TTT#365 Colorado Floods and Youth Voices w/ Griffina Blake, Haley Sladek, Joann Boettcher, Maria Lam, Kiran Chaudhuri - 09.25.13

What an exciting group of teachers join us on this episode of TTT, recorded September 25, 2013. We talk about curriculum plans and using together to connect our students and their inquiries. Enjoy this live webcast, and plan to join us soon on a Wednesday at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific.

Before all of that, at the beginning of this episode we take time to check in with a colleague who had been facing flooding in Colorado in the days before this webcast.

Joining us on this episode:

Griffina B.'s profile photo Griffina Blake Haley Sladek's profile photo Haley Sladek Joann Boettcher's profile photo Joann Boettcher Karen Fasimpaur's profile photo Karen Fasimpaur Maria Lam's profile photo Maria Lam
Kiran Chaudhuri's profile photo Kiran Chaudhuri Marina Lombardo's profile photo Marina Lombardo Jake Jacobs's profile photo Jake Jacobs Tommy Buteau's profile photo Tommy Buteau Aliyah Hayes's profile photo Aliyah Hayes

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find a couple of links to the resources shared during this episode of TTT.

Notes from the Webcast:

Here's a Colorado flood story like the one that is recounted on this episode of TTT:



Thoughts about things to discuss during Connected Educator month:
- referring other teachers/schools to related work -> more sharing
- getting teachers who are not currently connected connected - Isn't this a teacher equity issue?
- connecting with the community, local government, the arts, etc. - issues that matter to us
- teachers as does being connected fit into this? does our profession adequately value our being connected educators?
Possible topics for a YV logistics/mgt show:
-  How to manage user names and pws (not just on the system but assigning for easy mgt) - could also talk about file naming
- missions 
- modifying the grid and remixing YV in general
- commenting
- "what's next?"
- how can we best connect with other classrooms? (e.g. lit circles, art, This I Believe, etc.)
- Croc Docs - sharing, curating, and annotating reserach
- mentor texts (Kim at SDWP?)



