sheila adams

Conversations Episode 100!!! - A Celebration

This week we celebrated our 100th Episode.  We talked about how we got started and moved right into a conversation about being connected as educators.  It was great fun!


11:20:10 Lisa Parisi : Hi Peggy!

11:20:56 PeggyG : Hi there! Are we having a party today?? 100 shows!! Fantastic! :-)

11:21:11 Sheila 2 : Hi Peggy!

11:24:33 Lisa Parisi : Hello Scott.

11:24:33 Sheila 2 : Morning Scott!

11:24:47 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Hello friends

11:25:35 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Testing text color

11:25:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : That's better. 

11:26:48 PeggyG : Good morning Scott, Lisa and Sheila!

11:27:18 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Hi Peggy.  You had a busy day yesterday!

11:27:41 PeggyG : WOW!!!! Did I ever!! My brain is really on overload and so is my body!!

11:28:24 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I wish I could have attened all of the sessions, but family time came first.  I'll check out the recordings soon.

11:28:48 PeggyG : It was a fabulous conference though! We had over 450 people register for the online conference and every session had between 150-180 people in them!! I have posted the recording links so you can view anytime. Just log in to see them all. :-)

11:29:04 Lisa Parisi : HEllo Amanda

11:29:34 marragem : Hi everyone!

11:29:37 PeggyG : Hi Amanda! Great to see you!!

11:30:06 Sheila 2 : Hi Amanda!

11:30:12 marragem : Thanks Peggy. A public holiday here do I can stay up late!

11:30:22 PeggyG : Love those holidays!!

11:30:24 PeggyG : Hi Maria

11:30:26 marragem : Hi Sheila!

11:31:01 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Do we have a topic today, or is it just the 100 party?

11:31:02 marragem : My last long weekend for the year. The next one is the day I fly out

11:31:20 PeggyG : fly out to ISTE????

11:31:28 marragem : yes, Peggy!!!!

11:31:36 PeggyG : woo hoo!!!! Can't wait!

11:31:51 PeggyG : is your team doing the tour again this year?

11:31:53 marragem : Neither can I . 6 weeks today

11:32:25 Lisa Parisi : Hello Maureen

11:32:27 PeggyG : Hi Maureen! Great to see you!

11:32:31 Maureen : Hello all

11:32:33 marragem : There is a tour again but I'm not on it. Will meet up with them all of course in Philly

11:32:37 PeggyG : hearing you now :-)

11:33:08 marragem : Hi Maureen!

11:33:09 PeggyG : I wish you would have your Australia tour team do a presentation at ISTE Unplugged about their tour experience :-)

11:33:09 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Audio good

11:33:18 Maureen : Hi Amanda

11:33:41 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : hop hop hop

11:33:50 PeggyG : get ready to sing :-)

11:34:04 Lisa Parisi : Hello SAUL

11:34:18 PeggyG : Hi Saul! Welcome!

11:34:30 marragem : Peggy, I can speak to Tony Brandenberg and Ralph Leonard about that. A great idea. Think ISTE is planning on a study tour to Australia next year

11:34:35 PeggyG : Happy birthday Lisa!!

11:34:40 Lisa Parisi : Thanks Peggy

11:34:50 PeggyG : that would be fantastic Amanda!

11:35:05 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : hop

11:35:13 marragem : yay!!!

11:35:27 PeggyG : Reflecting is a good thing :-)

11:36:15 PeggyG : Sheila are you following the launch proceedings? Sure hope they take off soon

11:36:17 Maureen : lost audio- is it just me?

11:36:27 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ustream audio ok here

11:36:35 Lisa Parisi : Just you, Iguess

11:36:41 PeggyG : I love that!!! Still like doing the shows after 100!! That's fantastic!

11:36:44 marragem : Peggy, we did present a panel discussion last year - comparing the US, Canada & OZ contexts but a session on the study tour makes so much sense, especially since ISTE is wanting to adipt our model

11:36:47 Sheila : Yes.

11:36:56 Sheila : for the launch.

11:37:09 marragem : I miss the show we can I can't attend much better live!

11:37:10 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : its a "responsive podcast"

11:37:20 PeggyG : great term Scott

11:37:51 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Its like teaching, lesson plans are a jumping off point, not a script

11:38:00 Lisa Parisi : Yes, Scott.

11:38:33 PeggyG : scripts and written plans help me know I have a clear plan but I rarely am able to follow them exactly

11:39:25 PeggyG : I really like the informal flow of Conversations. I like having a topic but we can stray and it's ok

11:39:48 PeggyG : Hi Miguel! Great to see you!

11:39:57 : Howdy! Thx for welcome!

11:40:29 Lisa Parisi : Hello Miguel!

11:40:37 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : link please

11:40:52 : Hola @Lisa Parisi! I read your Fbook and had to follow it.

11:40:53 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ok...ty

11:41:03 PeggyG : @Miguel We just finished hosting our first ever virtual conference yesterday and I set it all up on Moodle. You might enjoy checking it out. You have to register to access everything but it's all free :-)

11:41:08 : Wait, what r you talking about? I missed it since my audio wasn't on.

11:41:20 : Congrats!!

11:41:33 : Oh, Dallas is horrible.

11:41:51 Stephanie Sandifer : Congrats on the 100th show!  What an accomplishment! :-)

11:41:52 PeggyG : such devastating news!!

11:42:04 : Sorry, didn't mean to bring you down but important to share.

11:42:05 PeggyG : Hi Stephanie!! So glad you could join us!

11:42:11 : Hug

11:42:13 Stephanie Sandifer : Hi Peggy!

11:42:16 : hug time

11:42:42 : Hi @Stephanie!

11:42:51 PeggyG : you are a terrific team!!!

11:42:55 Stephanie Sandifer : Hi Miguel!

11:43:23 PeggyG : Sheila is such a calm person!!! Good for all of us!

11:43:44 PeggyG : maybe reflection really is all about "self-revealing" :-)

11:43:49 Maureen : Thanks for the link to AZtea Peggy. Was in NH.. again... yesterday- missed DEN and AZ

11:43:52 Sheila : Ah but you don't ever see me!

11:44:51 Lisa Parisi : I hate working off a script.

11:45:01 Lisa Parisi : I do much better with talking on the fly.

11:45:10 PeggyG : The entire conference day was fantastic with outstanding presentations! Having Angela Maiers and Steve Farber kick off the day about Passion-Driven Leadership and Learning was incredible and the closing panel wrapped it all up and gave us our challenge to move forward. It was a great day!

11:45:59 PeggyG : I love the name "conversations" because it suggests interaction and ongoing dialogue.

11:46:17 Sheila 2 : How many of you out there have tried webcasting at some point?

11:46:54 marragem : I haven't but it's something that a couple of us at QSITE are looking at doing

11:47:08 PeggyG : by webcasting do you mean the way you are doing it? or anything online like Elluminate webinars?

11:47:17 Stephanie Sandifer : I've done it sporadically -- I don't find it easy to plan or to produce on a regular basis -- so I am so impressed with the team behind EdTechTalk :-)

11:47:52 PeggyG : I always enjoyed the blogtalkradio shows that Liz Kolb did but I think she has taken a "leave" from them for awhile.

11:48:13 PeggyG : you don't have to manage the streaming with blogtalkradio :-)

11:48:16 : Amen @Stephanie.

11:48:39 Sheila 2 : @Stephanie - I find it hard to do all the multitasking.

11:48:54 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I've played around with ustream, livestream, qik....  but nothing serious. I was drawn to video..... I'm a visual learner.

11:48:56 Stephanie Sandifer : @Sheila Yes -- me too

11:48:56 PeggyG : some people actually graduated from the WebCastAcademy :-)

11:49:07 MariaK : @Stephanie - If I can do it, then you can too. I'm so random!!

11:49:10 PeggyG : me too Scott--lots of exploring and playing around

11:49:14 Maureen : A few years back I started the webcast academy- but was on dialup and it was just so hard to get going on it. Would still like to learn more about how it's done.

11:49:20 Stephanie Sandifer : @Maria LOL!

11:49:22 Sheila 2 : @Scott - I enjoy the visual too.

11:49:50 PeggyG : @Maureen--all of the resources are still available to learn how to do it on the webcastacademy site but they don't manage it as a "class" now

11:50:15 Sheila 2 : Wow! Dial-up! Maureen that was a ways back!

11:50:18 Maureen : THx Peggy... Time is such an issue for me at this point.

11:50:20 PeggyG :

11:50:28 PeggyG : I know what you mean Maureen!

11:50:35 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Lots of rural folks still on dial-up or satellite.

11:50:44 PeggyG : so true Scott

11:50:55 Maureen : @Sheila- not so far back here in the sticks. I got broadband last year or the year before. Tried satellite for a bit- expensive and not reliable

11:51:08 PeggyG : I went through the academy several times but never graduated

11:51:23 Sheila 2 : There seems to be more interest in again.

11:51:27 MariaK : @Peggy - Never graduated either...who knew?

11:51:39 Sheila 2 : I'm graduating WCA after Durff!

11:51:40 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : teathering and smarphones are helping bridge some of the dgital gap

11:51:46 PeggyG : It would be great to see it activate again so we have a support group

11:51:57 PeggyG : too funny Sheila!

11:52:12 Lisa Parisi : Connnecting is incredibly valuable.

