This week, we discussed the idea of teaching tolerance, respect, and acceptance in school. How do we do this in our classrooms and how do we help parents understand what we are doing? We were joined by Amanda Marrinan.
20:01:28 Sheila: Hi Amanda!
20:01:29 marragem: Hi everyone!
20:02:16 Sheila: When's your first day with students?
20:02:24 connect2jamie: Good evening all!
20:02:27 marragem: next Tuesday
20:02:56 Sheila: Ahh!
Laminating done?
20:03:02 marragem: my PD days start tomorrow. Summer break is
officially over :(
20:03:18 Sheila: Hi Jamie!
20:03:18 Lisa Parisi: Hi Amanda and Jamie
20:03:36 marragem: probably halfway through my laminating. I keep
thinking of more things to do!
20:03:49 marragem: Hi Lisa
20:04:38 connect2jamie: Laughing *with* you!
20:05:01 Sheila: Is it still hot in Brisbane?
20:05:12 Sheila: Hi PeggyG!
20:05:12 connect2jamie: Hi @Peggy!
20:05:24 Peggy George: Hi everyone! Froze up in FF and had to move
to Chrome :-) Great to be here with you
20:05:24 Lisa Parisi: Hello Peggy
20:05:38 marragem: Hi Peggy!
20:05:39 Peggy George: Amanda you're amazing!!!
20:05:46 marragem: no I'll join in!
20:06:03 marragem: hubby's working hard putting together a little
20:06:09 Peggy George: Anyone participating in the EVOnline
courses now? They have some fantastic courses going on :-)
20:06:33 Sheila: No I have not checked them out!
20:06:37 Peggy George: hooray Amanda!
20:06:46 mariak: @ Peggy - yes great offerings. can't give them
any time though!
20:07:03 Peggy George: There is a digital tools course that has
about 500 people signed up! Also a multiliteracies course.
20:07:23 Peggy George: ok to be a lurker and just check them out
and view resources, etc.
20:07:36 connect2jamie: I tried joining in one year, but just too
swamped. Couldn't do it justice
20:07:46 Peggy George: Carla Arena is one of the moderators of the
digital tools course--think Cheryl Oakes may be too
20:08:07 Peggy George: I have a hard time keeping up too but they
really are great. I do what I can...
20:08:07 Sheila: Wow! I hope to check it out soon.
20:08:10 connect2jamie: Yes, I think Cheryl is. Usually is,
anyway--and she mentioned it on Seedlings this wk
20:08:46 Peggy George: you're going to love it Amanda!
20:09:16 connect2jamie: Don't know about dual touch active board.
How's it diff than a smartboard?
20:09:53 Peggy George: I've heard great things about the table.
20:10:22 connect2jamie: Ahh! Cool! We have Starboards in our
district, and there's not nearly as much active support/resources as
20:10:41 Peggy George: did you see what Robert Pronovost did with
his tables--painted whiteboard paint on all of them and the kids all use them
as whiteboards to do their writing on :-)
20:10:42 connect2jamie: Seems like Smartboard is more
20:10:59 connect2jamie: love the idea of that whiteboard paint!
20:11:09 mariak: I love my promethean board.
20:11:10 marragem: Kathy did that too, Peggy
20:11:43 Peggy George: it's a brilliant idea! saw him demonstrate
it in a webinar :-)
20:12:12 Peggy George: perfect topic for tonight!
20:12:47 connect2jamie: you can say that again, Lisa! Our
politicians are the *worst* of bullies!
20:12:57 connect2jamie: very discouraging.
20:13:07 Lisa Parisi: Yes, Jamie.
So how do we explain to our kids that these are our leaders?
20:13:09 Peggy George: don't you love the Peter, Paul and Mary
version of "Don't Laugh at Me"??? :-)
20:13:30 Peggy George: I would love to have been there Maria!!!
20:13:54 Peggy George: how awesome for him to recognize educators!
20:14:12 connect2jamie: I guess the best we can do is just keep
talking about it, and maybe when they are older, they'll have internalized the
anti-bullying ideals a little more than some in our generation has.
