Lorna Costantini. Matt Montagne. Cindy Seibel

Parents as Partner Episode # 30 November 2, 2009

 For most parents the most common interaction with their child's classroom teacher happens at parent teacher interviews. For years that process has been the norm, but now it is changing. In more and more schools, students are leading conferences, and, overall, the word is that they‚are doing a fine job.

Conversations Edtechtalk show host Lisa Parisi and Ginger Lewman from Turning Point Learning Centre in Emporia, KS  joined Matt Lorna and Cindy to share their experiences using student led Parent Teacher conferences.

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Parents as Partner Episode # 27 September 21, 2009

The Parents as Partners team welcomed Larry Ferlazzo, a high school teacher  from Sacramento, California Larry  as he discussed his new book “Building Parent Engagement in Schools”   http://engagingparentsinschool.edublogs.org

Larry shared his experiences in engaging parent using home visits and community partnerships.

The Parents as Partners team welcomed Larry Ferlazzo, a high school teacher  from Sacramento, California Larry  as he discussed his new book “Building Parent Engagement in Schools”   http://engagingparentsinschool.edublogs.org

Larry shared his experiences in engaging parent using home visits and community partnerships.

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Parents as Partners Episode #22 March 2, 2009 Speakers Corner

Inspired by Doug Symington on Edtechbrainstorm, the Parents as Partners hosted a speakers corner. Angela Maires, Penny Lindballe and Sarah H, joined us on the conference call.


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14:35:44 23 -> -EdTechTalk: :(

21:00:28 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: can you hear us

21:00:29 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all!

21:00:34 lblanken -> -EdTechTalk: not yet

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