SEEDlings Podcast - Snow Day Special! 2011-2-2

 Chat archive

cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Snow Day show soon.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: testing now can you hear me
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Yea!! Hi Jim
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hi JIM
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: Good morning. . .
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hello Dianne and Jim
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hi Bob,
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: Morning to you too!
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: 12 degrees, snowing hard at West Paris, Maine
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: What a beautiful day!
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: It is pretty amazing out there, isn't it?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Yes, Jim, it is snowing hard here too. 16 degrees
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: Just hope people don't experiece power troubles
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: <---caught message on Facebook
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Dianne it is amazing.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Hi Dianne
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: Hi Alice
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: Used to have ice damns . . . .a steel roof made all the difference
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Good morning all
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Hi Maureen
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Hi Maureen
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hi Maureen, welcome how is snow in western MA
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl- It's ridiculous- 2nd snow day in a row. Getting a combo of sleet and snow. Had to go out and free up the phone lines- hemlock trees were pulling it down
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: It's waist deep- not even counting the drifts
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Hi Mike! You Made it!
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: I did
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: Here is a bit of news. Groundhog did Not see his shadow and there will be an early spring. Go figure that one!!!!
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Audio is fine
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hi Michael,
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hello Gail P
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Missed Maine friends at educon
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl and Maureen
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Looked like it was good. Did you enjoy it?
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Hi Gail
 bobsprankle -> EdTechTalk: hi all!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: @Alice- mixed feelings- lots of energy- lots of questions- not a lot of answers and what next steps
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Our Groundhog Show, Snow Day show!!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: I remember that one Cheryl.
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Did you have a snow day yesterday?
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: @lizbdavis wrote a neat post on her educon experience; it's changed over the years for her
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: No not much snow yesterday
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Maureen, we had a full day of school yesterday
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: We should also be thinking of our friends in Australia dealing with the Cyclone!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: @Gail Thanks I will read that
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: @Gail I read it- feel somewhat the same, but not sad- just wishing I could bottle the energy and take it home with me
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Yes, Michael, I haven't seen any Twitter updates so we are thinking of them.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Shelia, hello!!
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Hi all!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Hey Sheila! Nice to see you
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: We talked at a ILT meeting recently about "technology school packs".  Much like Meals on Wheels storm packs.
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Just get weather report from a friend's husband (expert) - Another storm Sat pm and another mid week - all coming from south so wet, wet, wet.
 bobsprankle -> EdTechTalk: v. cool, michael!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: I emailed work to kids yesterday- talked thru some stuff on gdocs with 6th graders... had a 4th grader iming me last night- told him to go to bed- it was late
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Hi Lucy
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Welcome Lucy
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Hi Michael and Maureen.... trying to get the stream now.
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Welcome Del
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: It worked on ettA for me
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Yes, Maureen ,I am looking at google docs to see my students
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Happy Snow Day! It's the first for my kids. Their previous school hadn't called one since 1979.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hello Del,
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: This is exciting for Chicago!
 DelBrown -> EdTechTalk: Hi there
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: I've left some work for my students on my web page. Also left a google form for them to log their work. Hoping to show it would work for home school days.
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: It's crazy here.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Shelia, little steps!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Lucy, How much snow do you have?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Lucy, you have big winds!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Hello GailP
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Hey Alice, are you still work with the Singaporeans? I was thinking about hat last night.
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: Lost my chat window :O
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: I'm hoping the power stays on. It seems to be changing to a mix here- much rather have snow than ice
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: I'm thinking we have about 2 feet. It's still going on. Winds are strong, but not to bad where I am. Lake Shore Drive apparently is closed.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: @Lucy,no we never connected :( Dod they connect with Ryan?
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: No idea!
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: @maureen - I saw a weather map and you will be getting hail, sleet coming through now. :(
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: We should try to get that going again.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: I would love to
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: My plow guy is running out of space to put the snow-gigundo piles at the bottom of the hill
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: What do we do about those students with no or very limited access to technology at home?  I know it is not a big % but it is still a %!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Seems to have just dropped
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Michael, Kern Kelley hands out, verizon cards which are offered at discount education rates!!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Good question Michael- we have kids with no access
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Student choice... have been thinking about that. My second graders has been  saying he hates school this year. And we've decided that going from a school with a lot of choices to one that where he doesn't has ben a factor.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: We should have Kern on to talk about that.
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Kern Kelley rocks.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Yes he does Lucy!
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Michael, I think we're going to see more bring your own device programs
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: I wrote a post on the last snow day about work at home so did Kevin @dogtrax but can't find his right now
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Sorry- what was the name of the book again?
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: If kids have cells at least...
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: then they should be able to use them and schools need to think creatively about allowing all sorts of devices.
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: At the elementary level, though, not sure how to bring that connectivity divide.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk:
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: just lost your audio
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: To see movies for google apps easybib and google reading level, go to week 23
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: lost audio here too- buffering
 bobsprankle -> EdTechTalk: whoops
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: back
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: ok, will be back
 bobsprankle -> EdTechTalk: be right back
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: back too
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: again - lost
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: experiencing audio difficulties
 DelBrown -> EdTechTalk: I have audio problems as well
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Stay with us, Alice is rebooting the skype and then getting back on
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: back again . .
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: :)
 Dianne -> EdTechTalk: back again
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Opps . . . in and out
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Del, I think it is us with the problem. we will try and come back
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: Glad it's not just me. Misery loves company.
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Back for now! :)
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: The joys of a snow day Seedlings show!
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: @Michael we need to set up a good system for the families to set up as soon as school begins.
 DelBrown -> EdTechTalk: Plow just went by the end of the driveway...again.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: thanks!
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: In and out but chat continues
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: @Gail P That is a discussion that we need to start!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Yes, the chat continues. even later in the day Facebook.
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: That's a high tech explan.
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Thanks Sheila-nasty out there!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: I need to get on roof - bad ice dams. My door was frozen shut on Friday. Now have ax outside the door and unlocked window- for "easy access".
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Yikes maureen!!
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: About time folks read the writing on the wall. I never get to the daily rag here, but read tons online. Apps and webs route are vehicles
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: I heard more coming Saturday that is wet. I have to do something about my roof before Saturday.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk:
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: @Sheila- here too- I'm planning on Friday afterschool- come on over for a clean the roof party
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Another K12 one?
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: @Maureen - Sorry I have to do the Dance. Don't think I can do both. ;)
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: I did not really look at that yet.
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: @Michael are you mrichme on Twitter?
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Nope
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Yes I am Gail
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Alice that is awesome, google apps conference students and teachers.
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Congrats Alice!
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Sounds exciting!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Thanks, very excited!
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Nice, I have one domain for fac, another for students. Did it before they allowed sub domains. It keeps them separate. We finally did the complete switch for fac email in December.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: good for you Maureen!
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: We hope to switch to GMail for school by end of yr - fingers crossed
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: @Maureen, how were they? We have First Class for 15 years kids and teachers
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: I need to move research skills down to lower grades.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Will be a big cnange
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: change
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Drats the audio dropped again
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: audio out again - keep chatting!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: sorry it will be a podcast soon.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: On now?
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: RSU #10 (Rumford,Mexico, Dixfield, Buckfield, etc) has a digital citizenship initiative.  As part of it I'm doing a series of afterschool workshops to explore the area and focus on using the Common Sense Media materials.  See the beginnings of the workshop pages here:
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Looks OK right now
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Yes
 Gail P -> EdTechTalk: @Maureen, I loved your prez of Google at edcamp keene
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: The K12 Horizon report is coming out in May; the one that is coming shortly I think is the higher ed one that's announced at Educause.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk:
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: We had some client- thru our domain. Moved the domain to a new person- one of our parents runs it... and went entirely with gae for mail. Few problems- altho those who use mac mail - set up issues- directions aren't clear for dif OS
 DelBrown -> EdTechTalk: Audio is now good....and this computer is nearer my coffee mug :)
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: Lost audio- can you put links in chat
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Cheryl's geek is ATtipcast  Geek Smackdown!!! at ATIA Orlando conference
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: The podcast will be up today, at bobsprankle, the links will be there, the chat will not appear until tomorrow.
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk:
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Jim, what is this link?
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk:
 Michael Richards -> EdTechTalk: Have a great day everyone!  We're making bread in Waterboro.
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: Digital Citizenship initiative in RSU 10.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Thanks for showing up for our SnowDay Show!!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Outro
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Error on audio :(
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: 15 minutes for podcast
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> EdTechTalk: Thanks for coming!!!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Happy Snowday shoveling
 Maureen@bcdtech -> EdTechTalk: My fav educon session- joyce valenza et al
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Bye all
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Thanks for showing up.
 bobsprankle -> EdTechTalk: thanks all!
 JimBurke -> EdTechTalk: Bye . . .
 Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Thanks!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> EdTechTalk: Enjoy your day.
 LucyGray -> EdTechTalk: Bye guys
 DelBrown -> EdTechTalk: bye

