I teach a course at UNH f2f and have tried to add online components. They are reluctant to try much; including a listserv to ask questions privately to the group. So odd to me.
I also worked with adults in a f2f and they did not want to go to any online structures ... said they had enough with their work situations ... strong resistance
Are your students collecting RSS feeds in Google Reader, bookmarking sites as a group in Delicious, blogging, interviewing content area experts they found through Google Scholar, and teaching the section of the course for which they are responsible? Wendy Drexler's students are doing all of this. This is a must listen for those of us who dream of the day when education is a more active, accountable process for students and teachers.
21st Century Learning #95
Wendy Drexler on the Networked Student
February 12, 2009
Are your students collecting RSS feeds in Google Reader, bookmarking sites as a group in Delicious, blogging, interviewing content area experts they found through Google Scholar, and teaching the section of the course for which they are responsible? Wendy Drexler's students are doing all of this. This is a must listen for those of us who dream of the day when education is a more active, accountable process for students and teachers.
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
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