EdTechTalk has been a webcasting community of practice since 2005. We meet here to talk about education, technology, our practice and any thing else that's on our minds as educators.
Sections (as determined and not-so-accurately described by Zoom's AI)
The team discussed the concept of abundance, particularly in relation to material and information goods, and its impact on the traditional teacher-student relationship and the role of education. They also explored the challenges of staying informed on various issues, the importance of critical thinking and information literacy, and the need for simplicity and transparency in recipe websites and cooking approaches. Lastly, they engaged in a lively discussion about the impact of music on society, the changing definition of authorship in the digital age, and their preferences for educational podcasts.
The EdTechWeekly gang continues its discussionof Dave's new book, Learning in a Time of Abundance.
This week: Chapter 1 - Change Has Never Been a Bargain
It took a pandemic, but the ETW gang took a break from its hiatus...at least for one show.
March 22, 2020
with with@davecormier@jenm@schinker & @jefflebow Pre-show: 00:00~12:30 Main Show: 12:30 >
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