Chat Below All times shown in Eastern time GMT Time: 01:00 GMT to 02:00 GMT on April 22nd, 2008 20:58:29 JoseRodriguez -> can someone check ustream 20:58:39 PeggyG -> Woot! 26 hour -2 bonus hours :-) 20:58:50 Doug -> have Jose on ustream now 20:58:54 sheila -> hi evelyn 20:58:57 derrallg -> ustream is working 20:59:02 evelyn -> hi there! 20:59:03 sheila -> hi wrno 20:59:03 Doug -> sounds good 20:59:09 wrno -> hey 20:59:14 PeggyG -> yes ustream working here. 20:59:44 Doug -> woohoo, well done 1st hr in the bank! 20:59:56 wrno -> what do i do now 21:00:29 sheila -> well we are switching to another stream I think. stay tuned . . . you can stay here for a bit. 21:00:30 Doug -> playing Jeh's intro now 21:00:33 Doug -> on ustream 21:00:34 derrallg -> great job 21:00:35 hrmo -> Will the chat room continue for the next 23 hours? 21:00:41 sheila -> yes 21:00:55 sheila -> Can you all still hear? 21:00:57 JoseRodriguez -> is sound coming through 21:01:01 Doug -> yes 21:01:09 hrmo -> yes 21:01:10 Doug -> JL restreaming on ETTA 21:01:11 sheila -> I'm on realplayer - yes 21:01:18 JoseRodriguez -> thanks jeff 21:01:28 matt montagne -> hey everyone 21:01:33 JL -> Jose, do you want to take over ETT A? 21:01:39 sheila -> Great job Matt! 21:01:44 Doug -> Hey Matt well done 21:01:48 PeggyG -> Just hearing the promo on ustream-is the live conversation coming through? 21:01:51 matt montagne -> thanks sheila! 21:01:58 Doug -> yes Peggy 21:02:00 matt montagne -> appreciate the props 21:02:05 wrno -> i can't hear anyhting 21:02:14 Doug -> audio stream is about 20 sec behind ustream 21:02:25 sheila -> I have another student in the chat room:) 21:02:28 Doug -> may have to restart your okayer 21:02:32 Doug -> player 21:02:49 Doug -> to hear stream--try refreshing/stopping and starting 21:02:53 wrno -> how do i do that? 21:03:04 Doug -> just stop and start itunes 21:03:07 sheila -> @wrno - you may have to restart the stream 21:03:18 hrmo -> @wrno- you have to click on the sound button over to the right under EdTechTalk-A 21:03:25 Doug -> or whatever you're listening to stream--or just click on ustream 21:03:37 Doug -> to listen via ustream 21:03:39 sheila -> @wrno- you have to click on the sound button over to the right under EdTechTalk-A 21:03:53 sheila -> @wrno - can you hear? 21:04:05 wrno -> uhh hold on let me find it first 21:04:24 matt montagne -> Did Mark's project start in 1994? 21:04:37 sheila -> when you restart it may boot you off the chat. 21:04:39 JoseRodriguez -> 93 I think 21:05:05 Doug -> click on the black icon to launch the "default player" 21:05:23 wrno -> waoh i can hear.. :D 21:05:24 JoseRodriguez -> 94 21:05:54 PeggyG -> Hearing the live ustream now with Alice and It's Elementary. Bandwidth of ustream froze my computer and had to log in again. All is well now. 21:05:59 wrno -> what do i do now? 21:06:15 sheila -> can you hear? 21:06:41 wrno -> @Sheila well it said welcome and thats it 21:06:47 JoseRodriguez -> How is ustream? 21:06:57 hrmo -> @sheila- maybe we should do that in science class, decorate grocery bags 21:07:12 wrno -> that would be so much fun 21:07:18 wrno -> i say we do it 21:07:31 sheila -> @wrmo - there's some icons you can click on to hear what they are talking about. 21:07:40 sheila -> Hi lisa! 21:07:53 wrno -> lisa=] 21:08:04 sheila -> @wrno - hrmo - let's work on it - the bags . . . 21:08:13 alicemercer -> Welcome all 21:08:21 alicemercer -> How are we doing? 21:08:30 wrno -> @ Sheila i think its a great idea 21:08:55 sheila -> @wrno - can you hear? 21:09:00 Doug -> stream should be back on ETTA 21:09:06 Doug -> lost connection 21:09:23 sheila -> Hello Lucy 21:09:32 PeggyG -> @Doug--multitasking :-) 21:09:35 hrmo -> I can't hear anymore, but I better be going anyway, night all. 21:09:42 derrallg -> hi Lucy 21:09:44 lisa harrison -> Hi Lucy! 21:09:49 wrno -> no im still tryin to find it but idk 21:09:50 sheila -> nite hrmo! 21:10:07 LucyGray -> Hi Sheila, Derall and Lisa! 21:10:21 sheila -> @wrno - do you see the box that says channel? 