Jim Gee joins this episode of TTT, discussing his book, The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning. On this episode, we continue the conversation we started on TTT#350 http://edtechtalk.com/node/5197. Enjoy!
New York: Palgrave/Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=628397
eBook available here: http://us.macmillan.com/Book.aspx?isbn=9781137324115
Kindle edition: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009OZN6KS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270488014
Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.
20:56Chris Sloan: Hello
20:57Jesse Stommel: Hello everyone
20:57unnamed: Evening
20:58Marcie Lewis: Hi
21:00Chris Sloan: Hi Marcie and Amy. I'm a high school media and English teacher in Utah. What do you do?
21:00Marcie Lewis: I teach Grade 4 but I am going to be in MAET Year 1 this summer
21:01Amy Tetz: I am a Junior High Math teacher in Alberta, Canada
21:01Marcie Lewis: Amy - I am in Canada too!
21:01Amy Tetz: I just started CEP810 from the MAET in May
21:02Marcie Lewis: I am going to Galway in a few weeks to get started!
21:02Marcie Lewis: Glad to hear other Canadians in program!
21:03Amy Tetz: I am just doing mine online...as I am presently also finishing my Master's capstone project
21:03Amy Tetz: in Mathematics 4 Teaching
21:06Aram: I'm a 7th grade English teacher from East Lansing, Michigan.
21:06Amy Tetz: I have never done this before...what else do I need to do in order to be involved?
21:07Marcie Lewis: just watch the video feed above ... you might need to refresh
21:10Chris Sloan: Definitely looking forward to learning in Galway!
21:11Chris Sloan: @Amy as you watch the video you could ask questions and I'll forward them to Jim.
21:11Chris Sloan: or you could join us in the hangout if there's room
21:12Amy Tetz: I don't have a webcam on this computer
21:13Amy Tetz: but thank you for being willing to forward my questions
21:14Amy Tetz: My principal is studying resiliency in students
21:16Chris Sloan: what is your principal finding out about resiliency?
21:18Amy Tetz: He is finding 1) that connections between students and teachers are vital and 3) it is important to build on what students do well and help them learn the skills they need to improve the things they have weakness in
21:18Amy Tetz: lol that should be 2) not 3)
21:20Chris Sloan: makes sense
21:22Amy Tetz: it has become the vision statement for our school...and the difference since it has is very large
21:22Chris Sloan: looks like we have a few slots in the Hangout. Anybody want to join us?
21:27Angie Johnson: I haven't read this book yet, but it sounds fascinating and refreshingly honest. I'm an 8th grade English teacher in Michigan, where the state legistlature has just yesterday decided to defund the Common Core. How is power wrested from those whose interests are personal, not civic??
21:27Marcie Lewis: The importance of a transdiciplinary approach to important concepts seems to come through to me
21:34unnamed: Is grit and perseverance a comfort story when situated in a world full of dire problems?
21:35Joel: Like, is there any truth to "we'll just stick with it and get up if you fall down" or is the system functionally flawed?
21:35Chris Sloan: I'd venture to say that grit and perseverance are a means to deal with those dire problems. I think that's what Gee is saying
21:40Joel: This is definitely a "Connected Learning" discussion -- wowsa
21:41Joel: Bruno Litura? Spelling?
21:42Chris Sloan: @Joel. the big Mind, collective intelligence ... yeah, connected learning
21:42Jesse Stommel: Bruno Latour
21:42Joel: Now we're in Clay Shirky "Here Comes Everybody" territory --- interesting talk
21:47Chris Sloan: a curriculum that comes with modding tools. There's an idea
21:53Joel: so, how do you design that school where one kid can learn algebra in 6 weeks but another in 6 months?
21:54Joel: this is where we get into badges and self paced classes and some sort of online experience
21:55Chris Sloan: how to make a school like that work. seems inevitable, but still a ways away
21:55Jesse Stommel: What about cohorts that fork at different places. And one that asks students that achieve "mastery" to turn around and be teachers.
21:56Jesse Stommel: So roles of teacher and student become roles we move freely in and out of.
21:56Joel: Devil, as always, in the details...what would need to happen to shift from here to there
21:57Jesse Stommel: Who pays? Who gets paid?
21:58Jesse Stommel: Can we start by allowing learning collectives to bridge classes, grades, schools? Start in the smallest ways to burst the conventional containers for learning.
22:00Chris Sloan: Sounds good, Jesse
22:01Leigh: yes - what kills it IS grading.
22:03Jesse Stommel: The issue of assessment is hugely problematic. The main issue for me is that we go to that place before experimenting.
22:03Jesse Stommel: We need to make space for productive failure which doesn't fit into a lot of grading schema.
22:04Jesse Stommel: What if some of the courses were graded but the majority of them weren't?
22:04unnamed: There is precedence for "bridging classes, grades, schools: The Eight Year Project
22:05Leigh: would love to experiment w/that Jesse
22:08Chris Sloan: what's the Eight Year Project
22:10Leigh: thanks!