Chat from September 25, 2013

20:28Paul Allison: Welcome everybody!
20:57Peggy George: Hi Paul and all :-)
20:58Peggy George: video stream is coming through great!
21:02karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi Peggy.
21:02Peggy George: Hi Karen-was away sending out a tweet :-)
21:03Chris Sloan: Howdy
21:04Peggy George: Hi Chris :-)
21:09Peggy George: only hearing the echo from Haley
21:09Peggy George: hooray! all is well now--no more echo
21:10karen (@kfasimpaur): May have been me. Every once in a while I have a problem...not sure why.
21:11Chris Sloan: powerful story Haley
21:12Peggy George: such a touching story! thank you for sharing Haley!
21:12Peggy George: such a brave thing to do!
21:17Peggy George: was Haley using any online tools to help coordinate the support efforts?
21:18Peggy George: thanks Karen
21:19karen (@kfasimpaur): Answer from Haley: "the only tools I used were facebook and google docs"
21:19Peggy George: did she say a course on Epic Heroes?
21:20Chris Sloan: yes epic heroes was what I heard
21:20Peggy George: thanks
21:21Peggy George: it was also devastating to hear about the fire destroying the Boardwalk too!
21:22karen (@kfasimpaur): From Haley - "a friend used Meltwater for media outreach"
21:22Peggy George: using Facebook was a powerful way to call out for helicopter help!
21:23Peggy George: good to know Karen!
21:27Peggy George: that article is incredibly touching! can't read it without getting tears!
21:31Peggy George: that's your cue Karen :-)
21:31karen (@kfasimpaur): :)
21:34Peggy George: are you still in the Hangout Karen?
21:35karen (@kfasimpaur): I am. It's dark. :)
21:36monika: oops i see someone already shared that..
21:37monika: thank you Karen
21:37Christina: hi all ... I've been lurking so I thought I should say hello.
21:37karen (@kfasimpaur): hi chris
21:38Christina: indulging student interests!
21:38Peggy George: Hi Christina :-)
21:39Peggy George: Hi monika. Always great to see you!
21:39karen (@kfasimpaur): Griffina + Maria and the students she just mentioned were all in hte YV summer program
21:39Christina: excellent. coyotes. I saw one last summer at Seaside beach (in NJ)!
21:39karen (@kfasimpaur): Love the connection around power issues
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): oh yes, marina as well...
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): lovely group
21:41Aliyah: Am I on?
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi Aliyah!
21:41Peggy George: great ideas being shared! love it!
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): Would you like to join hte hangout?
21:42Peggy George: Hi Aliyah!
21:42Peggy George: 2 Karens in the hangout?
21:43Aliyah: Hi. I have been trying to join the chat but I haven't been successful ;o(
21:43karen (@kfasimpaur): Kiran and Karen :)
21:43Peggy George: aha-thanks
21:43Peggy George: there should be room in the hangout Aliyah--9 people there now
21:43Christina: I first met Paul at that school! I remember we did a response (I think to a piece of text) by drawing ... it's very vague in my mind still but I remember really appreciating what the teachers were doing together there!
21:43Aliyah: OMG I have info for the person who is speaking now!
21:44Aliyah: email me at [email protected] (lit circles)
21:44karen (@kfasimpaur): Aliyah, I just jumped out of hte hangout so you can join now
21:45Peggy George: love your story @Christina :-)
21:45Aliyah: oh, thanks. I am still not sure how.
21:46karen (@kfasimpaur): (You'll want to turn off the video here first)
21:47monika: hi Peggy.
21:47monika: i'm so bad at following sometimes
21:47monika: my eyes are dying. : )
21:47Peggy George: so many things to follow!!
21:48Aliyah: okay, I realized if there are too many people on I can't get on. I just wanted Paul to know that I am still here and I would love to continue networking with teachers.
21:49Peggy George: very interesting point about templates not giving kids enough of a voice of their own. I agree.
21:51karen (@kfasimpaur): I see both sides of this. I've seen a lot of kids write some wonderful comments because of the comments guide.
21:51monika: can't really get authentic voice if it's from an extrinsic source.. no?
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): Still it can also be constraining.
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): Some kids have a hard time getting started without a template-ish guide at first
21:52monika: or do they just need more time to seemingly do nothing..
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): ...depends on the kids
21:52monika: yeah
21:53karen (@kfasimpaur): hard to judge what's going on sometimes
21:53karen (@kfasimpaur): could guides be optional or only used when needed?
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): Aliyah was in the summer program as well
21:55Peggy George: glad that Aliyah was able to get into the hangout
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): me too :)
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): so cute
21:56karen (@kfasimpaur): I'm here if anyone needs help!
21:57monika: everything optional is ideal.. no?
21:57Peggy George: can you post some ideas on Youth Voices about tips for managing that startup problem?
21:57monika: nothing is bad, just if it's compulsory
21:57Peggy George: I'll bet many people have problems getting started with the management issues
21:58monika: Haley got knocked off again.. she wanted to make sure you guys knew she really appreciated joining you
21:58karen (@kfasimpaur): It was so great to hear from her. Tell her thanks from all of us.
21:59karen (@kfasimpaur): yes, peggy. there's a fair amount of that on the p2pu group, but folks may not know how to get ot it.
21:59karen (@kfasimpaur): We might need an hour just on mgt issues!
22:00Peggy George: fun! circling literature circles :-)
22:00Peggy George: that's a great idea Karen! an entire session on management issues!
22:01karen (@kfasimpaur): not as fun as lit circles...but important I guess
22:02Chris Sloan: mgt issues pop up a lot, and sometimes seems to prevent teachers from using YV in their teaching
22:02Christina: this a great show! I'll be back to watch the archive ... really great. Night all!
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): good night christina
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): True, Chris
22:04Peggy George: I agree Chris! If management issues keep people from getting involved in YV it's really important!
22:09Peggy George: Today's Featured Discussions may help with that
22:16Peggy George: are there examples of student writing about books on #nwp?
22:16karen (@kfasimpaur): possibly at Diigtal Is
22:18karen (@kfasimpaur): good night all!
22:18Peggy George: good night everyone! great conversation!