EdTechTalk has been a webcasting community of practice since 2005. We meet here to talk about education, technology, our practice and any thing else that's on our minds as educators.
Bud Hunt and Bob Sprankle dropped by this Sunday to talk to us about what's going on in their classes... which is alot. From 9 year old podcasters to high school blogging it was a round trip ticket to the best that's going on in K-12 edtech. Barbara Ganley dropped in near the end of the show and we jammed out some ideas for collaboration, for kids training adults and worked out a quick competition for an Edtechtalk coffee mug emailed to your computer.
Today, Jeff managed to pry himself away from the computer long enough to enjoy the face to face world of edtech at the 2005 Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. Brought my IRiver and was able to capture a couple of interesting discussions. One is with a member of the Moodle development team about upcoming integration of blogging and podcasting, and another is with Kathy Malsbenden and Rich Chretien about their open source initiatives in New Hampshire. Audio from Bob Sprankle's presentation is available from his Bit by Bit Podcast.
In this episode, Dave Cormier & Jeff Lebow begin anew by reintroducing EdTechTalk and some of the basic elements of eductional technology today. For newcomers, this is a good show to start with to get oriented and for frequent listeners and opportunity to make sure you’re up to speed. Topics discussed include open source software and philosophy, blogging, podcasting, rss, content management systems, and web 2.0. Dave & Jeff also announce the launch of their eductional consulting business and Worldbridges hosting of the live award show for the 2005 Edublogger Awards.
This show saw a review of the webhead in action conference, as well as edtech news and a discussion on the future of educational conferences. We talked about suprglu, the new edtech toolkit and our future attempts at community... check it out!
Our discussion with the founder and manager of eslcafe.com, the web’s most popular English as a Second Language website and communiy. This live interactive webcast was part of the three day Webheads in Action Online Convergence. Archives of this and other sessions that were part of WiAOC can be found at http://wiaoc.org/
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
What are you waiting for? These are limited edition items. Shop now and avoid the rush!