This week Women of the Web 2 welcomed guest Jeremy Davis, "20 To
Watch" 2008 award winner, finalist for the Project Tomorrow Innovation
in Education Award as High Impact Teacher for Orange County in 2008,
and creator of Virtual Technology Teacher
Jeremy shared strategies for engaging administrators and teachers with
technology, creative teacher-led professional development suggestions,
and ideas for making effective use of COWs (computers on wheels).
This week Women of the Web 2 welcomed guest Jeremy Davis, "20 To Watch" 2008 award winner, finalist for the Project Tomorrow Innovation in Education Award as High Impact Teacher for Orange County in 2008, and creator of Virtual Technology Teacher Jeremy is currently a Coordinator for Instructional Technology for the Anaheim City School District in Orange County, California. In spite of some Skype challenges and audio difficulties at the beginning of the show, Jeremy and Jen persevered with some awesome conversation about Jeremy's exciting activities with teachers and students. Jeremy shared strategies for engaging administrators and teachers with technology, creative teacher-led professional development suggestions, and ideas for making effective use of COWs (computers on wheels). His online videos of model technology lessons are fantastic resources for teachers and students of all ages. WOW2 links on Delicious:
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