20:28Paul Allison: Welcome everybody!
20:57Peggy George: Hi Paul and all :-)
20:58Peggy George: video stream is coming through great!
21:02karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi Peggy.
21:02Peggy George: Hi Karen-was away sending out a tweet :-)
21:03Chris Sloan: Howdy
21:04Peggy George: Hi Chris :-)
21:09Peggy George: only hearing the echo from Haley
21:09Peggy George: hooray! all is well now--no more echo
21:10karen (@kfasimpaur): May have been me. Every once in a while I have a problem...not sure why.
21:11Chris Sloan: powerful story Haley
21:12Peggy George: such a touching story! thank you for sharing Haley!
21:12Peggy George: such a brave thing to do!
21:17Peggy George: was Haley using any online tools to help coordinate the support efforts?
21:18Peggy George: thanks Karen
21:19karen (@kfasimpaur): Answer from Haley: "the only tools I used were facebook and google docs"
21:19Peggy George: did she say a course on Epic Heroes?
21:20Chris Sloan: yes epic heroes was what I heard
21:20Peggy George: thanks
21:21Peggy George: it was also devastating to hear about the fire destroying the Boardwalk too!
21:22karen (@kfasimpaur): From Haley - "a friend used Meltwater for media outreach"
21:22Peggy George: using Facebook was a powerful way to call out for helicopter help!
21:23Peggy George: good to know Karen!
21:27Peggy George: that article is incredibly touching! can't read it without getting tears!
21:31Peggy George: that's your cue Karen :-)
21:31karen (@kfasimpaur): :)
21:34Peggy George: are you still in the Hangout Karen?
21:35karen (@kfasimpaur): I am. It's dark. :)
21:36monika: oops i see someone already shared that..
21:37monika: thank you Karen
21:37Christina: hi all ... I've been lurking so I thought I should say hello.
21:37karen (@kfasimpaur): hi chris
21:38Christina: indulging student interests!
21:38Peggy George: Hi Christina :-)
21:39Peggy George: Hi monika. Always great to see you!
21:39karen (@kfasimpaur): Griffina + Maria and the students she just mentioned were all in hte YV summer program
21:39Christina: excellent. coyotes. I saw one last summer at Seaside beach (in NJ)!
21:39karen (@kfasimpaur): Love the connection around power issues
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): oh yes, marina as well...
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): lovely group
21:41Aliyah: Am I on?
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi Aliyah!
21:41Peggy George: great ideas being shared! love it!
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): Would you like to join hte hangout?
21:42Peggy George: Hi Aliyah!
21:42Peggy George: 2 Karens in the hangout?
21:43Aliyah: Hi. I have been trying to join the chat but I haven't been successful ;o(
21:43karen (@kfasimpaur): Kiran and Karen :)
21:43Peggy George: aha-thanks
21:43Peggy George: there should be room in the hangout Aliyah--9 people there now
21:43Christina: I first met Paul at that school! I remember we did a response (I think to a piece of text) by drawing ... it's very vague in my mind still but I remember really appreciating what the teachers were doing together there!
21:43Aliyah: OMG I have info for the person who is speaking now!
21:44karen (@kfasimpaur): Aliyah, I just jumped out of hte hangout so you can join now
21:45Peggy George: love your story @Christina :-)
21:45Aliyah: oh, thanks. I am still not sure how.
21:46karen (@kfasimpaur): (You'll want to turn off the video here first)
21:47monika: hi Peggy.
21:47monika: i'm so bad at following sometimes
21:47monika: my eyes are dying. : )
21:47Peggy George: so many things to follow!!
21:48Aliyah: okay, I realized if there are too many people on I can't get on. I just wanted Paul to know that I am still here and I would love to continue networking with teachers.
21:49Peggy George: very interesting point about templates not giving kids enough of a voice of their own. I agree.
21:51karen (@kfasimpaur): I see both sides of this. I've seen a lot of kids write some wonderful comments because of the comments guide.
21:51monika: can't really get authentic voice if it's from an extrinsic source.. no?
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): Still it can also be constraining.
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): Some kids have a hard time getting started without a template-ish guide at first
21:52monika: or do they just need more time to seemingly do nothing..
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): ...depends on the kids
21:52monika: yeah
21:53karen (@kfasimpaur): hard to judge what's going on sometimes
21:53karen (@kfasimpaur): could guides be optional or only used when needed?
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): Aliyah was in the summer program as well
21:55Peggy George: glad that Aliyah was able to get into the hangout
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): me too :)
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): so cute
21:56karen (@kfasimpaur): I'm here if anyone needs help!
21:57monika: everything optional is ideal.. no?
21:57Peggy George: can you post some ideas on Youth Voices about tips for managing that startup problem?
21:57monika: nothing is bad, just if it's compulsory
21:57Peggy George: I'll bet many people have problems getting started with the management issues
21:58monika: Haley got knocked off again.. she wanted to make sure you guys knew she really appreciated joining you
21:58karen (@kfasimpaur): It was so great to hear from her. Tell her thanks from all of us.
21:59karen (@kfasimpaur): yes, peggy. there's a fair amount of that on the p2pu group, but folks may not know how to get ot it.
21:59karen (@kfasimpaur): We might need an hour just on mgt issues!
22:00Peggy George: fun! circling literature circles :-)
22:00Peggy George: that's a great idea Karen! an entire session on management issues!
22:01karen (@kfasimpaur): not as fun as lit circles...but important I guess
22:02Chris Sloan: mgt issues pop up a lot, and sometimes seems to prevent teachers from using YV in their teaching
22:02Christina: this a great show! I'll be back to watch the archive ... really great. Night all!
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): good night christina
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): True, Chris
22:04Peggy George: I agree Chris! If management issues keep people from getting involved in YV it's really important!
22:09Peggy George: Today's Featured Discussions may help with that
22:16Peggy George: are there examples of student writing about books on #nwp?
22:16karen (@kfasimpaur): possibly at Diigtal Is
22:18karen (@kfasimpaur): good night all!
22:18Peggy George: good night everyone! great conversation!