EdTechTalk has been a webcasting community of practice since 2005. We meet here to talk about education, technology, our practice and any thing else that's on our minds as educators.
EdTech Talk #9 - July 24, 2005 - ed tech assets with Jeff Cooper
Talking about Educational Technology in the classroom, with lots of quick and easy tools with Jeff Cooper Download mp3 (22MB, 48:11 )
week we are going to talk with Jeff Cooper. He's an active member and part of the online support team at
and has been doing ed-tech 'in the field' and experimenting with
educational collaboratives for more than a decade. In addition to
discussing Tapped In's past, present,and future, we will be talking
about different websites that teachers
can use to support their teaching, ways to motivate students through
the use of technology and some all-round strategies for using
ed-tech in the real world. For some useful background reading, check
out Jeff's article in the NETC Circuit.
...a great conversation with Dave Tosh & Ben Werdmuller, developers of elgg.net - a fully customizable learning landscape. For all those interested, we recommend going to their site and either joining their online community or downloading their open source software and taking it for a test drive on
EdTech Talk #6 Part 1 - July 10, 2005 Download mp3 - ( 22.2MB, 46:10)
A discussion with Kevin Davison, Professor of Education at Mount. St. Vincent University, about the practical side of delivering successful courses online, schools and policy around online education and how gender and age can be important factors when considering the change from paper to digital.
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