20:15:11 Peggy George: yes Ooperation Respect--that's where all of
the materials for Don't Laugh at Me are located
20:15:14 Lisa Parisi:
20:15:18 Peggy George: they are really great!
20:15:35 Peggy George: respect, peace, love :-)
20:16:16 connect2jamie: ...teach your children well...
20:16:42 Peggy George: what an incredible concert!!! I wish I
could have been there!
20:18:04 Peggy George: it's going to take a lot more than just
talking about it. Kids need to experience successful ways to handle bullying
and treating other kids with respect. There are so many kids with powerful
emotional needs.
20:18:41 Peggy George: autism spectrum creates special situations
because they really can't control their reactions to feelings
20:19:01 marragem: there was a child in one of our Prep classes
last year who demonstrated bullying behaviour
20:19:39 Peggy George: is it due to autism or just behavioral
20:19:57 Peggy George: thanks for clarifying that
20:21:16 marragem: gee - that doesn't happen here. All are
included in regular classrooms, no matter how severe
20:22:08 Peggy George: that's really challenging to manage Amanda.
Do you have any support like teacher aides to help you with the special needs
20:22:30 Peggy George: that's the key--they don't read the cues,
body language and facial expressions
20:22:47 Sheila: We just had a 4th or 5th grader get placed
outside of our district. It disturbs me.
20:22:53 Peggy George: what a great success story Lisa!
20:23:19 connect2jamie: I like that activity Lisa. Friend sense
20:23:36 marragem: yes, Peggy - if they have been ascertained and
on an IEP. Often that doesn't happen until they're around Year 2, so it can
make things rather difficult in Prep and One
20:23:43 Peggy George: these are such important points and
examples Lisa!!!
20:24:19 Peggy George: I agree Amanda. Those early years are often
the most challenging because they lack so many skills--both social and
20:24:40 marragem: and often the parents are still in denial
20:24:59 Peggy George: so true!
20:26:33 Peggy George: that's great Lisa!! I'll remember those
words... "Remember your bubble."
20:27:05 Peggy George: yes Maria!! Kids need the language to be
able to communicate and understand it.
20:29:09 Peggy George: that's a great idea Sheila
20:29:57 Peggy George: don't just stay with their home room group
20:30:56 Peggy George: how cute-partner smiles :-)
20:31:17 Peggy George: hard to be mean when you're smiling :-)
20:32:39 Sheila: True PeggyG
20:33:43 Peggy George: what is different about this chat log than
the one Jeff Lebow uses for Teachers Teaching Teachers and EdTechWeekly? You
can't copy/paste in this chat log but you can in those.
20:34:33 connect2jamie: i think you're right @Lisa--we focus more
and more on curricular needs, and the social learning doesn't happen as much as
it used to, I don't think.
20:34:46 Peggy George: Love that Lisa! :-)
20:35:27 Peggy George: those social skills are really important!
20:35:39 Sheila: Welcome tgilley!
20:35:40 connect2jamie: We have to "sneak in" so much
these days! things that are really important, and that need to be taught and
learned. Things that aren't tested, so they get lost.
20:35:45 Peggy George: you shouldn't say everything that comes
into your mind :-)
20:35:49 tgilley: [i]Hello,[b]
20:36:02 Peggy George: Hi tgilley-welcome!
20:36:16 Sheila: Inner voices vs outer voices
20:36:18 Lisa Parisi: Yes, Jamie, but so much of what doesn't get
tested is more important than the other things
20:36:23 Peggy George: so true Jamie! there are a lot of important
things that don't get tested!
20:36:24 tgilley: [i]what is the topic of discussion tonight?
20:36:29 Lisa Parisi: tolerance
20:37:08 Sheila: Awareness of others
20:37:17 Peggy George: and respect and how to teach/encourage this
in children (in keeping with MLK Jr. Day)
20:37:23 Sheila: is the first step.
20:38:17 Peggy George: feeling accepted and part of the group is
so important to life and to learning. Hard to concentrate on learning when
you're feeling threatened and excluded.
20:38:41 connect2jamie: We all know that @lisa! Those who are
creating the curriculum/worrying about standards, AYP, etc. don't give these
wildly important pieces of learning the respect that they deserve. And so
teachers have to "sneak" these pieces in. Because we KNOW it needs to
be taught.
