women of web 2.0

Wow 2.0 Show 84, Geocaching is for you and your students!

This is the greatest show! It is about Geocaching with Shelia Adams, Deb Boisvert, Beth Goodwin as the geocachers, and Jen Wagner and Cheryl Oakes, Women of Web 2.0.

Join us for a great conversation and you might use this with your students!

The Chat:

Women of Web 2.0 Show 83 Live from NECC08

You may not have made it to NECC08, but believe me by the time you read the chat, listen to the podcast and check out the links, you will feel like you were in the audience. The podcast was recorded in full, which will help all of you who missed pieces of the conversation due to the bandwidth dropping!

Women of Web 2.0 Show 82

Everybody is talking Moodle! Laurie Korte will demystify the whole Moodle mystique. Laurie will explain the ideas behind Moodle and give examples of how this can impact your classroom or your school! Laurie is a District Technology Integration Specialist her Website is http://moodlemeet.ning.com.

Join Jen, Sharon and Cheryl as we interview and converse with Laurie Korte and the chat room.

Women of Web 2.0 Show 80

Join the Women of Web 2.0, for our Wow's of the week, our interview with the Ed Tech Posse. Find our how they got their name! Later in the show John Schinker is the host for the game show! It did get a little controversial, but rumor has it there will be a rematch! The Ed Tech Posse include: Alec Couros, Dean Shareski, Rob Wall, Rick Schwier,

The game winning limerick:

There once were some gals who were wow.

Eachweek they delighted in showing us how


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