online resources

TTT #288 Looking at the embedded literacies: InstaGrok and w/ Lisa Parisi, Steve Cunningham, Kirill Kireyev 3.14.12

We want to introduce you to the founders of and on this episode of +Teachers Teaching Teachers.

The cores of both of these services have theories of action that emphasize literacy as we know it now. Both founders think that your students might find their services useful for learning, reading, doing research, managing information, and knowing the world.

We think you'll enjoy this conversation with +Kirill Kireyev and +Steve Cunningham.

Learn more about their online services that are being made available for free to schools. See if there might be a place for them in your work with students. Test your theories of literacy in 2012 next to those embedded in these new learning tools What search tools do you think might enable your students to engage in "safe and personalized learning?" (InstaGrok) What tools do you think might help your students to "understand and actually put the big ideas to work?" (

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.
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