Disruptive Innovation

K12 Online Conference Echo: Notice, Dream, Connect, Do with Monika Hardy and Jim Folkestad

Have a listen as we are Joined by K12online 2010 presenters Monkia Harding and Jim Folkstad with their presentation "Students Redifine School".  

In this edition of the K12Online Conference Echo, we are joined by Monika Harding and Jim Folkstad presenters for the student voices strand of the K12 Online Conference 2010. 

We believe that education is the vehicle to social change everyone craves. We believe that personalization is now possible in public school, because of the connections to people and info the web now allows. We believe that the process of learning how to learn, amped by the personalization digital equity allows is the new standard.

In the lab, we are experimenting with ways to facilitate personalized learning and ownership. We believe learning and self-constructing is natural, but most people need to break out of habits focused on following rules. Experimentation means doing, and doing breeds mistakes. Risk of failure blinds many to their potential. We believe playing it safe today is a greater risk.


ED 21 Unconference

What happens when you mix a group of passionate educators with a desire to advocate for change in education? You get action!

Uploaded with plasq’s Skitch!

Ed21, a conference for educators - and all learners, is happening this Saturday, February 21st from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m PST (global time). The conference is a mix of four Ted-like 14 minute presentations with time for conversation in between and after the presentations.

The website answers the question, “What is Ed21?”, with this:

We are interested in discussing how we can reinvent the educational system so students can be:

• independent processors of information

• solvers of real life problems

• curious and passionate about their interests

• effective oral and written communicators

• collaborators who make an impact on their community, one another, and the world

To this end we are committed to challenging the status quo, connecting people with networks, and sharing ideas worth spreading.

I hope you can join us!




21st Century Learning #86: Michael Horn Co-author of Disrupting Class

21st Century Learning #86
Michael Horn Co-author of Disrupting Class
November 24, 2008

Michael Horn, co-author of Disrupting Class and Executive Director of Education, Innosight Institute
joined us to discuss disruptive innovation and school change.  This
conversation ranged from what schools will look like in 10 years to
neuroscience and baseball. Definitely check this one out. 

Upcoming Shows:

12/4 Curtis Johnson, co-author of Disrupting Class
12/11, Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS

Michael B. Horn21st Century Learning #86
Michael Horn Co-author of Disrupting Class
November 24, 2008

21st Century Learning #84: Dr. Scott McLeod on Disruptive Innovation and the Future of K12 Education

This week Dr. Scott McLeod joined us to discuss his K-12 Online Presentation
entitled Current leadership models are inadequate for disruptive
innovations. An must listen for anyone interested in leadership and
school change. Thanks to Scott for his time and the excellent

Next Thursday, 11/20 we'll have Will Schwalbe co-author of the book SEND: The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home.

We have a going a special show scheduled on Monday, 11/24 at noon with Michael Horn co-author of Disrupting Class, 

21st Century Learning #84Dr. Scott McLeod
Dr. Scott McLeod on Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Education
November 13, 2008

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