11:52:28 PeggyG : I remember that too Sheila--hoping the name will come to me

11:52:37 Lisa Parisi : We need to always try to make new connections because you never know when those connections will help in the classroom or with your learning.

11:53:19 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : (or find a job)

11:53:38 Lisa Parisi : Hopefully all of your networking will help with that, Scott.

11:54:06 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I hope so.  My connections are growing by leaps and bounds,

11:54:10 PeggyG : Lee was such a fantastic leader who shared so much with everyone

11:54:36 : Wow, hard to believe Lee has been gone so long.

11:54:52 Lisa Parisi : It is.  But I still think about her from time to time.

11:54:53 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I never got to hear Lee live, but listened to some of the recorded shows.  Hard not to like a banjo player :-)

11:55:11 Sheila 2 : Hey JL!

11:55:13 Lisa Parisi : Hello JL>  Welcome to our 100th show.

11:55:15 PeggyG : Hi JL!!

11:55:21 Sheila 2 : It's been a while!

11:55:22 PeggyG : So glad you could join our party

11:55:22 JL : I'm still expecting a 'Hey I figured out how to tweet from here' message from Lee

11:55:43 JL : Howdy all

11:55:53 JL : Had to stop by for the 100th anniversary show

11:56:01 Lisa Parisi : HEllo Colleen!

11:56:21 colleenk : Hey, everyone! Congratulations to Conversations!!

11:56:26 Maureen : Hey Colleen, Looking forward to seeing you again at ISTE this year

11:56:47 JL : btw, Lisa Parisi webcaster portfolio:

11:56:51 colleenk : I can't wait to go. Haven't seen anyone in ages.

11:56:52 Lisa Parisi : Colleen, you're going to ISTE?  Yay!

11:57:08 Lisa Parisi : OMG JL.  I don't think we want to promote that.

11:57:11 PeggyG : cool link JL

11:57:12 colleenk : Absolutely...and I'm even presenting.

11:57:20 Lisa Parisi : Great!  Me too.

11:57:33 Sheila 2 : Great Colleen!

11:57:33 PeggyG : We should have an EdTechTalk meetup at ISTE!!

11:57:36 JL : and Remembering Lee

11:57:41 colleenk : Will be a fantastic time.

11:57:48 Lisa Parisi : Let's do a show from there.  Done that before.  It was fun.

11:57:57 PeggyG : maybe we should create a ribbon to add to all of the others that we can wear at ISTE :-)

11:58:01 colleenk : Will you be there, Peggy and Sheila?

11:58:04 Sheila 2 : thanks for the links, JL.

11:58:06 PeggyG : Yes!!!!

11:58:14 Sheila 2 : Yes, I'm going to ISTE11.

11:58:21 PeggyG : We could do an ISTE Unplugged session and also stream it on ETT

11:58:24 colleenk : Awesome...I can hardly wait.

11:58:43 PeggyG : Sheila and I submitted a proposal to share Earthcast but it didn't get accepted

11:58:50 Lisa Parisi : :(

11:59:07 : it's so amazing and 90% of teachers (i made that stat up) don't know about it!

11:59:33 Lisa Parisi : Is that the trend now?  Make up your own statistics? LOL

11:59:33 colleenk : Sorry about that. I don't know how these things get decided.

12:00:09 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : We techies are still the odd mutation.  Evolution will take some time. 

12:00:14 : how are you reaching out more organizationally or is PLNing a solitary learner reaching out?

12:00:24 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Si usted está buscando el podcast en español y el chat, por favorseleccione Puentesalmundo de la lista de las habitaciones de la derecha.

12:00:27 : @Lisa Parisi Yes, I live in Texas. 8->

12:01:05 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I preload it b4 every show

12:01:10 PeggyG : good thing about ISTE is that we're surrounded by people (educators) who are all advocates and enthusiastic users of tech

12:01:34 : @Scott impressive!..uh, "muy impresivo"

12:01:46 : or should that be muy impresionante?

12:02:05 Sheila 2 : I still use the webcastacademy megachat skype chat for help.

12:02:13 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : no credit for me..... google translate [u]lol

12:02:23 PeggyG : google is a wonderful thing :-) Scott is our faithful rescuer when someone enters from Puentesalmundo and is in the wrong room

12:03:11 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ETT was the 'gateway drug' that lead me to twitter and plurk

12:03:13 Stephanie Sandifer : Yes -- re: Twitter...

12:03:34 PeggyG : Maria--was the early email program you used FredMail with Global Schoolnet? That was what we were using in the early 1980s

12:03:45 Stephanie Sandifer : I thought of that last night for some odd reason... how lucky I was to score @ssandifer on Twitter... couldn't do that now!

12:03:57 PeggyG : so true Stephanie!

12:04:29 Stephanie Sandifer : But as my Twitter netwokr has grown I have found that I don't use it in the same way or as often as I did when we all first started

12:04:35 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : There is a button "OTBO" (on twitter before Oprah)

12:04:43 Maureen : It can be... but people like Peggy bridge the gap to newbies

12:05:15 Lisa Parisi : Me, neither, Stephanie.

12:05:18 PeggyG : just the name "blogger's cafe" can make people feel estranged if they are not a blogger. I remember feeling that way the first time I was it. But someone took me under their wing and I loved it

12:05:23 Stephanie Sandifer : I think some of the Twitter workshops and sessions are hellpful for newbies

12:05:31 : I still remember the thrill when I met THE Lisa Parisi, or Peggy George, or Bud Hunt, etc. It's awesome. Can PLN building be institutionalized?

12:05:36 PeggyG : I agree Stephanie

12:05:38 Lisa Parisi : LOL

12:05:54 Sheila 2 : I remember those feelings too.

12:06:02 Maureen : @stephanie- for me it was people who reach out... Peggy and Cheryl Oakes, Alice Barr, etc were just so welcoming and kind

12:06:11 William Vegazo Muro -> puentesalmundo: buen dia amigos

12:06:12 PeggyG : I felt the same way Miguel (about you)! Remember our interview with Maggie Tsai re Diigo? How long ago was that??

12:06:15 colleenk : @PeggyG That's a good point about the name. Most teachers aren't blogging.

12:06:42 JL : lurker support

12:06:56 PeggyG : edubloggercon

12:07:05 JL : I remember - I was so sweaty - in Boston

12:07:06 Stephanie Sandifer : @Maureen Yes -- that's an important part as well -- the welcoming behaviors

12:07:31 PeggyG : isn't it funny how you recognize someone's voice when you have never met them before--just because of webcasts/podcasts!!

12:07:37 : @PeggyG Yes...Diigo feels old. Like these twittering, blogging experiences help us live more in the time we have. Does that experience of PLNing make you feel older or younger? Weary of many experiences or enlivened?

12:07:55 : ;->

12:08:16 : We are all star-struck with people we've learned so much from before meeting F2F.

12:08:16 JL : It is strange speaking to you all without a headset

12:08:27 Lisa Parisi : Peggy, I have had people turn around when they hear me and ask if I am Lisa.

12:08:29 PeggyG : I'm still living that experience Miguel!! It will never get old! I just shared Diigo yesterday in our Virtual Smackdown and there are still tons of people who have never heard of it

12:08:36 PeggyG : Exactly Lisa!!

12:08:50 Lisa Parisi : Yes, JL>  It is.

12:09:36 : @PeggyG yes, I know. Not that Diigo is old itself, but that the experience of sharing the same tools again and again ages? Not sure if that's accurate.

12:09:44 : Like that "don't need the small talk."

12:10:04 PeggyG : we really have no idea how our involvement in things like twitter, FB and our PLNs are affecting others! The things you post faithfully on Moodle Mayhem are incredibly helpful to me Miguel and I always share them with someone else

12:10:34 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Maybe that would be a good icebreaker activity at f-2-f meetings.  A round table with a hub where everyone could plug in their headsets and talk :)

12:10:36 JL : indeed - but big hugs to you all

12:10:38 Stephanie Sandifer : @Peggy That is so true!

12:10:41 PeggyG : even though a tool might be old to me (shared many times) it's the questions from people who have never heard of it that keep the conversation alive

12:10:45 JL : and congrat on the 100th

12:10:51 Sheila 2 : @scott :)

12:10:53 : @Scott haha

12:10:54 PeggyG : good night Jeff

12:11:02 Sheila 2 : NIght Jeff!

12:11:03 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Thanks for stopping in JL

12:11:05 JL : just a click away

12:11:30 JL : great to reconnect again

12:11:32 : @PeggyG thanks for the affirmation. We are changed by each other's smallest contributions, perhaps more than the ones we value.

12:11:39 Sheila 2 : @JL comforting to know!

12:11:49 Sheila 2 : a click away - believe me!

12:11:51 Stephanie Sandifer : @Peggy at every conference I attend (even ISTE and TCEA) I am reminded that there are a ton of educators in attendance who have no clue what these tools are or how we are using them to learn, connect, create, etc.

12:12:11 MariaK : Thank you Jeff.

12:12:25 PeggyG : I am still amazed every day (just as I was when I first learned about the internet) is that so many people are willing to share and support and help others learn for FREE online--I love it!!!

12:12:50 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I'm still told that in my undergrad classes.

