
21st Century Learning #84: Dr. Scott McLeod on Disruptive Innovation and the Future of K12 Education

This week Dr. Scott McLeod joined us to discuss his K-12 Online Presentation
entitled Current leadership models are inadequate for disruptive
innovations. An must listen for anyone interested in leadership and
school change. Thanks to Scott for his time and the excellent

Next Thursday, 11/20 we'll have Will Schwalbe co-author of the book SEND: The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home.

We have a going a special show scheduled on Monday, 11/24 at noon with Michael Horn co-author of Disrupting Class, 

21st Century Learning #84Dr. Scott McLeod
Dr. Scott McLeod on Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Education
November 13, 2008

21st Century Learning #83: NEIT2008 Preview

We discussed the NEIT 2008 conference with Aaron Grill, preseident of NYCIST, the New York Consortium of Independent School Technologists. 

Topics include the unconference plan, the tools we expect everyone to use during the conference, and the goals we each had for the conference.

We're psyched that David Shipley author of SEND, and Sylvia Martinez from Gen Yes as our keynoters and conference participants. 

Next week, we'll be speaking with Scott McLeod about Disrupting Class.  See you then!

21st Century Learning #83NEIT2008
NEIT 2008 discussion with Aaron Grill
November 6, 2008

We discussed the NEIT 2008 conference with Aaron Grill, preseident of NYCIST, the New York Consortium of Independent School Technologists. 

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