
TTT#334 The Future of English with Andrew McGuire, Meenoo Rami, Bryan Loftis, Troy Hicks, Scott Shelhart, Chris Lehmann 01.30.13

This episode of TTT is a conversation about the future of the teaching and schooling in general.The idea for this week's episode of TTT came about when +Andrew McGuire, a student of +Chris Sloan's who had graduated from high school last year, told Chris that he wants to be an English teacher. But he wants a different kind of education than a lot of what he has received. Chris writes:

He’s an education reformer at heart, and a lot of what he described as his ideal educational environment aligns with some of the people who’ve joined us on Teachers Teaching Teachers recently. He’s talking about connected learning in third spaces that involve a maker approach and is inquiry-based. So what would you tell an 18-year old who’s thinking about becoming an English teacher? Not only what Andrew and others like him should study, but how they should go about their teacher education?

Andrew Maguire's profile photoMeenoo Rami's profile photoBryan Loftis's profile photoTroy Hicks's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photoChris Lehmann's profile photo

Along with Andrew we are joined by these educators: Meenoo Rami, Bryan Loftis, Troy Hicks, Scott Shelhart, Chris Lehmann.


Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

21st Century Learning #27: Past, Present, and Future

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #27
Past, Present and Future
January 9, 2007
Download mp3 (39:58, 18.7 MB)

A conversation about the past, present, and future of our webcast.

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