12:13:16 PeggyG : exactly Stephanie!! we tend to forget that. That's why I like to help with the Playgrounds at ISTE. Last year I got someone started and up/running with Twitter right on the spot. :-)

12:13:56 Stephanie Sandifer : @Peggy :-) 

12:13:57 MariaK : can't talk - tears in eyes and i'm choked up!

12:14:13 PeggyG : It's so exciting to help someone who has never heard of something and see them take off.

12:15:20 Sheila 2 : I agree PeggyG

12:15:46 PeggyG : in our virtual conference yesterday there were many people who had not hear of Skype and certainly had not thought about using it in their classrooms with their students. Great aha moments!!

12:16:29 Sheila 2 : Still hard to get teachers at my school to venture forward. I guess I imtimidate unintentionally.

12:16:43 Lisa Parisi : I deal with that all the time, Sheila.

12:16:51 Maureen : @Peggy Are people using facetime now to connect? My 6th graders use it at home all the time.

12:17:15 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ... the best one so far...

12:17:50 Stephanie Sandifer : @Sheila Remember the tech adoption model -- like a bell curve... a few will jump on board immediately (that's us) and about half might come on board with enough support and exposure, but a large number will take much longer to explore and use this stuff -- even with support...

12:18:03 JL : Hard to step away, but Monday morning is rapidly approaching. Conversations is awesome, always has been (since episode#1: ) 

12:18:10 JL : 'night from Busan

12:18:17 Sheila 2 : Thanks Jeff!

12:18:23 MariaK : Good ight jeff. thanks for the visit.

12:18:24 PeggyG : Yesterday in our keynote presentation by Angela Maiers and Steve Farber, Steve challenged us to identify a project called "Greater Than Yourself" (GTY)-goal is to select someone to give a boost and some support. "The greatest leaders make others greater than themselves."

12:18:55 MariaK : Love that idea Peggy.

12:18:56 PeggyG : I'm not hearing about people using Facetime that much yet

12:19:10 PeggyG :

12:19:14 MariaK : thanks

12:19:23 Maureen : @peggy I haven't either... just from the kids.

12:20:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Facetime is cool, but skype is platform agnostic.  Newest version of skype is rumored to work on apple and android devices with from facing cameras

12:20:46 PeggyG : entire schools are adopting the concept of GTY projects and students are selecting their own project by identifying people they want to support (private selection)--similar to pay it forward

12:20:50 Maureen : @Maria... I'm still waiting for our sunshine... (although today is beautiful)

12:21:09 PeggyG : it is beautiful in Phoenix today!!

12:21:33 Stephanie Sandifer : GTY sounds great -- we need much more of that across the board at all levels

12:22:16 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I wonder if GTY could be scaled for students.  I like it better than "bucket filling"

12:22:19 PeggyG : I agree!! Their presentation was so inspiring--all related to passion and Steve represents the business perspective and Angela the education perspective.

12:22:34 PeggyG : It is being used with students Scott. I like it better too.

12:23:09 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I'll have to do some reading

12:23:18 PeggyG : Steve has published a book called "Greater Than Yourself"

12:23:59 marragem : I lost you.

12:24:10 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) :

12:24:39 marragem : Yes, anyone is welcome to Bloggers Cafe. Kids who are experts are helping the newbies set up theirs

12:24:48 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : If there is no time for blogging, that means there is no time for reflection in that classroom. 

12:25:11 Sheila 2 : And reflection is key.

12:25:12 PeggyG : Some great videos about the GTY projects on this site (one specifically about education)

12:25:13 marragem : I'm bringing in Year 1's and Preps (Kinders) this term

12:25:18 Maureen : @Scott- that's a sad, but true statement for many classrooms

12:25:36 Stephanie Sandifer : I need to log off and fix lunch for the kids... this has been fun -- congrats again on the 100th show!!!  See you all later on Twitter/FB/blogs/etc. :-)

12:25:48 PeggyG : there are many ways to reflect though--some teachers are starting to use audio to encourage students to reflect

12:25:49 Lisa Parisi : Thanks for coming Stephanie.

12:25:56 PeggyG : thanks Stephanie!!!

12:26:01 PeggyG : see you at ISTE

12:26:05 Sheila 2 : Thank Stephanie! Have a great day.

12:26:24 : Whomever is speaking, we all feel that way. at least, I one is perfect. that's why the community is so important.

12:26:31 Lisa Parisi : That was Maria.

12:26:42 : Sorry...had to take a phone call.

12:26:46 PeggyG : you are such great examples for blogging! That encourages other teachers to try!

12:26:51 MariaK : maybe we'll meet someday Miguel

12:26:53 PeggyG : welcome back Miguel

12:27:05 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : @peggy  True. Some do journals or portfolios, but these often turn into scrapbooks instead of reflections

12:27:11 PeggyG : that was Amanda

12:27:30 marragem : argh! lost me again!

12:27:48 PeggyG : I love the concept that Peter Reynolds introduced  -ish!! Don't have to be perfect--just do it and make it your best

12:28:15 : you mean, "just do it and make it your best over time?" 8->

12:28:22 : recursive process

12:28:24 PeggyG : excellent point Scott! I think they really need to be taught how to reflect

12:28:36 PeggyG : for sure Miguel!!! over time

12:28:45 PeggyG : the more we do it the better we get at it

12:29:54 William Vegazo Muro -> puentesalmundo: Saludos Saúl

12:29:58 PeggyG : so many teachers think they need to be an expert to do something with their kids and use it as an excuse to keep from doing it...

12:30:08 : Gasp, you're in violation of so many policies Lisa!

12:30:24 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Yes Lisa, but we did the same thing with word processors, online dictionaries, and many other tech gadgets.  Eventually the novelty wears off and we see it as just a tool.

12:30:25 PeggyG : :-)

12:30:42 : do you use your own wireless connection? Like Clear ?

12:30:44 marragem : I only use my class skype acc when I'm overseas

12:31:42 : Ah. Lucky you. It's about culture you're in. Should you bloom where you are planted or move to where you will bloom? ;->

12:31:44 Sheila 2 : I have two school accounts (for webcasting stations) but use my personal skype contact list.

12:31:50 PeggyG : why is that Amanda? only use it overseas?

12:31:59 Lisa Parisi : I have bloomed where I was planted. 

12:32:05 PeggyG : oh Miguel!!! what a great question!!!!!

12:32:21 PeggyG : I wish McTeach were in the room to hear that question!

12:32:32 Lisa Parisi : I started in a school that I couldn't work in.  I was too young, insecure, and naive to change it.

12:32:42 Maureen : Got to get back to work outside. Congratulations on your 100th show!

12:32:45 Lisa Parisi : So I moved to Herricks and have grown myself within the district.

12:32:46 PeggyG : sometimes you really need to move where you will bloom to save your own soul!

12:32:56 marragem : Peggy - like Lisa said, all my contacts are in my acc, so just easier. The class acc allows the kids to skype me, or Maria/Kathy while I'm out of the country

12:32:58 Lisa Parisi : I change policy because of what I do int he classrom.

12:33:11 PeggyG : aha-thanks Amanda

12:33:31 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Wow... an hour gone already

12:33:38 Lisa Parisi : Miguel, I really would love to talk more about that question.  Maybe another show?  Would you like to join us to talk about it?

12:34:02 PeggyG : that would be a great conversation topic Lisa!!

12:34:15 Lisa Parisi : Isn't it a great topic?

12:34:37 PeggyG : it's perfect-ish :-)

12:34:37 Lisa Parisi : I'm adding it to our wiki so I don't forget it.

12:34:38 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Yes!  Makes me think about the job search process.

12:35:03 marragem : it is a great topic. We have a song we sing by that title - won;t get it out of my head now LOL

12:35:09 PeggyG : directly connected to that Scott but a bit harder when you aren't in your own classroom yet

12:35:21 PeggyG : sing it Amanda!!!

12:35:36 marragem : maybe at ISTE, Peggy!

12:35:44 PeggyG : all right!!!! yes!!

12:35:49 marragem : oh, I forgot about that, Maria!

12:36:13 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : My student teaching placements are in virry different schools... one public, one private... One filtered, one open, .. one urban, one rural.  Should be a blast

12:36:24 marragem : they signed in as me and not as the Gems

12:36:31 PeggyG : that's a great story Maria!

12:37:01 PeggyG : I'm so glad you're getting such diverse experiences in your student teaching Scott. That's a great thing!

12:37:08 marragem : they were so excited gto skype the 3 of us together

12:37:34 PeggyG : yes!! school is a great place for them to learn these skills!!

12:37:48 PeggyG : what's wrong with that Sheila?

12:37:56 Lisa Parisi : Miguel, can you come join us next week for a conversation about blooming?

12:38:25 Sheila 2 : Don't know how to spell it! ;)

12:38:31 PeggyG : Sheila's students did a great job with the earthcast broadcast and it's very easy to see the guidance Sheila has given them about their online presence

12:38:32 : @Lisa Parisi , it's a fun question to consider...

12:38:40 : go for it!

12:38:45 : but without me

12:38:46 marragem : I'll have to take an afternoon nap so I can join in next week

12:39:07 : i want to participate as a learner not as a talker. let's me listen better

12:39:12 : hehe

12:39:23 PeggyG : you can be both Miguel :-)

12:39:40 :

12:39:46 PeggyG : ask McTeach to join you too

12:39:53 : Thanks to all! Had fun!

