TTT#325 - Youth Night with Monisha Nelson, Kelsey Shelhart, Cristian Buendia, Jessica Morgan, Tommy Buteau, Jeff Lebow 11.28.12

How can we get out of their way even more?

Recently on TTT we've been inviting students to join us. Our recent interest in putting young people at the center of our conversations was re-sparked on this episode of Youth Night on TTT.

Our guests are:

Monisha Nelson's profile photoMonisha Nelson Jeff Lebow's profile photo Jeff Lebow Kelsey Shelhart's profile photo Kelsey Shelhart

Cristian Buendia's profile photo Cristian Buendia Katie Ward's profile photo Jackie Morgan Tommy Buteau's profile photo Tommy Buteau

Perhaps you know a student, a son or daughter, brother or sister who might want to join our efforts on TTT to turn our show over to youths to plan impromptu and scheduled webcasts via Hangouts On Air that will allow them to deepen their conversations with each other and to amplify their voices.

Enjoy this week's open, chaotic, ground-level planning session, and invite a student to join us soon in this ongoing set of conversations.


Links for taking action:

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.


monika: hey guys
21:01Peggy George: What an exciting night! Looking forward to hearing the brainstorming with the students!
21:02Kelsey: Looking forward to brainstorming!
21:02Peggy George: @Kelsey-are you in the hangout? :-) Hope so!
21:02Kelsey: sure am
21:03Peggy George: great!
21:04Peggy George: wish everyone would use the google thirds and add their names to their image so we would know who is speaking :-)
21:05Peggy George: that link explains how to enable Lower Thirds
21:05Peggy George: seeing and hearing everyone now :-)
21:06Jeff: great
21:07Peggy George: Awesome panel!!
21:08Peggy George: Missed you all last week! Hope you enjoyed your week off!
21:08Peggy George: Thanks for using Lower Thirds Jeff and Paul! Awesome!
21:10Peggy George: great to meet Jackie!
21:11Peggy George: Thanks Monika :-)
21:11Peggy George: Yeah Kelsey!!!
21:12Peggy George: woo hoo!!!! Fantastic!
21:12Peggy George: You did it Monika!
21:13Peggy George: that is a huge help for me!
21:13Christina: Hi everyone!
21:14Peggy George: Hi Christina!
21:14Kelsey: Hello!
21:19Jeff: That's a lot of trophies behind Nikhil
21:21Peggy George: absolutely!
21:22Peggy George: it's not a permanent thing--you can add it in any hangout you want
21:32Erika Auger: Hello everyone I will be here on chat and watching you!
21:32Peggy George: Hi Erika :-)
21:34Peggy George: I like the suggestion of a web conference where the chat, video, audio can all happen in the same setting. Hangout is great for the 10 people who are speaking but those who view the stream are left out of the conversation usually.
21:35Kelsey: That what I was thinking. I've only watched one of these once, but it seems like that would happen.
21:36Peggy George: with tools like Blackboard Collaborate and Adobe Connect everyone can participate at whatever level they're comfortable
21:36Tommy Buteau: Hello all. Interesting to see how students are starting to think about this.
21:36Peggy George: I agree Tommy!
21:36Peggy George: Jeff's guide for streaming a hangout is excellent!
21:38Tommy Buteau: Oh, is there a link for that. They are talking about it now.
21:38Peggy George: I was in a Hangout on Air this week but I could only watch and not participate.
21:39Jeff: Do you know what the problem was?
21:44Peggy George: got disconnected :-(
21:44Peggy George: I think problem was too many people for the hangout and no place to chat
21:45Peggy George: interesting point about Oovoo. Didn't know you could record without people knowing it was being recorded. Most tools have something that tells you a session is being recorded when you enter
21:50Erika Auger: talking about using the web for school I have been talking to people from different schools across the world and I have learned so much!
21:50Erika Auger: on skype, works very well!
21:50Peggy George: skyping with friends on a homework assignment is a great example-being able to talk adds a lot to the conversation that goes beyond what you can do on a google doc
21:54Tommy Buteau: Oh, I see the link now. Thanks.
21:54Peggy George: :-)
21:54Chris Sloan: How do you connect with these teachers, Erika. You use Skype, but how do you use it in your teaching?
21:57Peggy George: even on Skype you can share your screen while you're having the conversation :-)
21:57Peggy George: I was able to do that last night to share some great things about Livebinders and how I use them with a group of teachers in Singapore--all via Skype
21:58Peggy George: Did that with Chris Smith/shamblesguru and he streamed and recorded the skype call
22:00Erika Auger: Kelsey, If I were you, I would let people know what your interest in this is, or why you are doing it.
22:01Kelsey: How would I let them know?
22:04Peggy George: I could envision Jackie holding Google Hangouts with the Interact students to share their experiences and ask questions
22:05Peggy George: @Kelsey could you create a twitter hashtag for your group? Do they use Twitter?
22:07Kelsey: I don't think the school computers let you on Twitter. You can't get on Youtube or anything remotely useful.
22:08Peggy George: we have a special guest coming on Classroom 2.0 LIVE this Sat. Dec. 1 who will be sharing how his HS math students used a Facebook group to help each other with homework projects
22:08Peggy George: http://live.classroom20.comCome and join us. 12:00noon EST
22:09Peggy George: great conversation tonight! loved all of the ideas shared!
22:09Peggy George: thanks everyone!
22:09Kelsey: Glad to see you hear!
22:09Peggy George: you too Kelsey!
22:10Erika Auger: i just need an admin password for my computer
22:10Peggy George: absolutely @Erika!!!
22:11Christina: Great job everyone.
22:12Peggy George: good night everyone