18:56:37 JohnS -> Hi Jake.
18:56:46 Jake -> Hello
18:59:02 JohnS -> We'll get
started in a couple minutes. Anything in particular you want to talk
18:59:42 Jake -> sound good!
18:59:49 Jake -> Yes I got a 30
sec ad
19:01:08 Jake -> "there's no such
thing as a free lunch!"
19:13:56 JohnS -> So what is
DS106? http://ds106.us
19:19:01 jeff -> to join the
conversation, skype 'worldbridges'
19:20:33 JohnS -> Talking about
DS106 http://ds106.us
19:31:19 connect2jamie -> Hi all!
In and out tonite b/c we have family visiting! I'll listen more closely
in podcast! :)
19:35:56 connect2jamie -> great to
know about ds106 radio. I've never heard of it before! Interesting!
19:37:10 tim -> hi
19:37:18 tim -> is audio stream
still available?
19:37:31 tim -> or have i missed
19:37:43 matt montagne -> scott
has the best radio voice in the twittersphere...period!
19:37:50 JohnS -> Tim, you should
be able to tune in to the Justin TV or the Radio DS106
19:37:59 JohnS -> agreed, Matt.
19:38:19 matt montagne -> gotta
go, folks...baby time/duty is calling. Glad to see JL back on ETW!!!
19:38:25 tim -> oh nice. UFC!
19:38:30 JohnS -> nice to see you,
19:38:43 tim -> free! :D
19:41:20 scottlo -> radio
experiment - well said Grant
19:42:27 scottlo -> dlnorman calls
it a Party Line
19:51:31 JohnS -> Dave Cormier on
the line, talking about #LAK11
(podcast uploaded from an airplane ... a first for EdTechTalk?)
Regular hosts: Dave, Jen, John
Guest hosts:
Richard Schwier (yay!) -> follow at http://twitter.com/schwier ... Rick Schwier is a professor of educational technology and design at the University of Saskatchewan -> see http://schwier.ca
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