21:10:30 wrno -> yes 21:11:07 LucyGray -> I loved this project... you're talking about the Grocery Bag project, right? 21:11:10 sheila -> @wrno- click on the black sound picture or the others. 21:11:21 LucyGray -> I used to organize this at my old school. 21:11:29 JoseRodriguez -> 21:11:40 wrno -> i can here 21:11:54 sheila -> @yeah!! 21:12:00 PeggyG -> PSA videos are such a great way to spread the word about environment tips--very managable to create short 30 sec.-1 minute clips. :-) 21:12:54 Doug -> greetings newcomers 21:13:04 shaun fletcher -> hi 21:13:07 matt montagne -> 21:13:15 Doug -> ETTA and ustream audio available on r side of page 21:13:25 matt montagne -> check out the earthcast08 promo video 21:13:27 wrno -> @sheila i do it get to hear like are kids from RJH things 21:13:38 Doug -> click the black speaker icon for stream, or play button in ustream for audio 21:13:48 Durff -> Geotagging sounds fun 21:13:55 Doug -> please let us know if you're having difficulties 21:14:00 matt montagne -> submit your earth day 08 photos to the earthcast08 flickr group 21:14:07 sheila -> @wrno - this hour is more for teachers talking about different ideas for the classroom. 21:14:09 LucyGray -> What is his twitter name? 21:14:11 Durff -> does that include me? 21:14:20 sheila -> @wrno - this is where I get some ideas. 21:14:23 Doug -> @Durff especially you! 21:14:40 alicemercer -> So we doing okay on UStream 21:14:43 PeggyG -> Photos of student posters of environmental tips would also be great to share. 21:14:56 wrno -> @ sheila really thats so cool but i do think the bags are a great idea i say w do it in class some time soon 21:15:05 Durff -> i need all the help i can get 21:15:13 JoseRodriguez -> 21:15:21 sheila -> @wrno - let's look into it. . . 21:15:35 wrno -> @sheila sounds great to me =D 21:15:50 sheila -> :D 21:16:10 derrallg -> @lucy mahlness 21:16:12 Durff -> why not use cloth? 21:16:28 wrno -> @ sheila wel ima go to bed okay night have fun night all RJH students :D 21:16:39 Durff -> nite 21:16:46 sheila -> @wrno - Thanks for trying this 21:16:48 Durff -> enjoyed having you 21:16:56 wrno -> =] 21:17:00 JoseRodriguez -> 21:17:02 sheila -> nite 21:17:12 Durff -> hi brad 21:17:13 colettec -> why not have kids design logos and then iron onto reusable bags ??? 21:17:16 JoseRodriguez -> good night sheila 21:17:19 Durff -> cool 21:17:22 matt montagne -> what a fantastic project mark has here 21:17:23 JoseRodriguez -> Hi brad 21:17:32 Brad_Hicks -> Hi guys 21:17:54 sheila -> heading out for now . . . 21:18:11 Brad_Hicks -> It's been a while between drinks for me with ETT - so busy with work! 21:18:13 Durff -> sound brad? 21:18:35 Brad_Hicks -> no just listening in, watchiong baby and 3 yr old at same time 21:18:49 Durff -> but do you have sound brad? 21:18:53 Durff -> hi chet 21:19:00 Durff -> welcome to earthcastr 21:19:02 Brad_Hicks -> yes stream is fine 21:19:05 alicemercer -> 21:19:08 Durff -> ty brad 21:19:56 matt montagne -> alice is right...the pictures are beautiful 21:20:09 matt montagne -> UN Millenium Developemnetn Goals 21:20:19 alicemercer -> Makes me verchlephmt 21:20:20 matt montagne -> MDG 21:21:19 alicemercer -> verkelmpft 21:21:44 Durff -> hi chriss 21:21:48 Durff -> welcome 21:21:55 Durff -> sound to your right 21:22:09 chrisssve -> Hi thanks 21:22:45 JoseRodriguez -> 21:23:02 matt montagne -> Environmental Science Education seems to have died 21:23:05 JoseRodriguez -> This was my post on Sustainability in Education 21:23:14 PeggyG -> I keep losing my ability to chat. Seems to be a bandwidth issue with ustream running--unusual for me. Just have to sit and wait for text line to come back. :-( 21:23:34 Durff -> might be java 21:23:38 matt montagne -> I remember in the late 70s Environmental Sci and conservation was HUGE! 21:23:45 Durff -> maybe needs an update 21:23:48 Durff -> hi james 21:24:01 Durff -> welcome! 