Teachers Teaching Teachers #281 - National Writing Project Teachers Ready to Celebrate Digital Learning Day on Feb 1 - 1.25.12

Post-Show description: 
This conversation about #NWP teachers in the National Digital Learning Day continued the next day at NWP Radio - on Blog Talk Radio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nwp_radio/2012/01/27/digital-writing-matters

What are your plans for National Digital Learning Day #DLDay on February 1, 2012? http://digitalis.nwp.org/site-blog/what-are-your-plans-national-digital-lea/3369

Enjoy this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, recorded a week before the big day.

+Paul Oh helped us invite this amazing list of guests. They are listed below, along with one thing we've asked them in our conversation about Digital Learning Day.

+Natalie Bernasconi, Central California Writing Project and middle school teacher; presenting the Digital ID wiki http://digital-id.wikispaces.com/Welcome as part of California Digital Learning Day presentations in Sacramento on Feb. 1

+Gail Desler, Area 3 Writing Project and Instructional Technologist in Elk Grove, California; also presenting the Digital ID wiki as part of Digital Learning Day presentations in Sacramento

+Andrea Zellner, Red Cedar Writing Project, doc student at Michigan State University, who is working with Michigan State’s MA in Ed Tech program to “try something new” and document; artifacts from and about the experiences will be found here: http://dlday2012.tumblr.com/

+Leigh Wolf, Program Director for the MA in Ed Tech Program, is coordinating efforts with Andrea; here’s a link to a post at Leigh’s bloghttp://www.leighgraveswolf.com about Digital Learning Day.

+Tom Fox, Northern California Writing Project & National Writing Project, English Professor at Chico State University, will be presenting digital compositions created by his students at the Digital Learning Day presentations in Sacramento

+Jack Zangerle, Hudson Valley Writing Project, 8th Grade ELA teacher in Dover, NY, doing things for Digital Learning Day in his classroom

+Matt Dunleavy, former Tech Liaison of the Tidewater Writing Project in Virginia, and a professor at Radford University, currently working with Chris Dede from Harvard on an Augmented Reality project called EcoMobile, which will be presented in D.C. on Feb. 1 as part of Digital Learning Day activities there.

