
IHAQ#4 - K-12 MOOC's: Possibilities and Challenges

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I Have a Question#4
April 27, 2014

Featured Question: From +Paul Allison
What would a K-12 MOOC have in it? What connections would it nurture?
Would teachers codesign it with students? Do they exist?

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What would a K-12 MOOC have in it?

From  +Paul Allison  via

What would a K-12 MOOC have in it? What connections would it nurture? Would teachers codesign it with students? Do they exist?

COOLCast Nov. 2, 2011 - Where is the Change?

November 2, 2011

Participants; Tim Owenscarol yeagerJim StaufferStephen DownesGiulia Forsythe, Jeff Lebow
Topics:  Getting to know TimWhere is the change in Change 11?,  Interactivity in MOOC's, The Magic of DS106, Interactive Presentation options, How best to tune in to blog comments, the Canvas alternative, and plans for a Wowza date

COOLCast - October 5, 2011

Topics: platform options for course events, central cores and threads in MOOCs, designed around the loudest shouters, continuity in open learning topics, 'distributed' teacher goals vs. learner centralized desires, city tour bus vs. independent roaming, and lots more meandering...

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