
SEEDLINGS show with Carla Arena 2008-12-11

What a rockin show with Carla Arena, webhead, course creator for EVOonline, and fantastic user of Web2.0 tools. The Seedlings were able to interview Carla and share some great stories before our power went out in the Northeast. Join us for a good time.

Join Alice,Bob and Cheryl as we interview Carla Arena, webhead, loverof Web 2.0 tools, wonderful educator and creator of EVOonline courses.

Sorry this is so late, but we have been without power since Fridaynight. We are still struggling 4 days later and no sign of power insight.

Here is the Chat:

Seedlings @EdTechTalk with Lisa Thumann

Our show was all about  an  interview with  Lisa Thumann, senior technology specialist from Rutgers University and a Google Certified Teacher. Lisa talked about Personal Learning Networks, Collective Intelligence, and of course all the many links Lisa shared with us.


Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we interview Lisa Thumann, Senior Technology Specialist from Rutgers University and a Google Certified
Teacher. Lisa talks about Personal Learning Networks, Collective
Intelligence, and the current state of using digital tools throughout all content areas.

Seedlings @ Edtechtalk, October 30, 2008, an evening with David Truss

Sometimes it takes a converation like this one to let you know that we need to share our successes and trials with our bigger network. We all have good ideas, good solutions and when we talk together we offer better solutions for problems that we are all experiencing. I hope you find the nuggets in this conversation. Seedlings.

 This week, the Seedlings speak with David Truss,  David’s Blog: Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts, principal of a middle school in Coquitlam, British Columbia. The conversation picks up student leadership, David's great video clip and more.

The “Geek of the Week” Links for 2008-10-30

The Chat:

Seedlings @ Edtechtalk, October 17, 2008, GEEK of the WEEK Live @ ACTEM, Augusta, ME

Join the SEEDLINGS and about 70 other folks in the audience for GEEK of the WEEK. We broadcast in front of a great audience and shared about and as well as our great Geek of the Week!

Alice Barr, Bob Sprankle and Cheryl Oakes hosted the group with their Geeks. It was awesome. Listen in, then listen in on Thursday evening at 19:30 GMT.


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