12:40:03 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : is easy to bloom when surrounded by "fertilizer"

12:40:09 colleenk : Hi, Maria!! I enjoyed the LOST reference earlier (time travel)

12:40:26 PeggyG : it's great to be here celebrating with you on your 100th show!!!! Thanks for such a great show!

12:40:33 marragem : thanks for bringning me in.

12:40:36 Lisa Parisi :

12:40:37 PeggyG : now that's funny Scott!!!

12:40:46 Sheila 2 : It is so much better with you all here! Thank you!

12:40:49 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : lol

12:40:50 MariaK : Hi colleen - hoping to connect. i think of you often. I miss you and I miss LOST!

12:41:00 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Happy 100!

12:41:03 colleenk : I will see you at ISTE for sure.

12:41:05 marragem : Great conversation! Congratulations on your 100th show!

12:41:09 Lisa Parisi : Thanks for coming.

12:41:10 PeggyG : thanks everyone!!


This week we celebrated our 100th Episode.  We talked about how we got started and moved right into a conversation about being connected as educators.  It was great fun!

Conversations Episode 99 - Teachers Advocating for Themselves

This week, Lisa, Maria, and Sheila got a bit political, talking about today's politics of teaching.  Our kickoff was a series of tweets by Diane Ravitch, @dianeravitch, about the need for educators to advocate for themselves.  Join us this week in finding a way to promote educators to the public - or at least to your parents.


11:25:21 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Have video/sound on ustream

11:25:51 Sheila : no sound though right?

11:26:43 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : had sound.

11:26:47 Sheila : stopping for a moment

11:27:00 Lisa Parisi : Hello Scott

11:27:08 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Hello Lisa

11:27:36 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Coffee refill before show starts.....brb

11:29:03 Lisa Parisi : Hi Lori

11:29:11 Lori Feldman : Hi there kiddo!

11:30:53 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : He Peggy

11:31:00 PeggyG : Hi everyone

11:31:01 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Hi,...

11:31:31 Lisa Parisi : Hi Peggy

11:31:35 PeggyG : Didn't see a tweet this morning! So glad you're here

11:31:53 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Sound back

11:32:27 PeggyG : I can see and hear ustream today!!! Woo hoo!! Going to be a great day :-)

11:32:30 Sheila 2 : We are a little behind the times. .

11:32:36 Lisa Parisi : Sorry Peggy.  Took a while to decide on a topic

11:32:37 Sheila 2 : Yeah Peggy!

11:32:41 PeggyG : we hit 95 degrees yesterday in Phoenix!

11:32:45 Lori Feldman : Mostly listening today...trying to set trays for Passover

11:33:00 PeggyG : Hi Lori

11:33:34 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : 33 here last night

11:33:37 PeggyG : some people start ahead of time of things--I'm not one of them :-)

11:33:45 Lori Feldman : not off of work...

11:34:13 PeggyG : spring break is over in AZ

11:34:46 Lori Feldman : Nebraska not quite full of Members Of the Tribe!

11:35:03 Lisa Parisi : No Lori

11:36:49 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : No,  it is the BEST time to be a new teacher.  Getting in at the bottom... no where to go but up.

11:37:02 Sheila 2 : :)

11:37:33 Lisa Parisi : True Scott

11:38:10 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : (and I'm going to be a rockstar.  Will have a guitar in my classroom)

11:38:14 Lisa Parisi : LOL

11:38:48 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I took my 6-string to kindergarten. We wrote songs for poetry month

11:38:49 PeggyG : gee whiz! briefly lost my internet connection and saw it on the ustream screen :-)

11:40:00 PeggyG : did you share a link for Diane Ravitch as the basis for this conversation?

11:40:13 Lisa Parisi : No Peggy. 

11:40:15 MariaK : just here twitter feed from last week April 11

11:40:18 Lisa Parisi : Just came from her tweets

11:40:22 PeggyG : ok thanks

11:40:23 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I was at the school board meeting last week.  I was one of three parents.  :-(

11:40:27 Lisa Parisi : @dianeravitch

11:41:48 Sheila 2 : Morning Maureen.

11:42:09 Maureen : Hi Sheila- what are you talking about today?

11:42:34 MariaK : Teachers advocating for themselves

11:43:21 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : So you think individual voices are stronger than the collective voice of the umion?

11:43:35 Lisa Parisi : I think we need both, Scott

11:43:45 PeggyG :!/dianeravitch

11:43:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : me too....

11:44:57 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : sound?

11:45:14 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : back now.

11:45:15 Sheila 2 : I think that was Maria's connection.

11:45:51 Maureen : no sound?

11:46:04 PeggyG : no sound for me either right now

11:46:22 Lisa Parisi : Go to ustream for sound

11:46:48 PeggyG : ustream is off air for me

11:46:54 Maureen : It

11:46:57 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : back now

11:46:58 MariaK : etta stream is up

11:46:58 Maureen : It's back now

11:47:02 PeggyG : ok now

11:47:18 PeggyG : repeat your rants :-)

11:47:18 Maureen : you'll have to rant again

11:48:09 Sheila 2 : Sorry about that all!

11:48:23 Maureen : I don't feel hated, but no longer respected as in the past

11:48:47 Lisa Parisi : I feel scared to tell people I teach.  Sort of waiting for the backlash when I say it.

11:48:59 Lisa Parisi : Used to be really proud to be a teacher.

11:49:17 Sheila 2 : Lack of trust.

11:49:32 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I LOVE to tell pepople I'm changing careers to teaching.  The look on their face is priceless.

11:49:35 PeggyG : it seems wherever you go if you say you're a teacher you are expected to defend all teachers everywhere

11:49:44 PeggyG : I love that Scott!

11:50:07 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : especially when they figure out im taking a 50% pay cut!

11:51:58 Maureen : It still feels like people like their own local teachers, but mistrust all the rest.  Much like people like their own congress person, but hate the reat of them

11:53:15 PeggyG : I keep losing my connection!

11:53:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : That is true, Maureen.  That mindset is why people fight so hard to keep their local (but failing) schools open.

11:53:44 PeggyG : Parents should be on those committees!

11:53:50 Maureen : It has a lot to so with the economy- when people have lost so much, lost their jobs, etc and are worried about their own future- they lash out at others who they see as having a "soft, secure job".

11:54:11 PeggyG : It isn't us vs them! We are all working towards the same goals.

11:54:42 Lisa Parisi : I know Maureen but don't we deserve something for taking care of their children all day and helping them be successful?

11:54:52 Lisa Parisi : Not so sure of that, Peggy.

11:55:04 PeggyG : we always talk about how important it is to build these relationships! It really is!

11:55:05 Lisa Parisi : Parent's goal...make ed cheaper.

11:55:13 Lisa Parisi : Teacher's goal ... make ed work

11:55:41 Lisa Parisi : Hello John

11:55:46 woodenmask : Good morning

11:56:39 PeggyG : parents want a good education for their children

11:57:03 Lisa Parisi : But they don't understand what it takes to get that good education.  They do think test scores say it all.

11:57:29 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : It's hard to get that support for elementary schools.  Adults frequently hold HS and college as fond memories, but elem grades are just "kid stuff".

11:58:29 PeggyG : I think inviting them into the classroom can be life changing! When we brought community leaders in as Principal for a Day their attitudes (and support for education) were significantly changed.

11:58:38 Sheila 2 : Really Scott? I have former students coming back to the middle school.

11:59:16 Sheila 2 : We don't have a high school so that may be the reason.

11:59:31 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : MS is love/hate. Not much middle ground.  Much depends on school culture.

12:00:17 PeggyG : our Middle School students always come back to elementary events like Open House and Fairs, etc. They want to stay connected to former teachers.

12:01:00 PeggyG : a good local reporter for education is so powerful!! hard to find them though

12:01:14 Sheila 2 : I've had former students join the Belize program! :)

12:01:31 PeggyG : that's so neat Sheila! full circle!

12:01:44 Maureen : We're not allowed to talk to newspapers- it all have to come from our "communications" person.

12:01:55 PeggyG : that's so true Maureen!

12:02:02 Maureen : Sorry- *has"

12:02:11 woodenmask : Oops. Crashes, explosions and the sound of panicked crowds in the background. It was short, but sweet....

12:03:05 PeggyG : that's unfortunate though because the public tunes out when they hear from the PR persons or official spokesperson for a district. It would be different if they were hearing from the teachers.

12:03:11 Maureen : Funny- that'll never happen to me- independent schools pay less than half of that :-) Choices, choices

12:03:15 Lisa Parisi : Yes, Peggy

12:03:31 mardelle : it would be different if they were hearing from kids

12:03:39 PeggyG : salaries vary around the country--related to cost of living in each area

12:04:51 PeggyG : that's a really good point Sheila

12:05:10 Maureen : I would like to have the kids reflections on what it means to them when they achieve sucess to be in the newspaper- not just the final results or awards. What does it really mean to kids

12:05:40 PeggyG : the kids get excited when they can talk about projects they are working on

12:05:57 Sheila 2 : Great idea Maureen!

12:06:11 Sheila 2 : The process!

12:06:34 PeggyG : sadly the newspapers don't often feel that is noteworthy--they want to report the controversies and negative stories about teachers/kids

12:06:41 Sheila 2 : And what learning happens when you don't get the final product you anticipated.