21:24:01 James.Sigler -> Hi everybody! 21:24:08 James.Sigler -> thnx 21:24:15 Durff -> sound to your right 21:24:20 Doug -> hey James 21:24:24 Doug -> good to see you 21:24:38 James.Sigler -> Hi doug, glad I could make it 21:24:49 Doug -> ustream and ETTA are our audio choices today 21:25:19 James.Sigler -> ustream, cool! 21:25:21 matt montagne -> No plastic bags at Whole Foods any longer....hooray! 21:25:46 alicemercer -> 21:26:02 matt montagne -> be careful wiht the seach term, "trash for teachers" 21:26:06 Durff -> hooray matt 21:26:15 matt montagne -> it yields some interesting things 21:26:36 JoseRodriguez -> don't look it up.... 21:26:39 James.Sigler -> We started using all cloth bags teachers instead of plastic bags at the grocery store 21:26:40 PeggyG -> @Matt-thanks for the warning-was just about to try it :-) 21:26:43 JoseRodriguez -> hahaha 21:26:45 Durff -> i think your part of usa is more conscious of the environment than my area 21:27:02 matt montagne -> @peggy...who would've thought! 21:27:07 alicemercer -> 21:27:10 Doug -> tag carefully, hahahaha 21:27:14 alicemercer -> Yeah matt, noted 21:27:22 alicemercer -> I can't find a good link for trash for teachers 21:27:28 JoseRodriguez -> acutally it's called trash for teaching NOT teachers 21:27:37 JoseRodriguez -> no website out here 21:27:38 Durff -> only matt would do such a search 21:27:40 alicemercer -> 21:27:46 matt montagne -> @james.sig-my wife and I kicked the plastic bag habbit a year ago 21:27:51 PeggyG -> Somebody else try :-) Let us know... 21:28:04 James.Sigler -> @matt good for you 21:28:05 Durff -> it's all yours matt 21:28:20 Durff -> the search that is 21:28:24 alicemercer -> okay it's not letting me put a link in with the word scr*p 21:28:32 matt montagne -> I joined a facebook group that challenges members to use 10 or fewer plastic bags in a year! 21:28:39 alicemercer -> So I'm putting in an asterisk for the a: http://www.scr* 21:28:49 matt montagne -> EarthHour was great 21:29:09 PeggyG -> I remember being a frequent visitor to one of those teacher resource centers in Western MA ovre 25 years ago--fantastic place all run by volunteers. 21:29:23 James.Sigler -> I have been researching how to start a recycling program at my school 21:29:48 matt montagne -> @James...your school doesn't recycle? 21:29:56 James.Sigler -> My wife challanged me to get my school to recycle a lot more 21:29:59 shaun fletcher -> Composting with Earth Machine at my school 21:30:24 James.Sigler -> We do recycle office paper in the classrooms and printer cartridges 21:30:34 Durff -> cool shaun 21:30:57 James.Sigler -> @shaun Earth Machine? 21:31:00 PeggyG -> WE learned that it is critical to get your Facility Manager/Plant Manager on board with any school recycling project! They can make/break it. 21:31:11 matt montagne -> @shaun composting is a great model... 21:31:19 shaun fletcher -> Justa balck barrell with a lid and vents 21:31:22 chrisssve -> @matt, how many bags did you use? just curious. 21:31:56 matt montagne -> @chrissive...I haven't used any plastic bags this year yet at all! 21:32:06 matt montagne -> I still have my full 10 to use! 21:32:11 chrisssve -> whoa. i am impressed 21:32:14 James.Sigler -> I talked to our custodian today. He estimated we go through at least 150 fluorescent bulbs a year, just in our school. 21:32:22 JoseRodriguez -> Hey James 21:32:29 James.Sigler -> Hi Jose 21:32:30 shaun fletcher -> @matt what do you put your garbage in? 21:32:34 matt montagne -> I recommend joining the Facebook Plastic Bag Challenge group 21:32:49 colettec -> Students Recycling Used Technology - StRUT is a program incorporated into schools where students take donated computers and computer components and upgrade them for the use in schools. 