I Have a Question #1 - Motivating Participation and Feedback in Online Learning
Jeff - Mon, 2014-04-07 10:43
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I Have a Question April 6, 2014 (Motivating Participation and Feedback in Online Learning)
April 6, 2014
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I Have a Question
April 6, 2014
How Can We Motivate Participation and Feedback in Online Learning?
Links Mentioned
- @eduquestion #eduquestion
- Jen's 2006 CMS Academy Proposal
- Jeff's Online CALL Course
- Dave's Rhizo 14 and Rhizo14 Facebook Group
- Giulia Forsythe and her awesome drawings
- EdTechTalk Facebook
- EduQuestion Facebook Group
- EdTechTalk Google+ Community
- Scott Johnson Clarissa Bezerra, Yes, I like the being responsible stuff but I hesitate for everyone to say this works.
- Scott Johnson More a case of being able in their own voice to be responsibleClarissa Bezerra. We are sort of freaks here in our abilities and confidence.
- Scott Johnson We are taught that answers can only come from experts and feel like they are going beyond their permissions to think "big thoughts."
- Scott Johnson That was interesting. Did you take notes so we can answer the questions next week? Clarissa Bezerraisa
- Carol Yeager Thanks so much for the heads up, Clarissa Bezerra. Time just slips right through the sieve of life for me ...
- Clarissa Bezerra lol Scott Johnson I had an eye on my little critter and the other on the Edtech something chat.
- Jeff Lebow Thanks much all. That was fun. If it's OK, I publish this chat along with the show on EdTechTalk.
- Carol Yeager Could one of the q's be about self learning/self teaching? for crowd sourcing ...? Maybe we can try not to duplicate q's ...
- Scott Johnson Clarissa Bezerra, could we maybe practice slow disorientation or is that already patented?
- Clarissa Bezerra Scott Johnson, *lol* I don't think that is patented yet... let me ask someone here...
- Clarissa Bezerra Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow, Scott Johnson has a question: Do you think people can accept themselves as teachers of self?
- Carol Yeager Dave Cormier ... 30 min is great, easier to schedule and next time will try to actually remember ... or, Clarissa Bezerra will post in FB for our heads up thx CB
- Scott Johnson The answer is Yes to the above and I think self-taught people do struggle with being critical of their own ideas.
- Clarissa Bezerra I had one of those tiny little angels (or demons) that hover over your shoulder telling you to do stuff send me a reminder via messenger to remind of chat time.
- Clarissa Bezerra Hmm, Scott Johnson. Do self-taught people suffer from lack of confidence in own's abilities or knowledge to the extent that they don't like to be challenged?
- Carol Yeager OK, bedtime for the elder self educated one ... and I cannot type anywhere near as fast nor as correctly as some of you ...
- Clarissa Bezerra off to bed myself. Julia has gone night night finally. glass of wine and bed for me. cheers all. luv.
EdTechTalk Live Chat
Here is the link the paper I was saying ... [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/ry9x8wc095s73jh/jmaddrel_R625_Drupal_Prototype...
The only thing that is failure to me, is not trying.
Hello, Everyone.
Jennifer set up an amazing project!
I'm having a cool chat w Scott Johnson on the FB rhizo14 about what these guys are chatting.
10 hours ago
Hi, Gabrielle! :)
This is me (Jennifer) :)
hello Jeff :)
Just happened to be checking my Facebbook and then ended up here Lol
This is such a nuanced discussion of learning/teaching!! Thanks, again... I'm very engaged and listening.
8 hours ago
Thanks for the wonderful coverage today!
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