12:07:39 PeggyG : sounds like you have to educate them about how it relates to the budget :-)

12:07:45 MariaK : What about inviting business leaders and community members into the school. Find the leaders and invite them, not challenge them - but show them what we do.

12:07:47 PeggyG : some people are just rude

12:08:30 mardelle :  - it is social media that will move the nation - good or bad.

12:09:37 Lisa Parisi : I think social media is moving the nation...not so good right now.

12:10:27 mardelle : you just cannot control the direction of the message without huge numbers of a united voice

12:10:59 Sheila 2 : Are we so fast-paced now as a society that we only see the superficial details and not thinking deeply?

12:12:04 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Reform, like curriculum, is not effective when it is an inch deep and a mile wide. 

12:12:41 PeggyG : when you're part of a big crowd things can get out of control and individuals may do things they wouldn't normally do. But everyone in that "crowd" gets lumped together with that bad behavior. Guilt by association...

12:12:51 PeggyG : I agree mardelle

12:13:11 Maureen : I guess I've stopped worrying about what parents, etc think about what I'm doing. My 6th graders are so excited about learning sketchup... my 5th graders are writing their own blogs about game reviews. They come into class and ask not to have to type ( for 10 min/class) but just to get right to work.

12:13:46 PeggyG : when kids can explain what they needed to know to be able to create something like a Voki parents will be so impressed

12:14:07 PeggyG : great example Maureen!! love it!

12:14:18 Maureen : My goal with student portfolios is that they eventually turn into a showcase for student process and learning- not just pretty pictures of final results.

12:14:52 PeggyG : yes!! the process is really important!! parents often don't know how to interpret the product

12:15:58 Maureen : But if you use a portfolio system where the kids and teachers choose to represent their work according to standards, etc... then they can speak to them in a way that parents can see and understand. 

12:17:19 PeggyG : wow! 90 kids?!

12:17:29 Maureen : But Lisa, as a parent they are overwhelmed with info. If this is part of a process that they kids are involved in all the time- the parents can get involved as well... not just twice a year

12:17:33 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Make a raffle out of parent views/comments.  Kids will beg parents to leave comments on the blogs.  

12:17:48 Maureen : @ Peggy- I have 134 ;-)

12:17:59 mardelle : the challange is not just promoting what a teacher is doing in a classroom.  it is building support for our profession nationally

12:18:08 MariaK : I seem to be the only teacher here, which is reasonable since it-s a school day. One small advantage of retirement, I guess. That is, until they diminish my pension and I-m forced to return to work. If I could find a job. The ripple effects of these budget cuts will definitely cause a considerable rise in unemployment. I think about the teachers I know who are probably as outraged as I am by this anti-teacher, anti-kids, anti-public schools budget and wish they could be here, too. I hold this small square of floor-space in their honor

12:18:57 Sheila 2 : I do give extra credit for parent feedback. Wish all would do it.

12:19:13 PeggyG : great statement Maria!

12:19:39 mardelle : me too maria - and kinder teachers both - the best place to promote to parents

12:19:59 PeggyG : someone recently asked why there aren't more teachers in some of the fantastic, free, online webinars and I said they were in their classrooms teaching.

12:20:19 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Not all households around here have internet/computer.  Has anyone used bulk text messages to keep parents informed?

12:20:20 PeggyG : the ISTE webinars are all during the school day--1:00pm in AZ

12:21:09 Lisa Parisi : ISTE webinars are too expensive for me to attend.

12:21:26 PeggyG : ISTE offers some free webinars--one a month I think

12:21:41 Lisa Parisi : I think all should be free.

12:22:07 PeggyG : I wish they were all free! But they are income generators for ISTE

12:22:39 PeggyG : wear a button "Proud to be a Teacher" :-)

12:23:26 mardelle : i am from canada, and your media scares the bjezuz out of me - it is a powerful destructive force to go up against,  but therein lies the battle

12:23:29 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : deep breath....

12:23:49 Maureen : @Scott I don't use text messages, but beluga would be a great app for that-group messages and easy to add photos.

12:24:16 MariaK : @mardelle - it is scary - the money trail and the media must have some connection

12:24:34 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Maybe even text out a message every time there is a new blog post, etc. 

12:25:08 mardelle : @scott - texting,  why did i not think of that . . . thanks

12:25:26 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : :D glad to help

12:25:50 Maureen : @Scott It's a good idea- we have parents sign up for email message when blogs are posted, but text option may be easier for some. I'll put the idea out to our parents.

12:25:56 PeggyG : it's important not to be defensive when you speak up :-) focus on what you're doing that's working with examples

12:26:11 Lisa Parisi : I have a hard time not being defensive, Peggy.

12:26:36 PeggyG : it is hard!

12:27:14 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....

12:27:44 PeggyG : generalizing is a big issue!

12:28:52 PeggyG : people often say different things in person than they say in public forums--even teachers in the parking lot after the teacher's meeting

12:29:07 Maureen : The negative stuff makes the news- think the rubber room teachers in NYC- that certainly made headlines. Great teaching doesn't. It is not really different from all the other negative stuff that "we" all read every day. One negative story can go viral, one positive story- not so much.

12:29:08 Sheila 2 : True Peggy!

12:29:23 Lisa Parisi : True, Maureen.

12:29:25 PeggyG : yes Maureen!

12:30:01 PeggyG : schools have to tell their own positive stories in their own forums--they can't rely on the public media to do it

12:30:14 Lisa Parisi : Who do we tell, Peggy?

12:30:26 Maureen : We use our facebook page mostly for alum stuff- you could do that Sheila

12:30:33 PeggyG : just like you do--post it in your blogs and online

12:31:14 Sheila 2 : (I don't really use facebook. Should I admit that?)

12:31:21 Sheila 2 : But food for thougth.

12:31:23 PeggyG : do your own public spots/videos on your local tv channels--we have an educational channel in Phoenix

12:31:27 Sheila 2 : (thought)

12:31:48 Maureen : @Sheila- neither do i- but that's where the alum  stuff is for our school

12:32:09 PeggyG : oh oh--a homework assignment :-)

12:32:10 Sheila 2 : @Maureen - yes, I'm thinking about it!  :)

12:32:26 Sheila 2 :  - April 22

12:32:41 MariaK : @dianeravitch

12:32:45 Sheila 2 : Earth Day Plug ! There's a voicethread.

12:32:51 PeggyG : she has 12,000 followers :-)

12:32:57 Sheila 2 : Link coming.

12:33:11 Sheila :

12:33:12 MariaK :

12:33:38 Maureen : Are you off next week or?

12:34:02 PeggyG : nice voicethread Sheila! Thanks!

12:34:10 Maureen : Do you have school on Good Friday?

12:34:30 PeggyG : so many schools are on vacation or holiday on Earth Day!

12:34:44 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : We are off that day

12:35:03 PeggyG : you are an amazing example Sheila!!!

12:35:11 Maureen : We have a 3 day week coming up- Patriot's Day on Monday- Good Friday on Friday...

12:35:29 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : My 'real job' gives me the day off too

12:35:37 PeggyG : :-)

12:35:48 Maureen : good luck with that Maria- I've noticed that the GP are getting younger than me every year

12:37:17 PeggyG : Grandpersons Day was always a really special day at our school!!

12:37:56 PeggyG : we planned them to coincide with Thanksgiving when many grandparents were coming to visit family and got fantastic participation

12:38:00 Maureen : My kids had their GP go on Google earth and show them where they used to live and talk about how things have changed. It was fun

12:38:09 PeggyG : what a great story Maria!!

12:38:22 Maureen : @Peggy- ours is Columbus Day weekend

12:38:50 Lisa Parisi :

12:39:00 PeggyG : thanks everyone for another great conversation!

12:39:15 Lisa Parisi : Bye

12:39:18 PeggyG : bye everyone

This week, Lisa, Maria, and Sheila got a bit political, talking about today's politics of teaching.  Our kickoff was a series of tweets by Diane Ravitch, @dianeravitch, about the need for educators to advocate for themselves.  Join us this week in finding a way to promote educators to the public - or at least to your parents.

Conversations Episode 98 - School Rules

This week, Lisa, Sheila, and Maria talked about school rules - what are they, why are they, what should they be.  We started the show with some exciting news about our friend, Amanda Marrinan.  John Fladd also shared some great news with us.





11:13:37 Lisa Parisi : Welcome. 

11:13:41 Lisa Parisi : You are in the right place. 

11:13:43 sheila : Can you hear the music?

11:13:54 slmteach : yes I can hear the music

11:14:03 Lisa Parisi : Once we get started, we will be heard on ustream.  the music will go off

11:14:16 slmteach : ok thanks

11:19:18 Sheila 2 : font de music is the tool that's being used in the screen.

11:19:34 rpotterfield : Hi, I am not hearing the music. I was trying EdTechTalk A on iTunes. Should I try one of the others in particular?

11:19:45 Lisa Parisi : We will be on ustream today.

11:20:07 Sheila 2 : Maria may be using ETTA

11:20:17 rpotterfield : Got it. Thanks.

11:29:09 rpotterfield : Will we need the video? Is there a way to see larger video & chat at the same time?

11:29:45 Lisa Parisi : This is an audio show.  You can now hear us on ETTA or ustream.

11:30:57 PeggyG : audio is coming through great on ustream :-)

11:31:33 PeggyG : yes!!!!!! Amanda is a winner!!! :-)

11:32:04 woodenmask : Good morning

11:32:08 Sheila 2 : Morning!

