Leah MacVie

TTT#343 P2PU's Lanch of a New Version of Open Badges with Vanessa Gennarelli, Dirk Uys, Leah MacVie, and Jane Park

On this episode of TTT we are joined by Peer to Peer University's Vanessa Gennarelli @mozzadrella & Dirk Uys to discuss discuss P2PU's new badges http://badges.p2pu.org.Facilitator Badge

About a month ago, on the P2PU blog, Vanessa wrote about P2PU's lanch of a New Version of Badges:

As Grantees of the Digital Media and Learning Competition http://dmlcompetition.net/Competition/4/winners.php, Peer 2 Peer University has created a platform for anyone who wants to make and issue Badges. We launched badges.p2pu.org at the DML Conference in Chicago last week to an amazing response. Folks were very receptive to our project-based and feedback-driven approach. Here’s a bit of a walkthrough on what that means, and how you can use it. 

Read more http://goo.gl/bWSER, and enjoy this episode of at Teachers Teaching Teachers. We were also joined by two other heroes of open education and open badges Leah MacVie and Jane Park

Paul Allison's profile photoVanessa Gennarelli's profile photoLeah MacVie's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoJane Park's profile photoDirk Uys's profile photo


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