Alex Ragone

21st Century Learning #64: U.S. Presidential Primaries and You

Alex, arvind and chatroom guests discussed all the technology surrounding the U.S. Preisdential Primary races. How can you use the Internet and online tools to understand the process? Tune in to find out...

21st Century Learning #62: Review of PBS's Frontline "Growing Up Online"

21st Century Learning #62

Review of PBS's Frontline Growing Up Online

January 23, 2008

We discussed PBS's excellent newspiece "Growing Up Online" which investigated the lives of the first generation of kids to grow up with Internet access their entire lives. We brainstormed a show with kids as well as covered the pieces of the news story which we felt were critical.

21st Century Learning: K-12 Online Presentation

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Welcome to Alex Ragone and arvind grover's K-12 Online Presentation.

Alex and arvind, live!

Thanks to all of our EdTechTalk co-hosts and participants on this presentation.

These Include:

Jeff Lebow
Dave Cormier
Jennifer Maddrell
John Schinker
Doug Symington
Lee Baber
Paul Allison
Susan Ettenheim
Cheryl Oakes
Jennifer Wagner
Vicki Davis
Sharon Peters
Lisa Durff
Jose Rodriguez
Alice Mercer
Cathy Evanoff
Jeff Flynn
Vinnie Vrotny
And the entire EdTechTalk community!

Thanks to our EdTechTalk webcasters for their gracious Creative Commons licensing on their content. Specifically:

EdTechTalk #40


EdTechBrainStorm 2007.09.27



I'm joined by Alex Ragone, Cheryl Oakes, Cathy Evanoff, Lisa Durff, Susan Ettenheim and Alice Mercer as we consider some questions that Alex has for edtechtalk webcasters ahead of a k12onlineconference presentation he has coming up.

21st Century Learning #43: One Year Anniversary and Jeff Lebow from Worldbridges

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EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #43
One Year Anniversary and Jeff Lebow from Worldbridges
May 15, 2007

This week we celebrated our one year anniversary, woot! We have managed to get to our 43rd episode, only taking a few weeks off for vacation last summer. We reflect on what it has been like, and bring in our mentor Jeff Lebow, founder of Worldbridges to discuss 21st Century Learning and

We also discussed the recent NY Times article about schools getting rid of their laptop programs. We gave some of our own critiques and discussed how schools could be more successful with 1:1 initiatives. 

Next week, we'll be discussing faculty professional development with Jeff Ritter, from St. John's School in Houston Texas. See you all then.

To contact us, please submit a comment on this post or send us e-mail at 21 [at]


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