11:32:10 PeggyG : Kay Bitter Award for Teacher of the Year for ISTE!!!

11:32:22 PeggyG : I saw her tweet :-)

11:33:02 PeggyG : we need to plan a little celebration/party with her at ISTE11 :-)

11:33:08 woodenmask : Mazeltov Amanda

11:33:26 PeggyG : That's one we want to shout from the rooftops :-)

11:33:37 Sheila 2 : Welcome all!

11:33:51 slmteach : Hello

11:33:55 Sheila 2 : Can you all hear? On ustream or ETTA?

11:34:14 slmteach : Yes, ustream is working for me!

11:34:27 PeggyG : Amanda is so deserving and such an outstanding teacher to recognize!

11:34:29 Sheila 2 : Great! Thanks!

11:35:14 woodenmask : UStream is working - StreamA, not so much

11:35:28 PeggyG : great to see all of you!!

11:35:32 Sheila 2 : Ok, thanks John!

11:35:53 MariaK : good morning to all - sorry we go side tracked by an award winner announcement

11:36:21 PeggyG : classroom discipline and school rules... interesting topic for today :-)

11:36:23 woodenmask : Can I share a couple of quick Award-y pieces of news, quickly?

11:36:40 PeggyG : yes John!!

11:36:48 woodenmask : Just heard that I got the NEH grant to study Duke Ellington in Harlem this summer

11:36:59 PeggyG : woo hoo!!!! how very exciting!!!!

11:37:04 Lisa Parisi : Wow!

11:37:06 woodenmask : Also, Ben Vereen Twittered my class last week

11:37:11 PeggyG : congratulations!

11:37:27 woodenmask : They are huge Roots fans

11:37:33 PeggyG : you need to get on the skype call and tell us the details of both!!

11:37:45 woodenmask : Okay - let me get to a quiet room

11:38:07 PeggyG : yes please do!!!!

11:38:25 PeggyG : that must have been so exciting for your students :-)

11:40:21 PeggyG : I agree Maria--Gary Stager is very "quotable" and definitely can get people fired up in very engaging conversations

11:40:34 PeggyG : that's so funny!

11:41:40 PeggyG : be respectful definitely covers "don't be a jerk" :-)

11:41:43 Maureen : I had a student's cell phone ring the other day- it was his mother...I didn't bother telling him how inappropriate it was.

11:41:45 Sheila 2 : Woodenmask's blog -

11:42:24 PeggyG : thanks for that link Sheila

11:43:23 pamela livingston : Adults hate these kind of rules imagine having so many during a workshop - I think it all needs to be done in a very kind way

11:43:44 Maureen : I was listening to something the other day- an EC educator talking about not using "time out" anymore- but the reality was she was just changing the name to "thinking time".

11:44:24 PeggyG : very interesting Maureen--that's something we educators do frequently--call things by different names but still the same thing

11:44:27 pamela livingston : Liking that.  With adults I introduce an exercise and then say we'll do this and it will also give us time to silence our cells

11:45:03 pamela livingston : Sorry who is speaking didn't do my homework

11:45:13 Maureen : That sounds great. A friend of mine did some work about Harlem Renaissance- took them to Harlem for the day at the end. Lots of music, lots of art- lots of poetry.

11:45:15 Lisa Parisi : Woodenmask

11:45:19 Lisa Parisi : John Fladd

11:45:25 pamela livingston : thanks

11:45:28 Lisa Parisi : He got an award and is talking about it

11:45:53 Sheila 2 : His blog is

11:46:06 PeggyG : what an exciting summer!!

11:46:25 PeggyG : take pictures to tell the story John :-)

11:46:41 PeggyG :

11:47:24 PeggyG : I'm so glad you're telling this story John!!

11:48:49 Sheila 2 : He teaches in Deerfield, NH.

11:48:51 pamela livingston : Great story how wonderful he said he loves them back.  We are missing real love back to our students in many cases

11:48:59 PeggyG : that's so interesting!

11:49:20 pamela livingston : The antidote to bored students - love, engagement, making something important

11:49:34 PeggyG : we never know what a minute or two of our time can mean to a child (or anyone for that matter)

11:49:56 Sheila 2 : Absolutely PeggyG!

11:50:29 PeggyG : hard to physically move a middle schooler :-) not that you would want to...!

11:51:09 Sheila 2 : I've had former students now adults coming back and sharing fond memories, which I don't remember. Small acts can make big impacts.

11:51:21 PeggyG : what are you teaching them if you say "don't let me catch you..." does it say it's ok to do it somewhere else?

11:52:08 pamela livingston : There is a list of things that would help students if we allowed them; cell phones; music; iPods

11:52:17 Maureen : Good question Peggy.... I do the same thing, but don't feel like I'm being supportive of admin.

11:52:29 McTeach (Karen) : I just got in big trouble this week for letting a student use cellphone to look at a world map.

11:52:38 Maureen : Are we teaching them that they can pick and choose the rules??

11:52:49 Lisa Parisi : Peggy. I am telling them that sometimes you have to follow rules in school. But in our classroom, as long as we have a reason to "break the rule" we will as long as it stays in the room

11:52:57 PeggyG : the kids all learn which teachers they can "get away with things" and which they can't -- just like with their parents

11:53:07 pamela livingston : Lisa Nielsen (The Innovative Educator) and Willyn Webb's book will be out before long. Will be amazing - about cell phones for kids.

11:53:59 PeggyG : there are always interesting conversations about whether rules should be stated positively or negatively (don't do this) or (do this)

11:54:15 woodenmask : The amount of time a Middle School student can spend defining the terms in rules and looking for loopholes can totally dominate the time we need in class for other things.

11:54:41 Maureen : @woodenmask- many of my middle school kids will become fine lawyers

11:54:48 MariaK : I think we need to be explicit with our directions - tell about the specific behavior - don't couch it in sarcasm or not so suble hints...

11:54:50 PeggyG : when you ask kids to help you come up with the rules for your classroom they almost always state them as negatives (at least in my experience)

11:55:06 PeggyG : I agree Maria about being explicit

11:55:21 MariaK : yes Peggy - and i was told to try to restate in the positive.

11:55:24 Maureen : @peggyG- I have had the same experience- and had to work hard to make the kids come up with positive expectations

11:55:34 McTeach (Karen) : And what about when the rule is wrong...or outdated?

11:55:47 MariaK : If they say - Don't hit . I ask - what would you be doing if you were not hitting someone.

11:55:51 PeggyG : you're so right John about the amount of time it can consume with Middle Schoolers

11:56:14 McTeach (Karen) : Thank you!!! Exactly my thought!

11:56:23 PeggyG : sounds like the 60's bumper stickers--"challenge authority" :-)

11:56:24 pamela livingston : I never understood the hat rule either

11:56:39 Maureen : Not sure about that Lisa. I think that if we- as adults- can make the case, then admin will change.

11:57:02 Lisa Parisi : Really Maureen?  You really believe that?  Has that been working so far?

11:57:02 Maureen : The hat thing came from anti gang stuff- at least that's what I thought. 

11:57:07 PeggyG : I really believe in using positive statements for classroom norms (don't really like the word rules)

11:57:26 pamela livingston : At one time there were very specific rules about taking off your hat to women and inside, etc. like in my father's time

11:57:53 PeggyG : yes pamela! it's showing respect for someone else

11:58:00 Lisa Parisi : Hello Jamie

11:58:13 connect2jamie : Good morning all! Late, but....

11:58:31 PeggyG : in our school the rule no hats was meant to deter the spread of lice

11:58:47 Lisa Parisi : That should be no sharing hats, then.

11:58:49 pamela livingston : But yet another throughback to the 19th century (hats)

11:58:50 connect2jamie : ick! Lice is always a problem!

11:58:50 MariaK : or keep the lice under cover - so to speak

11:59:03 PeggyG : but a no hats rule is AZ has to be changed when it comes to really hot weather because they need to be protected from the sun and skin cancer

11:59:19 Maureen : I have kids running from building to building-for almost every class-they wear their hats. I sometimes don't even notice... but when I do, ask them to take them off

11:59:20 rpotterfield : In some schools, it's a safety issue--kids (kids!) have smuggled guns into schools under hats. Have any others had concerns like this?

11:59:22 MariaK : we are allowed to have our hats on outdoors.

11:59:35 pamela livingston : My daughter used to wear a hat and get in trouble but she said the hat made her feel protected.  She was bullied.

11:59:47 Lisa Parisi : If that is a concern, @rpotterfield, then it should be a rule.

11:59:47 PeggyG : interesting point rpotterfield--hadn't heard that but it makes sense

11:59:50 connect2jamie : Outdoors only here in hot south TX too.

12:00:47 pamela livingston : At one school the questions were Is it Nice?  Is it Necessary?  On t-shirts, etc.

12:01:23 PeggyG : and there are religions that require certain dress that may include head covers that schools need to accommodate

12:02:02 Sheila 2 : We deal with t-shirts with language on them.

12:02:08 Maureen : I think that we sometimes have to ignore a rule just to show that we are human. For example, I had a 7th grader swear in class- it was really quiet and it was pretty bad.... but he had just lost his work on the computer. I told him that everyone makes mistakes and that was his.  Done.