20:39:14 Peggy George: it takes time to really listen and have
these conversations but they are so important!
20:39:19 connect2jamie: absolutely!
20:39:33 Peggy George: I agree Lisa! Those things will help them
focus on learning!
20:39:43 connect2jamie: 100% agree @lisa.
20:41:01 Peggy George: in AZ last week there was a 7 year old who
brought a gun to school and it accidentally went off on the school bus. No one
was hurt but he brought it because he was afraid of being
"stolen"/kidnapped. Pretty scary stuff!
20:41:13 connect2jamie: wow.
20:41:19 Sheila: Yikes!
20:41:33 tgilley: [b][i]I like to teach all these skills through
PBL. You can teach the curriculum, but
life skills are sprinkled th[u]roughout.
20:41:55 Peggy George: like that point Lisa--you weren't available
to learn...
20:42:12 marragem: and I know that 6 and 7 year olds have been
hospitalised due to depression.
20:42:32 Peggy George: isn't that sad Amanda??
20:42:59 Lisa Parisi: Yes, @tgilley, PBL helps with so much of
20:43:14 Peggy George: teachers can do a lot with things under
their control (making sure their classroom and school environment are safe for
20:43:36 Sheila: We have 4 rules in school. One is Manage
Yourself. This allows for great discussions from time to time.
20:43:41 Lisa Parisi: I have had kids who do everything not to
leave at the end of the day because their home isn't safe
20:43:43 Peggy George: they need to learn the Sandbox Manifesto
from Angela Maiers :-)
20:43:58 Peggy George: I remember kids like that too Lisa!
20:44:37 Peggy George: that's a great approach Amanda! Songs can
be so powerful for remembering those things.
20:44:48 connect2jamie: over Christmas break, we found that we had
a family of 5 kids that had absolutely no furniture in their apartment. No
mattresses or anything--sleeping under piles of clothes to keep warm. None of
us had any idea.
20:44:53 Lisa Parisi:
20:45:10 mariak: Virtues -
20:45:20 Lisa Parisi: My husband has a child who is now living in
a shelter with mom.
20:45:29 Sheila: Wow Jamie! Glad you found out!
20:45:30 Peggy George: wow Jamie! weren't you so glad you
discovered that? so sad and many more kids are experiencing this
20:45:33 Lisa Parisi: Amazing that he comes to school every day
and learns.
20:46:16 Peggy George: Robert Fulghum was so right!
20:46:35 connect2jamie: Yes, it is mind-boggling to think that so
many of our kids are coming from situations like that. Very glad that we found
out about our 5 kids so we could help them, but so many more of them...
20:46:54 connect2jamie: love Fulghum!
20:48:25 connect2jamie: Our school focuses on a different social
skill every week. The kids can tell you the steps for each of them. It's
helpful--provides opportunity to discuss and think through situations.
20:50:20 Lisa Parisi:
20:50:21 Peggy George: sincerity is a bit harder--to get it to match
their words.
20:50:35 Peggy George: not just saying sorry but finding a way to
say/show you really are sorry
20:51:22 mariak:
20:51:31 mariak: A wonderful book
20:51:39 Peggy George: that's a bit harder Sheila :-) they often
don't use the same language at home... I had so many parent/child conferences as
a principal where the parent said "I told them if anyone bothered them to
hit them."
20:52:22 Peggy George: exactly Sheila! parents don't know how to
manage their own kids and they're out of control.
20:52:45 Peggy George: yes I think we are better off now but still
have a long ways to go
20:53:26 Peggy George: too many things in society are out of
control and incidents of road rage, political demeaning, etc. are what the kids
see on the news and see/hear their parents doing
20:53:36 Peggy George: hahaha---more lawyers :-)
20:53:40 Peggy George: job security
20:53:53 mariak: we comply because of fear.
20:54:08 Peggy George: that's terrible Lisa!
20:54:19 Peggy George: that is shocking!!!
20:54:42 Peggy George: it's a lot about consciousness raising and
20:54:50 connect2jamie: We just say ya'll down here in TX!