21:32:49 matt montagne -> @shaun...I'm sorry...I'm only talking about grocery bags 21:32:59 matt montagne -> we still use petro based trash bags 21:33:12 shaun fletcher -> got it 21:33:14 matt montagne -> but I'm looking into corn based alternatives 21:33:27 PeggyG -> Our AZ StRUT day was just Saturday and they couldn't even handle all of the donations! Very successful! 21:33:41 Durff -> wow! 21:33:48 James.Sigler -> @coletec I heard of StRUT. I sounds like a great way to reduce and reuse ewaste 21:34:01 matt montagne -> @james...CFLs make a HUGE difference in consumption of electricity 21:34:49 James.Sigler -> @matt I agree. I am gradually replacing our light bulbs with CFLs 21:34:52 PeggyG -> Our StRUT organizers did broadcasting from all of the locations on the radio throughout the day and had to keep announcing alternative locations. Even offered to send trucks for businesses and larger donations. Amazing! 21:35:07 shaun fletcher -> @ matt Is the earthcast wiki a good place to share a VT on composting?... even if it is after tomorrow ? 21:35:33 PeggyG -> I asked earlier but would still like to know. What is the proper way to dispose of CFL bulbs since they contain mercury? 21:35:34 James.Sigler -> However, Fluorescents and CFLs contain Mercury and are a hazardous waste when they break 21:35:50 Doug -> @Shaun I think the wiki is a GREAT spot for capturing resources 21:35:58 matt montagne -> @james...I'm a total geek with electricity use in my home 21:36:04 chrisssve -> students at our school started an afterschool energy club. They saved enough money with their enthusiasm and encouragment to make the school board take notice. it was pretty cool. 21:36:10 matt montagne -> here is a picture of my electric bill: 21:36:14 shaun fletcher -> they are to be disposed with batteriesand such in harazoourous wastes 21:36:24 matt montagne -> shaun...yes, share on the wiki...please do 21:36:36 James.Sigler -> I just read today. Put the broken CFL in a box and seal it in a plastic bag, at least in the US 21:36:38 matt montagne -> @shaun...would love to share it... 21:37:03 Doug -> please everyone add links to resources in wiki--LOVE to see it as resource going fwd 21:37:08 shaun fletcher -> @matt super 21:37:09 Durff -> the future of earth day? 21:37:13 James.Sigler -> In MO waste disposal co have the option of refusing to take hazardous waste 21:37:20 PeggyG -> @Matt A picture is worth a thousand words! awesome graph of elecrical consumption. I need to look at mine. 21:37:22 matt montagne -> @james...this could be a myth, but I've read that the amt of merc in a CFL is equal to 4 cans of tuna 21:37:31 shaun fletcher -> anyone seen the story of stuff? 21:37:38 Durff -> who eats tuna? 21:37:51 matt montagne -> wife thinks I'm a total dork 21:37:57 Durff -> is that like affluenza? 21:38:16 matt montagne -> story of stuff is AWESOME! 21:38:22 Durff -> hi nd 21:38:29 Durff -> welcome! 21:38:30 nd -> hi 21:38:33 matt montagne -> don't forget to sign the earthcast 08 guesbook below 21:38:39 Durff -> sound to your right 21:39:08 Doug -> fro guest book 21:39:23 nd -> Matt - thought I'd check in to see what's happening on Earth Cast - Mme 21:39:33 matt montagne -> future of earth day? good question.. 21:39:33 Durff -> someone shoot my neighbors 21:39:40 PeggyG -> What was the link for the HS group that was on ETT last week telling about their environmental Club? They were doing some fantastic things! 21:39:44 Durff -> herd of elephants 21:39:47 matt montagne -> @nd....thanks for checking in ... 21:39:59 Durff -> hi nko 21:40:00 Doug -> @Durff--they need to be recycled, perhaps 21:40:10 shaun fletcher -> agree showed story of stuff today to grade8's and youtube vid for Chapter done done by students in California. Blog posts will follow 21:40:13 JoseRodriguez -> Hey there 21:40:19 Durff -> recyled elephants 21:40:36 Durff -> nko sound to your right 21:40:40 colettec -> what is wiki URL again? 