12:02:19 PeggyG : that's the problem with "rules"--you can never define every possible thing people need to do to be good human beings

12:02:25 connect2jamie : Yes, we have many Muslim girls & moms that wear their head covering, and that is not a problem b/c it's a religious observance.

12:02:41 Lisa Parisi : Yes, Maureen.  But if the principal had been in the room at the time, what would have happened?

12:02:55 pamela livingston : At my daughter's school both girls and boys had to take hats off.

12:02:56 connect2jamie : @maureen love that.

12:02:59 Maureen : sorry- phone call...........

12:03:06 Sheila 2 : Welcome smithtk

12:03:16 smithtk : Thx

12:03:24 connect2jamie : @maureen you de-escalated a situation that could be taken care of quickly and appropriately

12:03:39 pamela livingston : The rigidity around gender is another thing which hurts some people.

12:04:12 connect2jamie : I think my principal would have been ok with that response,had she been there. Would yours, @maureen?

12:04:41 Maureen : maybe, maybe not.

12:04:59 PeggyG : have you read/used Ron Clark's "Excellent 11" or "Essential 55"?

12:05:35 Lisa Parisi : Yes, Pamela, gender issues bug me.

12:07:01 woodenmask : The job of 8th graders is to push behavior and find acceptable limits. Unfortunately, the job of applying limits is my job as their teacher.

12:07:07 PeggyG : as a principal I would have understood if I had heard that and would have commented on the deep frustration he was feeling and not the words. Now if he started throwing desks in anger that would be different

12:07:15 pamela livingston : Me too Lisa I'm also a PFLAG mom so am involved.

12:07:31 Lisa Parisi : What is PFLAG?

12:08:09 pamela livingston : PFLAG = Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.  It's mostly parents who love their children who came out.

12:08:15 Lisa Parisi : Ahhh

12:09:22 PeggyG : I have a hard time accepting a poster on a wall that would say "don't be a jerk" but I can definitely see having that conversation with kids and using that language when you remind them about appropriate behavior

12:09:39 Lisa Parisi : I wouldn't put that on the wall, Peggy. LOL

12:09:43 smithtk : good point - will they be more comfortable with more opportunities to practice being responsible, therefore pushing the rebel button less often

12:10:18 pamela livingston : Thoughts even random ones that you believe in cause specific actions.  I think cognitive therapy ought to be something we get in PD every year.

12:10:47 PeggyG : good idea pamela

12:11:11 PeggyG : those are the kinds of rules Ron Clark includes in his book, Lisa

12:11:12 smithtk : maybe more important once they get the good feeling from it

12:11:18 pamela livingston : Children may act like it's not important when their friends are looking

12:11:37 pamela livingston : Starting with a positive intent

12:11:38 connect2jamie : Yes they do like that. It affirms them as human being.

12:12:16 smithtk : true, drives me nuts when teachers don't say hi

12:12:40 woodenmask : Just looked up the West Point Honor Code - "A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do." Purposely vague.

12:12:47 smithtk : it's a cultural signal

12:12:51 connect2jamie : Yes we work on that @lisa. It is very hard for many kids. They don't know how to reply every time they meet someone. They need us to tch them how.

12:12:53 pamela livingston : The Dalai Lama said start with compassion for all people

12:13:00 pamela livingston : Set that tone

12:13:03 woodenmask : Mine always hide...

12:13:48 connect2jamie : It reminds me of when I lived in Germany. In that country, every SINGLE time you walk into any store--big or small--you are greeted by the staff. You need to say hello to them too, and when you leave you say goodbye. Every single time. I liked that.

12:14:23 PeggyG : thanks for sharing the West Point Honor Code--interesting!

12:14:26 Lisa Parisi : Remember To Sir With Love

12:15:02 PeggyG : I loved that movie Lisa!!!! Still do!

12:15:20 Lisa Parisi : They learned respect

12:15:39 smithtk : if kids see teachers not acknowledging each other aren't they learning it is normal? Is this something we want to model?

12:16:03 PeggyG : good point smithtk--not the best example for kids

12:16:03 pamela livingston : Culture drives so much - walk into any school and in a short time you will "feel" it

12:17:04 Sheila 2 : Find value in each person, not if they conform to my views.

12:17:18 Sheila 2 : Welcome to "Conversations show"

12:17:22 mecheverria : Hello

12:17:24 PeggyG : well said Sheila! I completely agree with that

12:17:26 MariaK : Pkay, Peggy and Lisa...I now have the theme song from To Sir with Love in my head...

12:17:37 PeggyG : me too Maria!!

12:17:37 MariaK : oops - okay

12:17:38 smithtk : part of succeedingin our culture is understanding some of the positive norms

12:18:02 smithtk : we see cultures clash when norms are not exhibited

12:18:06 PeggyG : and I'm going to look for my video right after this show is over

12:18:28 PeggyG : those aren't "rules"

12:18:42 pamela livingston : I think that's culture not rules

12:18:46 Lisa Parisi : There only rules in school

12:18:50 Lisa Parisi : They're

12:18:53 Sheila 2 : Yes, smithtk

12:18:56 Lisa Parisi : Yes, I know how to spell

12:19:02 pamela livingston : School has culture too it's not in the rules

12:19:13 pamela livingston : Not just in the rules

12:20:04 pamela livingston : If people follow the behavior and actions and ways of interacting it's culture

12:20:33 PeggyG : that's why I like Ron Clark's second book "excellent 11"--it all about qualities that motivate, inspire and educate and isn't about rules. like compassion, common sense, appreciation, etc.

12:21:39 smithtk : but smiling or nodding hello is such a different level of custom and one that will help students in their futures

12:21:44 PeggyG : sometimes there are very good reasons to bring your own food (having a grandson with celiac disease)

12:22:14 Maureen : Seems like they are designed to teach compliance more than anything else.

12:22:24 pamela livingston : The rules are about the adults mostly

12:22:28 Sheila 2 : In Belize, the Mayan girls hide their smiles with their hands. When taking pictures, no smiles.

12:22:43 PeggyG : that's why I have such a problem with "rules"--there are always reasons for exceptions! look at the phonics/decoding rules :-) tons of exceptions to most of them but teachers still use them

12:23:26 MariaK : That's why i tell my lang arts folks that they shouldn't call them rules.

12:23:31 smithtk : good point, agree sheila2 - across cultures we need to be aware. Differences in Asia also.

12:24:16 PeggyG : teacher's tone of voice and rolling eyes can communicate tons!!!!

12:24:22 slmteach : i don't think all of our rules demonstrate an appropriate purpose (to children). if the students see the importance and value of the rule they will be more invested in following the rules. *so then it's our responsibility to teach why these rules or expectations would be important

12:24:42 PeggyG : outstanding point simteach!!!

12:24:45 Sheila 2 : good point simteach

12:26:07 McTeach (Karen) : People become disrespectful when they've been disrespected

12:26:08 PeggyG : adults too--will challenge rules when they don't understand the purpose

12:26:32 Lisa Parisi : And that, @simteach, is why I don't follow all the school rules.  I don't understand the point of them

12:27:12 PeggyG : I have a really hard time with sarcasm but you're not saying what you mean and kids have to figure out what you really mean

12:27:49 woodenmask : One of the historians I was reading wrote that for most of human history, we based our human relations on Power. We all knew what that meant - you have it or you don't.

12:27:50 Sheila 2 : So shouldn't we have a discussion of the rules before we break them?

12:28:05 woodenmask : Now we base it on Respect - and we can't agree on what that looks like

12:28:22 connect2jamie : very interesting point @woodenmask

12:28:38 PeggyG : and now that people are tweeting and posting on facebook those sarcastic comments they are part of their digital footprint that could be seriously misinterpreted

12:28:46 PeggyG : Chip Wood's books are great!

12:29:05 McTeach (Karen) : They'd better get sarcasm before they reach me in seventh grade!

12:29:39 PeggyG : I think sarcasm comes across as always being negative--I have a hard time listening to my grandkids when all they use is sarcasm

12:30:17 PeggyG : but do you think your kind of "sarcasm" is hurtful McTeach? I don't

12:30:52 pamela livingston : Sarcasm is a tough thing really tough.  I read a quote saying that sarcasm is meanness.  Irony and jokes are something else.  "No dark sarcasm in the classroom" - Pink Floyd "The Wall"

12:31:07 MariaK : I think most shows on tv and movies model sarcasm for folks.

12:31:09 PeggyG : great quote pamela!

12:31:11 McTeach (Karen) : No, I don't think it's hurtful...but what if a kid doesn't get it?

12:31:23 PeggyG : then you would explain it to them, right?

12:31:29 connect2jamie : Ahhh! Pink Floyd! :D

12:31:31 pamela livingston : Sarcasm is all over TV now it's why I can hardly watch it anymore

12:31:34 McTeach (Karen) : Yes, definitely!

12:31:37 woodenmask : I'm going to have to leave, now. Just heard a crash.

12:31:45 Lisa Parisi : Bye John

12:31:53 PeggyG : sometimes your jokes fall dead when people don't understand and you explain why you thought it was funny

12:32:00 McTeach (Karen) : But what happens when the students see the principal disrespecting the teachers?

12:32:13 PeggyG : that should NEVER happen McTeach!!!!

12:32:20 slmteach : How and who gets to decide which rules can be broken and which cannot though?

