
Not EdTechWeekly - NECC Call-in & Virtual School Update

Between John's field trip to NECC and Dave's (alleged) poor internet connection, Jen & Jeff never quite got started with a fast paced roundup of news and resources. Fortunately, we were joined by Steve Kossakoski of VLACS (NH's first Virtual High School) and had a great discussion about  how things are going at VLACS in particular and the challenges and possibilities for virtual education in general.  Also,  John called in from the Blogger's Cafe at NECC and we were able to speak with him, Lisa Parisi, and Vinny Vrotny about Edubloggercon'09. 

Not EdTechWeekly
June 28, 2009
Between John's field trip to NECC and Dave's (alleged) poor internet connection, Jen & Jeff never quite got started with a fast paced roundup of news and resources. Fortunately, we were joined by Steve Kossakoski of VLACS (NH's first Virtual High School) and had a great discussion about  how things are going at VLACS in particular and the challenges and possibilities for virtual education in general.  Also,  John called in from the Blogger's Cafe at NECC and we were able to speak with him, Lisa Parisi, and Vinny Vrotny about Edubloggercon'09.


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