21:41:03 Doug -> 21:41:15 chrisssve -> @durff just don't stick them in plastic bags. you will not win matt's contest 21:41:24 Durff -> ok then 21:42:00 Doug -> is one-stop-shopping for links 21:42:06 JoseRodriguez -> 21:42:34 JoseRodriguez -> This is a link to My Class VT on EarthDay 21:42:56 Durff -> did you put it in our delicious? 21:43:29 Durff -> welcome back hrmo 21:43:36 matt montagne -> this promo rocks! 21:43:39 Durff -> sound on your right 21:44:01 shaun fletcher -> Maybe an interesting and informative activity for Earth Day . There are some cool links at the bottom of the wiki page as well. 21:44:06 shaun fletcher -> 21:44:48 Durff -> shaun tag it in delicious for:earthcast08 21:44:54 James.Sigler -> Great promo! 21:45:11 Durff -> hi macer 21:45:19 Durff -> welcome! 21:45:26 Durff -> sound to your right 21:46:08 shaun fletcher -> thanks durff 21:46:13 Durff -> $5 21:46:20 James.Sigler -> PBL cool! 21:46:27 macer -> hello 21:46:29 Durff -> hi macer 21:47:11 shaun fletcher -> @durff where do the delicious links aggregate? 21:47:21 James.Sigler -> @Jose I would love to learn more about that too. 21:47:32 Durff -> in delicious and i think on the wiki 21:47:37 Durff -> matt? 21:48:09 matt montagne -> hey durff 21:48:34 matt montagne -> I trired getting RSS to load earthcast08 delcious bookmarks, but I struggled 21:48:44 Durff -> where does the delicious tag aggregate? 21:48:55 matt montagne -> @durff...hold up 21:49:07 Durff -> do a search for the tag in delicious 21:49:12 Durff -> $5 21:49:20 matt montagne -> go with cloth bags! 21:50:08 James.Sigler -> Reusable cloth bags are the way to go 21:50:25 matt montagne -> this is the earthcast08 bookmark page in delicious 21:51:10 matt montagne -> Hey Kip 21:51:17 matt montagne -> sorry we missed you earlier 21:51:27 matt montagne -> @kip...take a guess who ND is! 21:51:39 matt montagne -> USM representing in the Earthcast!! 21:51:53 matt montagne -> Green USM!! 21:52:16 kipperyates74 -> I had a meeting - I probably need a mic to particpate 21:52:27 shaun fletcher -> reusable bags instead of paper 21:52:28 matt montagne -> Kip, to listen to audio press the play button on the ustream window to the right 21:52:45 matt montagne -> Hey worries...we are taking an hour tomorrow so you're good 21:52:51 matt montagne -> remember to bring your macbook tomorrrow 21:52:53 kipperyates74 -> I tuned in 21:53:13 kipperyates74 -> will do on the mc book 21:53:14 matt montagne -> Whole Foods gives 10 cents for every reuseable bag that you bring in to use for your groceries 21:53:30 matt montagne -> Please sign the guest book! 21:54:07 JoseRodriguez -> My sister is our sponsor for the Earth Bag Groceries She owns a small store and her customers will be taking their groceries starting tomorrow 21:54:12 matt montagne -> guest book: 21:54:30 matt montagne -> oops...we have to change those links so they point to a new window 21:55:09 matt montagne -> gr8 talk with mark! 21:55:12 JoseRodriguez -> Hey we are getting close to the top of the hour? Any questions for Mark? 21:55:39 shaun fletcher -> 21:55:46 matt montagne -> just comment...his program is quite inspiring...keep up the good deeds, Mark! 21:55:56 shaun fletcher -> @matt I just tried this, do that work? 21:56:13 shaun fletcher -> @matt sorry see link above 21:56:45 matt montagne -> @makr..that is cool...I didn't even know that existed! 21:57:54 shaun fletcher -> brb 21:58:30 JoseRodriguez -> 21:59:21 PeggyG -> Great conversation and some wonderful new links and ideas! Thanks all! 21:59:34 Doug -> 21:59:37 nd -> that was really interesting - thanks, everyone! 21:59:47 James.Sigler -> Great show. Great job Mark! 22:00:06 Doug -> Yes Mark, great job nad thanks! 22:00:09 Doug -> great show all 22:00:38 chrisssve -> thanks all. thanks for the guidance to sound ms durff 22:01:35 Durff -> ty for coming 22:01:40 Durff -> stick around 22:02:07 matt montagne -> great job Mark! 22:02:22 mahlness -> thanks!