More on Digital Learning Day: http://www.digitallearningday.org

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

09:34 Paul Allison: Getting ready for a lot of National Writing Project teachers who will be participating in the National Digital Learning Day on February 1, 2012 https://plus.google.com/u/0/113993022447291199374/posts/hWuBzjdp4SK
09:50 guest-1891: Hello
09:50 guest-315: Hello all.
09:51 guest-1903: great to be here everyone!
09:51 guest-1901: Hi everyone!
09:51 guest-1904: hi everyone
09:51 guest-1889: Hello everyone.
09:52 guest-314: Greetings everyone.
09:52 guest-314: Hey Andrea. I started 11/22/63. It's great.
09:53 guest-1901: Yay! Karen, do you love it?
09:53 guest-314: I do!
09:53 guest-1902: hi all!
09:54 guest-318: Hi all. Guess I'm late - the hangout is full
09:54 guest-314: Hi Scott
09:54 guest-314: Hi leigh
09:54 guest-318: Hi Karen
09:55 guest-1901: digitalis.nwp.org
09:55 guest-1902: hi karen
09:55 guest-1905: Hi all
09:55 guest-1907: Hello all!
09:55 guest-1901: ONE WEEK UNTIL DLDAY!!!
09:56 guest-315: I'm not familiar with the Alliance for Excellent Education. Who are they?
09:57 guest-1901: Alliance for Excellent Education tweet @all4ed
09:57 guest-1889: significant amount of echo. Is anyone else having that problem?
09:57 guest-1901: They do the SOTU bingo....
09:57 guest-1901: I hear a lot of echo for sure.
09:58 guest-314: Alliance for Excl Ed...Bob Wise...political folks from DC, but despite that :) they seem to be involved in a lot of important work
09:58 guest-314: http://www.all4ed.org
09:58 guest-314: I was a part of a rural ed event they did in DC that was good.
09:59 guest-1798: Hi everyone! Great to be joining you tonight
09:59 guest-314: Hi Peggy
09:59 guest-1903: Here's the link to Digital Learning Day website: http://digitallearningday.org
09:59 guest-1907: @andrea tomorrow we are posting digital is BINGO :)
10:00 guest-318: Hello Peggy
10:00 guest-1901: I want to do Digital Is Bingo!!!
10:00 guest-1903: We've also got a space up at NWP.org: http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/3761
10:00 guest-318: Yes, hangout is full
10:01 guest-318: no echo on livestream
10:01 guest-1798: I'm not hearing any echo here in the Livestream
10:01 guest-315: hmm. Just echoing in the Hangout then
10:01 guest-1911: Hi
10:02 guest-1901: Good to know the livestream is fine. I think it might be a problem with too much data in tiny little pipes ;) Moving sloooow.
10:02 guest-1902: glaad there is no echo on stream
10:02 guest-1798: that's where the feedback comes from if you're in both the hangout and the Livestream
10:03 guest-1798: this afternoon Common Sense Media did a great presentation on Cyberbullying for the Middle School Portal. Great day for digital citizenship learning!
10:03 guest-314: http://digital-id.wikispaces.com/
10:03 guest-1902: good call peggy
10:03 guest-1901: I love the Common Sense Media stuff.
10:04 guest-1902: hi rehab!!!!!
10:04 guest-1798: I agree Andrea! great resources and all free and can be embedded on sites and shared freely
10:04 guest-1911: Hi Leigh
10:04 guest-318: I plan to do a digital citizenship / bullying lesson at next week's Boy Scout meeting.
10:04 guest-1911: Thx for mentioning this on FB
10:04 guest-1902: welcome Rehab, joining us from Dubai! :)
10:05 guest-1901: http://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators
10:05 guest-1901: http://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators
10:05 guest-1902: welcome rehab, joining us from Dubai :)
10:05 guest-314: Avid rocks
10:05 guest-1798: are there educators participating in Digital Learning Day if they don't have students?
10:06 guest-1902: yes peggy, we are hoping some of our own MA students participate (some are not teachers)
10:06 guest-318: Yep - doing some work with my scout troop
10:07 guest-1798: awesome panel!
10:07 guest-1907: Natalie. It would be wonderful to have you share some of that work in digitalis.nwp.org!
10:09 guest-314: cool
10:10 guest-318: what age/grade do you work with?
10:10 guest-1798: is anyone hosting a twitter chat for digital learning day?
10:10 guest-1901: Peggy, I'm not sure. I know the #Dlday tag has been pretty active
10:11 guest-314: #dlday
10:11 guest-1798: I know that there is a hashtag for #EduWin where every day educators are sharing what they did that day that made a difference. We could share there too. :-)
10:11 guest-1907: I love hearing about Natalie and Tom's work. But mostly I love how excited they are!!!!
10:12 guest-1798: wow! earthquake??? you're so calm!
10:13 guest-1902: 1.7 mag. earthquake
10:14 guest-1798: good idea! showcase day!
10:14 guest-1907: How
10:14 guest-1798: hearing great here
10:15 guest-1907: How about on digitalis Tom?
10:15 guest-1912: Does someone in the chat have that link?
10:15 guest-1798: which link?
10:15 guest-1912: Does someone in the chat have that link?
10:15 guest-1901: http://www.wix.com/ajcoolblue/puttingapriceonnature#
10:16 guest-1798: thanks Andrea!
10:16 guest-1798: if we can hear through his headset mic it will work I think
10:17 guest-1798: perfect!!
10:17 guest-316: great
10:17 guest-1798: seeing and hearing it great
10:17 guest-1907: My role tonight is to get you ALL to publish on digitalis!!!!
