! just won't copy/paste
21:48:02 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Sorry. Not OS Bilingual. I cant speak mac
21:48:07 monika: exactly
21:48:16 monika: fractals
21:48:33 karen (@kfasimpaur): The university folks love our "open" approach. :) Someone told me it was a little "fuzzy" for them.
21:48:58 monika: fuzzy - because hard to explain something that is alive and always changing
21:48:59 PeggyG: :-)
21:49:04 karen (@kfasimpaur): exactly
21:49:06 monika: thank you so much Bud
21:49:08 PeggyG: so great to have you here Bud! Thanks
21:49:10 monika: great dad
21:49:12 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): I've so tired of hearing "But we have always done it that way"
21:49:17 karen (@kfasimpaur): the constant changing is hard for folks to "assess"
21:49:31 monika: yeah - so let's question assessing
21:49:44 karen (@kfasimpaur): We wrote together a lot in Bud's course.
21:49:47 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): I Paul Oh: you know, my dream job has always been to be a headline writer for the NY Post ... so this is the perfect challenge. let me think for a sec Fred Haas: In fact, the reason I ended up becoming a teacher was because I realized that I loved learning more than anything else. Education just seemed to be the best place to do that. Christina Cantrill: @karen, yes Paul is the perfect person for that! Chris Sloan: Amen Fred Christina Cantrill: @bud I like that title tho! Paul better work hard Sent at 8:45 PM on Wednesday Karen Fasimpaur: #occupyPD ? I love that Fred Literary Magazine ASF: I agree with Paul the mindset changes and will change as P2PU becomes more intrinsic which seems to carry more longevity with the things you receive, lol Sent at 8:47 PM on Wednesday Kevin Hodgson: The conundrum that I noticed is that while the open element opens the doors for just about anyone, the ones who are remain to the end are part of the "echo chamber" of folks who of a similar mind. Not just P2PU but most o
21:49:56 PeggyG: the product that was created during the unplugg'd.ca weekend seemed like a powerful experience for the participants
21:50:00 monika: self-reflection is key to intellectual learning.. not comparison assessing
21:50:30 PaulOh: Totally agree with that, Monika!
21:50:32 karen (@kfasimpaur): Monika, you'd fit in great at p2pu. Want to faciliatate a group or course w/us?
21:50:33 monika: there's the key
21:50:35 monika: why manage
21:50:55 PeggyG: it's possible that if you were "making something" the lurker might stop lurking :-)
21:51:13 monika: lurking allows for just in time learning
21:51:20 Bud Hunt: forgive me for running - thanks for good conversation, y;all
21:51:24 PeggyG: I agree Monika
21:51:27 PeggyG: thanks Bud
21:52:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Some students like to work in colaborative groups, others like to work alone. Lurkers may just need more processing time to do some deep thinking
21:52:36 PeggyG: great point Scott
21:52:48 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Literary Magazine ASF: some of the ideas that the students that participated in the class with me were a class on how to tutor from student to student, students writing grants, and again, the intrinsic value, we saw that at NCTE the participants that came, some came to party and take a few workshops, and the dilemma is what incentive is there for schools to send people to PD if schools do not expect some presentation based on that trip? It seems strange that the end product is sometimes not even asked for....
21:53:48 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): I'd like to learn more about the elementary ctirical thinking project.
21:54:23 PeggyG: requiring conference attendees to give a presentation when they return says the learning isn't of value to them unless they share it back at school. there needs to be other options for accountability that add value to the learner
21:54:45 Paul Allison: scott... Is there anyting we need to get in over here... any questions?
21:55:12 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Karen is doing a fine job relaying questions.
21:55:23 PeggyG: yes absolutely!!!
21:55:49 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): @Peggy anything you want to add/ask before things wrap up?
21:56:18 PaulOh: Scott, what you wrote about lurking and how some people may need more time to process made me think about this book "Rethinkgin Classroom Participation: Listening to Silent Voices"
21:56:43 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Wait time is SO important
21:56:46 PeggyG: it reminds me a bit of asking students to write a book report on every book they read to prove that they read it
21:57:07 monika: proof is such a suffocating thing
21:57:08 PeggyG: yes Paul!! Great book!
