Teachers Teaching Teachers #142 - Taking It Global with TIGed - 03.04.09

The idea for this webcast came when a teacher new to our work together contacted Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison saying that she was thinking of having her students get involved with both Youth Voices and Taking it Global (TIG). This teacher, Melissa Lynn Pomerantz, a 10 grade English teacher from St. Louis joined us on the show. 

To learn more about TIGed we invited Katherine Walraven, TIG’s Education Program Manager, and a tech integrator who use TIGed: Mali Bickley and Suzie Vesper. We wanted to learn more about Taking It Global - Ed.

Do you work with schools globally? Or want to?

The teachers whose students use Youth Voices -- and meet each week on this webcast -- often talk about “taking it global.” And this is a key value advocated by Jeff Lebow.

The idea for this webcast came when a teacher new to our work together contacted us saying that she was thinking of having her students get involved with both Youth Voices and Taking it Global (TIG). This teacher, Melissa Lynn Pomerantz, a 10 grade English teacher from St. Louis joined us on the show. 

To learn more about TIGed we invited:

Listen to this podcast if you would also like to learn more about Taking It Global. Perhaps like us, you will want to learn how we can broaden our -- and our students -- horizons beyond these United States.


Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.

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