10:18 guest-316: very cool
10:18 guest-1547: Hi, All!
10:18 guest-1798: this is so cool!!
10:18 guest-1901: Hi Chad!
10:19 guest-1798: please share the url for this project after the video is finished :-)
10:19 guest-1891: Wow... is this location specific?
10:19 guest-1798: Harvard/Boston?
10:20 guest-316: nice
10:21 guest-318: Monika and Peggy - Kelsey says hello
10:21 guest-1798: Hi Kelsey! Love having you here with us! Are you doing something special for Digital Learning Day?
10:22 guest-316: hey Kelsey
10:22 guest-1914: Oh, my such great ideas for DLDay
10:22 guest-318: She didn't see any reason to do anything differently -
10:22 guest-1798: DL Day is an incredible opportunity to make the public more aware of the importance of technology for learning
10:22 guest-318: She was also a bit disappointed the hangout was full - gave up and went to bed to read.
10:23 guest-1798: but Kelsey--you have to share what you do every day to make the public more award
10:23 guest-1798: aware
10:23 guest-1901: http://dlday2012.tumblr.com/
10:23 guest-1901: Try something new!
10:23 guest-318: She tries - takes her nook to school to show interesting things to her teachers
10:23 guest-1901: http://playfreshair.com/
10:24 guest-1901: Play Fresh Air is from Matt
10:24 guest-1798: yes! I'm interested in that! Thanks
10:24 guest-316: http://ecomobile.gse.harvard.edu/video/EcoMOBILE_demo_Fall2011.mov
10:24 guest-314: @scott love that!
10:24 guest-318: Corp. wants to push bring-your-own-devices.... but teachers are against it
10:24 guest-1903: FYI, Matt just put out this link about his project's work: http://playfreshair.com/
10:24 guest-1798: that's great Scott! have her share that on the Digital Learning Day site
10:25 guest-1903: Here's a link Matt sent out to the full EcoMobile project: http://ecomobile.gse.harvard.edu/video/EcoMOBILE_demo_Fall2011.mov
10:25 guest-318: I'll send her a livebinder with some links to show and share
10:25 guest-314: that's great.
10:25 guest-1798: wonderful Scott!! love that idea!
10:26 guest-1903: ah, i see monika posted that already ... thanks, Monika!
10:26 guest-314: i can use that activity in some other work i'm doing...good opportunity to be reflective about digital learning
10:26 guest-1798: what's their tool for their online portfolios?
10:27 guest-1798: that's great! before/after visions
10:28 guest-1798: are those students using the tlday hashtag or their own hashtag?
10:28 guest-1912: Scott Shelhart -- can you share the livebinder link here?
10:29 guest-1547: Ooooo. I have my " EduCon Hack Jam in a Bag" all packed.
10:29 guest-1901: Peggy, our students will be using #dlday tag :)
10:29 guest-1901: YAY! HACKJAMMARAMA!
10:29 guest-318: @sheri I have not compiled the links yet. I'll post it on twitter when done. @kd9sr
10:29 guest-1798: why do you have to declare a school when you register for the day? that's what made me think I couldn't participate because I'm a retired educator.
10:30 guest-1901: Peggy, for their online portfolios they get to choose the platform
10:30 guest-1912: Oh thank you, Scott
10:30 guest-1798: fantastic Andrea!
10:30 guest-1798: what are they using Andrea? just curious
10:31 guest-318: Yes, Andrea - I'm interested also. I used Google Sites for mine.
10:31 guest-1798: these are all such exciting ideas!!
10:31 guest-1901: They are declaring their platform this week, so the results are trickling in, but last semester they chose Weebly, Wix, and Google Sites. A few did Wordpress.
10:31 guest-1912: We use Google Apps also...
10:31 guest-1901: We have them explore at least two platforms before they commit to a platform for their portfolios.
10:32 guest-316: too funny
10:32 guest-1798: thanks! those are great sites for eportfolios!
10:33 guest-318: @Peggy - I noticed Lake Havasu is hiring. Do you know anything about the area?
10:33 guest-1798: is the digital learning day just for the US?
10:33 guest-1798: I think of it as a day to showcase what you do all year long
10:33 guest-318: It is a bit like earth day - a focused day of awareness
10:34 guest-1798: I think so Scott. I doubt people are doing technology projects just for the day if they're not already using technology.
10:35 guest-1798: that will be a great topic to follow on Youth Voices :-) use of mobile devices in school :-)
10:35 guest-1901: On this issue of doing things all year long: we'd love to have anyone tonight submit a little story to our Dlday Tumblr: dlday2012.tumblr.com
10:35 guest-1798: from the student perspective
10:35 guest-316: the day that could be..
10:36 guest-1798: Lake Havasu is one of the hottest places in AZ!!!
10:37 guest-318: Hmm. I'll have to look at that a bit closer.
10:37 guest-1798: but this day could be a celebration of digital life :-)
10:37 guest-1798: I think it's a great idea! Legislators and the public need to become more aware of how technology enhances learning
10:38 guest-1798: there are lots of places where it isn't that seamless (sadly)
10:39 guest-1798: that's a great idea!! it reminds me of something we do in AZ called "Principal for a Day" where a businessman spends a day shadowing a principal. Incredible learning for the businessman. :-)
10:40 guest-1798: funny!
10:40 guest-316: who's this guy?