20:55:00 Peggy George: that's a battle you'll probably never win
Lisa--educators use that term in workshops all the time
20:55:23 Lisa Parisi: And I teach all my student teachers and any
teacher who takes a class from me...I'll get the word out
20:55:34 Peggy George: :-)
20:55:36 connect2jamie: Many of our tchrs say friends...
20:55:47 Lisa Parisi: I say boys and girls but I like friends
20:56:09 Peggy George: listen to a few webinars and you're bound
to hear the presenter say "can you guys all hear me?" :-)
20:56:32 Peggy George: really good point Sheila!
20:56:37 Lisa Parisi: I correct people now, Peggy. I just do.
Would you correct someone who said something wildly inappropriate?
20:57:47 Peggy George: teachers are counselors!! :-)
20:58:44 Peggy George: Byron Katie would say "Is that true?
How do you know it's true?" :-) really gets the conversation/thinking
20:59:30 Peggy George: sarcasm can also create many problems--what
do you really mean?
21:00:04 Peggy George: kids use sarcasm to be funny but the victim
doesn't think it's funny
21:00:06 connect2jamie: Sarcasm is a huge problem. Kids don't understand
it so many times, when tchrs are sarcastic.
21:00:13 Peggy George: yes!
21:01:17 Peggy George: wonderful point to end up with Maria! there
can be great prejudice against poverty (homeless are perfect example)
21:01:21 connect2jamie: We have one team of tchrs whose
personalities lend themselves to sarcasm--and I think that so many times it
creates problems that are not necessary.
21:01:37 Peggy George: their parents feel they need to
"lie" about their address to make sure the kids can go to school
21:02:04 Peggy George: so true Jamie--there are many teachers who
use sarcasm themselves
21:04:32 Peggy George: whether it's finding the words to use with
kids or other teachers, it's really important to find a way to talk about
things that concern you and not just look the other way
21:06:02 Peggy George: there was an incredible interview with
Steve Hargadon on Future of Education by David Maxfield on this topic. He has
written many books but he provides the kind of language you can use when you
want things to change.
21:06:35 connect2jamie: I missed that one @Peggy. Will have to go
look for it.
21:06:43 connect2jamie: Oops! Peggy disappeared!
21:06:59 Peggy George: rats!!! guess the chat log didn't like what
I was typing :-)
21:07:09 mariak: censored!
21:07:38 Peggy George: I was saying that David Maxfield wrote The
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything" Incredible book!
21:07:58 Peggy George: all about ways we can use language better
to bring about change
21:08:02 Sheila: Thanks Peggy!
21:08:13 Peggy George: I'd paste the link here but it won't let me
21:08:37 Lisa Parisi: Peggy, if you float the chat, you can drop
and drag links.
21:08:53 Peggy George: I always thought the Peer Mediation
skills/training were really helpful to kids even when they weren't at school
21:08:57 connect2jamie: Oh my--we have such a wildly red state
that the prevailing attitude is just what you described, @lisa. it's ugly and
intolerant and sickening. We have many, many teachers who hold those views that
you describe. Don't know...
21:09:11 Peggy George: I know that Lisa but I don't always have a
tool bard to float the chat
21:09:13 Lisa Parisi:
21:09:18 Peggy George: thanks a lot!
21:09:45 Peggy George: his interview on Future of Education was
really good. You can listen to it there:
21:09:57 connect2jamie: Good discussion tonight--and some good
links to check out.
21:10:05 Peggy George: folk songs have so many wonderful messages!
21:10:15 connect2jamie: Thanks ya'll!! :)
21:10:19 Peggy George: everything on their site is free to
download--Operation Respect
21:10:23 connect2jamie: Gotta go get ready for tomorrow!
21:10:26 Lisa Parisi:
21:10:33 Peggy George: bye everyone! thanks for a wonderful
21:11:02 connect2jamie: Bye!!
21:11:02 Peggy George: wish we knew why this chat log was different
than the one on EdTechWeekly.
21:11:24 marragem: Goodnight everyone.
21:11:33 Peggy George: maybe Lorna could do the streaming for you
21:11:52 marragem: Bye1
21:11:57 Peggy George: see you on Jan. 30th
21:11:59 Lisa Parisi: Bye, everyone