A special Snow day surprise on Groundhog Day. An early spring? Really?

Geek of the Week Links


Seedlings Show 104 Angela Maiers!!!!

It was a great show with Angela, we just responded to the flow of conversation with the chat room and questions! Anglea shares her recent prompts for her daily work with students and with her workshops. You matter! What you say is important.  Your work has meaning. The world is expecting your contribution.

Seedlings 2011-01-13 Show 103 with Mike Muir!

If you or your school district are looking at doing things differently for potential drop-outs, this is the show you have been waiting for! Join us as we talk with Mike Muir about his new online Virtual Problem Based Learning Project!

Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we interview Mike Muir, The Citadel Group, and professor at University of Maine, Farmington, who is on the ground floor of an exciting program for an online high school completion program for challenged learners, disaffected youth and students needing a different path for graduation!

The Links:

The Chat: here

Seedlings 2011-01-06, Show 102, 365 Photo Projects

If you have ever wanted to be creative, try listening to our guests discuss how this project has enhanced their lives and others around them.

Join us as we interview our guests for their 365 photo projects.

Seedlings Show 101 with Bette Manchester and John Newlin

Join us as we interview John Newlin and Bette Manchester about the Maine Center for International Learning. Last week we talked about SEED and the impact that program had on Maine, now hear how the project morphed to an International Center.This is our last show of the year, unless, we have a Snow Day Show!!! Stay tuned for Ben and Ben next Thursday. Enjoy your holidays with your families no matter where you celebrate. See you in 2011.

Temporary audio, our 2010 teaser.

Geek of the Week:

The Chat:


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