10:40 guest-1901: That is Tom Fox: he's at Chico
10:40 guest-316: thanks
10:40 guest-318: https://plus.google.com/105544518531949471491/posts
10:41 guest-1901: I am a huge fan of Tom Fox
10:41 guest-1907: I also don't think people know how much important work is happening in the classroom too. All the innovations!
10:42 guest-1798: I really agree with these points!!! TTT doesn't represent the majority of teachers but we hope they will begin to do more of this kind of thing.
10:43 guest-1798: I love your passion about this!! I just want to say "AMEN" :-)
10:43 guest-1912: I totally identify with her comment. I'm so glad she keeps going; it's not easy.
10:44 guest-1798: those are often the mentor teachers for the student teachers
10:45 guest-1912: If your only tech is one iPad in the classroom, what woud you do?
10:46 guest-1901: I love Katie's post...
10:46 guest-1901: http://www.all4ed.org/blog/katie_mckay_do_our_students_have_access
10:47 guest-316: exactly
10:47 guest-1798: @Sheri-use it as your tool for capturing student projects/observations of their learning
10:47 guest-1901: When digital learning goes wrong
10:48 guest-1798: just "showcase" how you use your ipad during a school day normally :-)
10:48 guest-1912: All my staff have iPads, so one in each classroom. That's an idea, Peggy, I think we could do.
10:48 guest-1891: An apple tv connected to your projector can be a great way to extend one ipad
10:49 guest-1798: do we really want to be judgmental re the sharing on this day to say that some projects/ideas are ok to share and others aren't? That worries me
10:49 guest-1912: apple tv can connect to the projector? Wow...
10:50 guest-1798: yes Sheri! that's a great way to use it like a notebook or "document camera"
10:50 guest-1891: yeah it lets you "mirror" the entire ipad to the screen... cool for some of the ipad specific apps
10:51 guest-1912: I'm going to need to figure that out!
10:51 guest-1798: there's a great app called Splashtop that you can use to access anything on your computer remotely to share on your iPad
10:51 guest-318: D2L and the "walled garden" approach is used at my college. I'm not a fan.
10:51 guest-1901: I don't think it is about not sharing various practices as much as honoring that these practices may leave those behind that do not have such saturated technology access
10:51 guest-1798: and then project it :-)
10:51 guest-1901: Because it isn't about the tool, but the way the tool enhances student learning and actually empowering learners
10:52 guest-1798: I'm thinking that by everyone sharing on this day some of the teachers and administrators will see that there are some better ways to use technology :-)
10:52 guest-1912: Do any of you know http://www.goorulearning.org/
10:52 guest-1798: yes Sheri! awesome site!
10:52 guest-1912: math/science lessons videos etc tied to standards
10:52 guest-1798: are you using it Sheri?
10:53 guest-1904: I got another meeting at 7, believe or not. So I gotta go. Thanks everyone for the great conversation.
10:53 guest-1912: a Google 20% time project
10:53 guest-1547: My experience with augmented reality is Skyping with Paul Oh.
10:53 guest-1901: Bye Tom!
10:53 guest-1912: Yes. We're designing a project where students choose a focus of interest to them (and others)
10:53 guest-316: nice chad..daring
10:53 guest-318: Thanks Tom
10:53 guest-1798: it's mostly math/science isn't it?
10:54 guest-1798: gooru?
10:54 guest-1798: that's funny @Chad!
10:54 guest-1912: Yes, but you can create your own units by copying / adding resources. As a writing teacher, I'm using it for content to write about!
10:55 guest-1798: yes! it's not the technology, it's the people!
10:55 guest-1912: The science teacher and I are collaborating for integrated projects.
10:55 guest-1798: @Sheri I love that idea!
10:55 guest-1891: Does gooru let kids share resources between them and collaborate?
10:56 guest-318: Tech makes good students and good teachers better.... Technology does mot make an ineffective teacher good.
10:56 guest-1912: Yes. It is in beta. There are connections and we are still figuring it out. They can gather their own resources for their projects.
10:56 guest-1911: @Scott couldn't agree more
10:56 guest-1798: I think it's teachers that create the account on the site
10:56 guest-1547: "It will eventually get into K12," should be someone's motto.
10:56 guest-1912: It integrates with Google Apps. The kids sign in to our kid site and can go right to gooru from there.
10:57 guest-1798: but are the kids adding to the site or just accessing it?
10:57 guest-1547: Paul, are you broadcasting any from EduCon?
10:57 guest-316: thanks guys
10:57 guest-1912: The kids can add to their "collections"
10:57 guest-1798: great question Chad!!!
10:58 guest-1798: Detox has special meaning to them :-)
10:58 guest-1798: thanks Sheri!
10:58 guest-318: Good to meet some new folks tonight.
10:58 guest-1547: Look for NWP folk at EduCon!
10:58 guest-1912: Yes. You're welcome. Thanks for all the infol
10:58 guest-318: Twitter - @kd9sr
10:58 guest-1912: @grammasheri
10:58 guest-1798: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nwp_radio
10:59 guest-1798: bye everyone! awesome show tonight!
11:06 guest-1903: night everyone!