Meet teachers new to the site and teachers who have been using it for almost 10 years.
Find out more about our new approach to using the site that we've begun to describe as a school-based ARG (Alternate Reality Game). Paul Allison reports a bit on this experiment on P2PU - See He has already give out over 30 badges, issued by P2PU, collected in Mozilla Open Badge Backpacks and displayed on students' profile pages. Check out this example: And find out more about "the grid"
If you've been waiting for a good time to join the fun on TTT and with Youth Voices, this is your show! We'd love to introduce you to some new and old friends.
Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy
Teachers Teaching Teachers #35
January 10, 2007
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This was the kind of conversation that needed more time. Listen as nine teachers from six states — Paul Allison, NY, Lee Baber, VA , Glen Bledsoe, OR, Susan Ettenheim, NY, Kevin Hodgson, MA, Eric Hoefler, VA, Matt Makowetski, CA, Chris Sloan, UT, and Ken Stein, NY (plus a father from China) — who use blogs, discussion boards, and other Web-based communication tools in their classrooms tell stories about the first half of the academic year. We report on what we have been learning about blogging (and using wikis) with students. We also begin to talk about what our plans are for the remainder of the year.
In the comments at the bottom of this post, please join us with your thoughts about what you’ve learned teaching students to communicate online. What are your stories? Let’s see how many more states — and countries — we can add to the list as we check in with colleagues from all over the globe.
We also want to talk about how to help students who will be ending their classes with us in January can find some closure with their blogs without closing off the possiblities of keeping an ongoing blog.
And please join us next week — and every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern — in the text chat room at
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
What are you waiting for? These are limited edition items. Shop now and avoid the rush!