21:57:26 PaulOh: Peggy or Monika, would you like to jump into the hangout?
21:57:31 PaulOh: i can jump off
21:57:36 PeggyG: no the time is almost up
21:57:39 monika: we're good paul
21:57:44 PeggyG: 3 minutes :-)
21:57:46 PaulOh: ok ... sorry i didn't think of this sooner
21:58:00 monika: not at all.. glad you are on
21:58:12 karen (@kfasimpaur): Global collaborations is another future course direction we've talked about.
21:58:23 karen (@kfasimpaur): p2pu has a large global community
21:58:31 PeggyG: that would be wonderful!
21:59:15 monika: imagine.. if we were about just providing resources...
21:59:25 PeggyG: k12 Online Conf. is offering 2 hours of credit per presentation/reflective product this year--just PD credit but I'm excited about it
21:59:32 karen (@kfasimpaur): Scott, let's definitely talk about the elem project later. My email is [email protected] if you want to use that or setup a skype or something
21:59:34 PeggyG: very open to all kinds of "products"
22:00:24 PeggyG: do you have a web conferencing platform in pdpu?
22:00:26 karen (@kfasimpaur): That's awesome Peggy
22:00:33 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): @Karen. Yes, sounds good. My 3rd graders are doing independant research projects now, but I'm wishing for deeper thinking.
22:00:52 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): [email protected]
22:02:18 PaulOh: Peggy, in terms of web conferencing, Bud used his own Adobe Connect account
22:02:22 PeggyG: it should be two way benefit though
22:02:23 PaulOh: or his school district's account
22:02:48 PeggyG: as a participant you should contribute back to the group and not just take...
22:02:50 PaulOh: which makes me think that no there isn't a dedicated web conferencing platform
22:03:00 PeggyG: thanks Paul
22:03:14 karen (@kfasimpaur): I stay up at night thinking about this stuff!!!
22:03:22 PeggyG: :-) I can tell!!
22:03:29 PeggyG: that's why it makes so much sense!
22:04:00 karen (@kfasimpaur): For web conferencing, I used BigBlueButton...free and open source
22:04:29 karen (@kfasimpaur): but sometimes not in a good way :)
22:04:32 PeggyG: any platform at all would work as long as it gives opportunities for synchronous personal interaction
22:04:41 PeggyG: as one more alternative
22:04:46 PeggyG: besides writing...
22:05:45 karen (@kfasimpaur): Paul's idea for a personal learning course name "I am learner, Hear me roar"...love it
22:05:52 PeggyG: hahaha
22:06:07 karen (@kfasimpaur): Peggy, some folks have also used skype or g+ handouts
22:06:17 PeggyG: but they are limited to 10 right?
22:06:17 karen (@kfasimpaur): p2pu is pretty "tool agnostic" for add ons
22:06:27 karen (@kfasimpaur): yes, peggy
22:06:49 monika: thanks guys
22:07:04 PeggyG: outstanding conversation tonight!!! thank you all! Huge thanks to Karen for involving us in the conversation with the hangout
22:07:28 monika: or offering up resources
22:07:35 PeggyG: agreed!
22:07:38 karen (@kfasimpaur): Awesome. THanks for the great conversation
22:08:05 PeggyG: the video stream was much clearer quality tonight :-)
22:08:11 PeggyG: thanks Paul!
22:08:21 PaulOh: Night everyone!
22:08:25 PaulOh: Thanks Paul Allison!
22:08:26 PeggyG: good night!
22:08:28 Chris Sloan: great hearing from everyone
22:08:32 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): It was a good show. More people make it interesting
22:08:34 Paul Allison: night al.
22:08:37 Paul Allison: all
22:08:46 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): goodnight
22:08:48 PaulOh: Yes, a great show, Scott.
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