12:32:29 McTeach (Karen) : Peggy...happens every day.

12:32:40 Maureen : I also don't care about some of the rules. ie gum chewing- but if someone goes to a job interview and is chewing gum... chances are they won't get the job. Kids need to understand context and school is one of the contexts they need to understand.

12:32:49 PeggyG : that makes me so sad!!!!!

12:32:52 slmteach : I am sure our students would differ with use on which rules can or cannot be broken

12:32:52 Lisa Parisi : YEs, Maureen!

12:33:12 PeggyG : good example Maureen

12:33:15 pamela livingston : If a principal disrespects a teacher publicly that school's in trouble

12:33:17 Sheila 2 : We had a 40 minute discussion on fundraising in our school - guidelines. It takes time  .. . .

12:33:21 McTeach (Karen) : I probably shouldn't be chatting about it.

12:33:44 PeggyG : just like going to a job interview for teaching with a pierced tongue or lip--your choice but good chance you won't get hired

12:34:19 pamela livingston : Adults break rules all the time that they don't believe in

12:34:39 PeggyG : do you teach kids there are rules you don't need to follow and rules you have no choice about following????

12:35:04 Maureen : BUt when kids go from teacher to teacher- they can't change their clothes, lose the gum, the cell phone, etc... doesn't really help in middle school

12:35:44 PeggyG : try going through a red light in the middle of the night when you think no one is watching and the police officer pulls up behind you

12:35:59 Jose Rodriguez -> puentesalmundo: hola amigos..

12:36:04 PeggyG : I agree Maureen

12:36:09 Jose Rodriguez -> puentesalmundo: disculpen hubo un error en la hora

12:36:25 pamela livingston : Teaching kids to discern is one of our jobs

12:36:40 Maureen : @Peggy- we have 2 stops signs in my town. I got stopped one day after rolling thru both.. My excuse was that no one was coming. Lucky it was a local cop ...:-)

12:36:40 slmteach : interesting food for's a tough call and discussion certainly is the key. I must go, thanks for the conversation!

12:36:45 PeggyG : teachers are usually good rule followers :-)

12:36:56 PeggyG : very funny Maureen!!

12:37:04 pamela livingston : I don't find teachers good rule followers - oh that was a grin

12:37:11 PeggyG : we need to continue this conversation!!!

12:37:23 PeggyG : you get us all excited and charged up and then the time is up!

12:37:43 PeggyG : moral stages of development :-)

12:37:44 pamela livingston : It's like therapy! Your time is now up!

12:37:57 pamela livingston : ha

12:37:59 connect2jamie : LOL!

12:38:07 PeggyG : thanks everyone for a great conversation!

12:38:19 Lisa Parisi :

12:38:22 rpotterfield : Thank you!

12:38:26 pamela livingston : Thanks so much all great afternoon all

12:38:40 connect2jamie : Thanks all--it's always good to touch base with you on Sunday mornings, my friends!!

12:38:41 PeggyG : Easter is in 2 weeks

12:38:45 Lisa Parisi : Bye

This week, Lisa, Sheila, and Maria talked about school rules - what are they, why are they, what should they be.  We started the show with some exciting news about our friend, Amanda Marrinan.  John Fladd also shared some great news with us.

Conversations Episode 97 - Exploring New Cultures - Heading to Belize

This week, Sheila brought along Tracy Sherrill and Tom Waldron to discuss the UNH Teacher Program trip to Belize.  These extraordinary teachers learn about working cooperatively and working with different cultures by traveling to Belize to work in schools there.  

You can find out more about the trip at this link.



11:24:51 Sheila : HI there!

11:25:04 Tracy : hello

11:28:19 Sheila : HI Scott!

11:28:49 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Hello, I'm getting my spanish directions ready to post :)

11:28:49 Lisa Parisi : Hello Karen...long time no talk

11:28:51 KarenJan : just stopping by to say hello! how is everyone!

11:29:01 Lisa Parisi : Thanks Scott

11:29:08 Sheila : HI Karen!

11:29:09 KarenJan : Hi Lisa, lots to catch up on

11:29:15 Lisa Parisi : Miss you.  Yes we do.

11:29:35 KarenJan : I'm at my office, writing up reports and saw you tweeted out the link

11:30:30 Lisa Parisi : Hi Maureen

11:30:38 Maureen : Hi Lisa

11:31:21 Lisa Parisi : Hello Karen

11:31:32 Sheila : Hello everyone

11:31:53 McTeach (Karen) : Whoa...Maria sounds all official-like

11:32:05 Lisa Parisi : It happens every once in a while, Karen.

11:32:42 McTeach (Karen) : LOL! Good morning, Lisa!

11:32:43 Lisa Parisi : Hi Peggy

11:33:08 MariaK : @McTeach - of course I'm official!

11:33:09 PeggyG : Hi there. Where are you streaming? I don't have a ustream option showing

11:33:28 Maureen : It's up for me Peggy

11:33:32 MariaK : ustream

11:33:36 McTeach (Karen) : I've got it

11:33:40 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ustream good here. 

11:33:45 Lisa Parisi : Try a different browser peggy

11:33:50 McTeach (Karen) : Try a refresh

11:33:54 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Might need latest flash update...

11:34:09 PeggyG : I've tried Safari and FF and no ustream image at all! I have the lastest flash update! boo hoo!

11:34:29 Maureen : It's working in chrome for me

11:34:32 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Try going to the ustream page in a different tab.

11:34:38 PeggyG : I'll try chrome then.

11:34:39 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ill get u the link...

11:35:19 Maureen : sounds like trial by fire

11:35:47 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) :

11:36:23 PeggyG : that's the strangest thing! on all of my browsers there is a big white empty space for ustream!

11:36:26 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Sounds like more fun than my undergrad program

11:36:58 MariaK : but Scott - you'll be at the Lab school in Chicago. Not the rain forest but very exciting.

11:37:26 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : It is such a COOL place  The building looks like Hogwarts!

11:38:16 PeggyG : can't even get in with the direct url--guess I'll have to catch the recording. I really wanted to hear about Belize!!

11:38:27 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Maybe a reboot...

11:41:37 Sheila : Scott - you're good!

11:42:05 McTeach (Karen) : Such cool pics!!

11:42:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : No, Google translate is good.  I just copy/paste.

11:44:06 KarenJan : love the pics!

11:44:46 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Night hike in a jaguar preserve!?

11:45:05 KarenJan : terrifying!

11:45:16 KarenJan : absolutely beautiful water

11:46:57 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : (pics are making me hungry)

11:48:47 Lisa Parisi : HEllo Ginger!

11:48:51 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Hi Ginger

11:49:53 McTeach (Karen) : Good morning, Ginger!!

11:50:07 GingerTPLC : Hello! Trying to get my sound to going. :(

11:51:32 KarenJan : thank you! great to see everyone this morning but I have to get back to my report writing

11:51:41 KarenJan : thanks for sharing Sheila

11:51:42 Lisa Parisi : Bye Karen

11:51:44 MariaK : bye bye karen

11:51:47 KarenJan : bye everyone!

11:56:30 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Did you see any use of solar power when you were there?

11:57:15 Sheila : Some solar. Especially for a small village's community radio/phone.

11:57:26 Sheila : Not as much as you would think would be there.

11:59:03 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : I've been reading about the use of Stirling engines in remote areas for power generation.

11:59:13 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) :

11:59:52 Tracy : interesting Scott

12:00:23 Tracy : I saw some cool roof water heaters on Barbados that uses solar power

12:00:39 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : It's a good compliment for solar.... They work well if there is cooling water available

12:00:48 Tracy : Have to go. Bye all!

12:00:58 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : Bye

12:01:03 MariaK : thanks tracy. great to hear from you.

12:09:45 MariaK : There is so much that we take for granted. think of all the pencils the custodians sweep away each day.

12:10:56 McTeach (Karen) : Maria...I usually pick them up and put them in a basket that we call OfficeMac

12:11:22 McTeach (Karen) : Wait...what was the name of that book again?

12:11:28 Lisa Parisi : Material World

12:11:35 MariaK :

12:11:58 McTeach (Karen) : Thank you!

12:13:21 Lisa Parisi :

12:13:29 Lisa Parisi : This is something I saw this morning

12:14:40 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : @Lisa. I saw that earlier today also.  Its worth taking the time to watch.

12:16:50 McTeach (Karen) : I saw that! It's wonderful!

12:18:07 McTeach (Karen) : Well, isn't that the lesson? To be happy wherever you are, with whatever you have. And don't let the things you perceive to be obstacles stand in your way.

12:19:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) : ... or teach them how to make their own

12:20:34 McTeach (Karen) : So are we! We have a couple hundred made so far!

12:31:22 Lisa Parisi :

12:31:42 Lisa Parisi : Thank you all for coming.

12:32:05 McTeach (Karen) : Thank you!!

This week, Sheila brought along Tracy Sherrill and Tom Waldron to discuss the UNH Teacher Program trip to Belize.  These extraordinary teachers learn about working cooperatively and working with different cultures by traveling to Belize to work in schools there.  

You can find out more about the trip at this link.

Conversations #96 - Spring in the Classroom (March 27, 2011)

Spring Renewal. Do our classrooms have seasons too? We discussed if there were spring/seasonal differences that affect our teaching and our students. Does your classroom change? The building staff? You?


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