Teacher voice is our theme on this episode of TTT recorded on 10.16.13 in the middle of Connected Educators Month http://connectededucators.org/. Raising teacher voice is an ongoing theme on TTT, and we welcomed this opportunity to re-join the conversations that we hosted in May and June, 2013:
TTT#351 Teachers Speaking Up http://edtechtalk.com/node/5198 On this... episode... we talk about how, when, why, and where to speak up!
TTT#353 Teachers Speaking Uphttp://edtechtalk.com/node/5200 A provocative conversation about Teachers Speaking Up w/@AndreaZellner, @KSchulten, @StevenZemelman, @Ochoajen @MsSandersTHS, @meenoorami, and Pat Delaney
On this episode of TTT we are joined by:
Meenoo Rami Kevin Hodgson Karen Fasimpaur Johanna Paraiso Chandler Sansing Maribeth Whitehouse
Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast, and to find links to several of the resources shared during this episode of TTT.
This episode of TTT is a conversation about the future of the teaching and schooling in general.The idea for this week's episode of TTT came about when +Andrew McGuire, a student of +Chris Sloan's who had graduated from high school last year, told Chris that he wants to be an English teacher. But he wants a different kind of education than a lot of what he has received. Chris writes:
He’s an education reformer at heart, and a lot of what he described as his ideal educational environment aligns with some of the people who’ve joined us on Teachers Teaching Teachers recently. He’s talking about connected learning in third spaces that involve a maker approach and is inquiry-based. So what would you tell an 18-year old who’s thinking about becoming an English teacher? Not only what Andrew and others like him should study, but how they should go about their teacher education?
It is an innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas - from the very practical to the big dreams.
The Axioms: The guiding principles behind Educon:
1) Our schools must be inquiry-driven, thoughtful and empowering for all members 2) Our schools must be about co-creating - together with our students - the 21st Century Citizen 3) Technology must serve pedagogy, not the other way around 4) Technology must enable students to research, create, communicate and collaborate 5) Learning can - and must - be networked
What are your personal learning networks (PLN) online? What do your
students do? Do we use different or similar tools to learn online? Do
you use mobiles? Do students? What do students’ PLN’s look like now?
What will they look like in 1, 3, and 5 years?
Samantha Adams and Meenoo
Rami are two of our guests on this episode of Teachers Teaching
Teachers. Samatha Adams joined us for further conversations about the NMC
Horizon Report: 2011 K-12 Edition, and Meenoo Rami let us know
what’s happening at #engchat on Twitter on Monday evenings and beyond.
SamanthaAdams Director of Communications, NMC (www.nmc.org) SamanthaAdams
came to the NMC with an extensive writing and research background in
both print and digital publishing. After working with the top trade
publishers in the world for a previous job digitizing content for
ebooks, she fell in love with writing about emerging technologies. At
the NMC, she works closely with CEO Larry Johnson to spearhead the NMC
Horizon Project, which encompasses the The NMC Horizon Report series. In the recently released NMC Horizon Report: 2011 K-12 Edition, she was deeply involved in the research and writing of the report. As the lead writer at the NMC, Samantha
also focuses on strategic communications within and outside of the NMC
member community, promoting special events and publications, while
managing the organization’s social media forums. In her free time, Samantha enjoys writing fiction and has recently published an anthology of short stories.
Meenoo Rami and a couple of her colleagues who helped make #engchat the place to be on Twitter on Mondays at 7:00 PM Eastern / 4:00 PM Pacific. Here a recent sampling:
What are your personal learning networks (PLN) online? What do your students do? Do we use different or similar tools to learn online? Do you use mobiles? Do students? What do students’ PLN’s look like now? What will they look like in 1, 3, and 5 years?
Samantha Adams and Meenoo Rami are two of our guests on this episode of Teachers Teaching
Teachers. Samatha Adams joined us for further conversations about the NMC Horizon Report: 2011 K-12 Edition, and Meenoo Rami let us know what’s happening at #engchat on Twitter on Monday evenings and beyond.
SamanthaAdams Director of Communications, NMC (www.nmc.org) SamanthaAdams came to the NMC with an extensive writing and research background in both print and digital publishing. After working with the top trade publishers in the world for a previous job digitizing content for ebooks, she fell in love with writing about emerging technologies. At the NMC, she works closely with CEO Larry Johnson to spearhead the NMC Horizon Project, which encompasses the The NMC Horizon Report series. In the recently released NMC Horizon Report: 2011 K-12 Edition, she was deeply involved in the research and writing of the report. As the lead writer at the NMC, Samantha also focuses on strategic communications within and outside of the NMC member community, promoting special events and publications, while managing the organization’s social media forums. In her free time, Samantha enjoys writing fiction and has recently published an anthology of short stories.
Meenoo Rami and a couple of her colleagues who helped make #engchat the place to be on Twitter on Mondays at 7:00 PM Eastern / 4:00 PM Pacific.
Click Read more to see a recent sampling of #engchat
and a copy of the chat that was happening during this webcast.
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