Teachers +Beth Sanders @MsSandersTHSand +Daniel Whitt @WhittMister join us on this episode of TTT to talk about Youth Converts Culture youthconvertsculture.com along with their Alabama colleague, Al Elliott @ellication.
Youth Converts Culture (YCC) is an Alabama-based initiative combining technology with empathy to push education forward. YCC believes that empathy, student voice, and social awareness should drive instruction in the 21st Century. The YCC panel (brought to you in partnership with IDEA—the Institute for Democratic Education in America) will focus on constructing new, responsible, and engaging learning strategies designed to empower our youth to grow, communicate, and learn in a way that is congruent to who they are at their root: global citizens connected to the world as pioneering digital natives.
Daniel Whitt is a teacher, a digital media specialist, a filmmaker, and a social activist living in Madison, Alabama. He is Co-Founder/Co-Director of Youth Converts Culture.
Beth Sanders is a teacher, a technology consultant, and a social activist living in Birmingham, Alabama. She is Co-Founder/Co-Director of Youth Converts Culture.
Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.
20:58Peggy George: Hi Paul :-)
20:59Peggy George: stream is coming through great!
21:01Peggy George: would love to hear about Al's monthly webcast :-)
21:04Chris Sloan: Hi Joel and Peggy
21:05Peggy George: Hi Chris :-)
21:05Peggy George: This sounds like a great conversation!
21:07Peggy George: James Clemmons HS?
21:07Chris Sloan: Daniel sounds like he's got a fun job
21:07Peggy George: absolutely!! what a great school!
21:08Peggy George: Just found it :-)
21:08Peggy George: thanks!
21:09Peggy George: woo hoo!! paperless :-)
21:09Peggy George: do you have a link for Beth?
21:09Peggy George: awesome team in the Hangout!
21:10Peggy George: thanks. I had that link from the Titanpad. Was curious about Beth's school link
21:10Peggy George: Tarrant HS in Birmingham AL
21:10Peggy George: thanks for asking for me Chris :-)
21:11monika: youtube.com/jetspressjchs (daniel's student youtube channel)
21:11Peggy George: thanks monika
21:12Daniel: testing Daniel
21:12Peggy George: looking forward to checking out those youtube videos!
21:12Peggy George: Hi Daniel. Great to meet you. I'm in Phoenix AZ
21:13Daniel: Ditto Peggy
21:13Peggy George: interesting question...how many are over 50?
21:17Chris Sloan: Openness is more important than education. Awareness is more important than intelligence. And passion is more important than accreditation.
21:17Chris Sloan: from Daniel's blog
21:17Peggy George: wow! powerful!
21:19Peggy George: great perspective from Al :-)
21:19Peggy George: do we have a website/blog for Al?
21:21Peggy George: thanks :-)
21:21Peggy George: added a couple links in the Titanpad
21:24Peggy George: the Harvard description makes a lot of sense
21:26Peggy George: techie teachers :-)
21:27Peggy George: can really feel the passion in this team!
21:29Peggy George: love that book!! have it on my Kindle after hearing Tony Wagner interviewed by Steve Hargadon
21:30Peggy George: it's not about the tools but what the tools can do to connect us to each other-yeah Beth!
21:33Chris Sloan: manifest equity ...
21:33Peggy George: these stories/examples are very helpful!
21:37Peggy George: great question Paul! will you be able to do it again? funding?
21:38Chris Sloan: Yeah, I've been looking at some of those videos. Really compelling stuff
21:38Peggy George: fantastic school system support for the camp!
21:38Peggy George: I agree!
21:39Peggy George: hearing this must feel so rewarding to monika--what a difference her voice is making!
21:41Peggy George: what a huge role Twitter is playing in all of this!
21:41Peggy George: can you share that link here? blog from camp
21:47Peggy George: excellent point! lots of learning beyond just creating the videos!
21:50Peggy George: is there a link for Power of Video-he said on Twitter but thinking maybe youtube?
21:51Peggy George: powerofvideo on twitter hasn't tweeted since 2009 - just a few followers so I don't think that's it
21:52Chris Sloan: #powerofvideo
21:52Daniel: #powerofvideo
21:52Peggy George: is he saying twitter bomb?
21:52Chris Sloan: yes
21:53Peggy George: big difference between the hashtag site and the site without it!
21:53Peggy George: thanks!
21:57Peggy George: are you open? are you alive? can you listen? :-)
21:58Peggy George: like that! embed the standards into their passions :-)
22:03Peggy George: great philosophy about learning!
22:04Peggy George: that makes sense to me! write lesson plans after you teach :-) who are the lesson plans written for?
22:05Peggy George: love the idea of real live poets day!
22:07Peggy George: powerful learning statement! drove it too hard and beat a dead horse :-)
22:09Peggy George: very inspiring session! thank you all!!
22:10unnamed: Excellent! Darcy Bedortha
22:10Peggy George: good night all! see you next week!
22:10Daniel: Thanks to everyone for the opportunity to connect. Enjoyed it very much.