Other Shows

Wiki Training Spectacular - Educationbridges Webcast#7, part 1


Education Bridges - Wikitextbook Project 6, part 2 A conversation with George Viebranz and Roy Norris.


Conversation with Dave Sperling - November 18, 2005

EdTechTalk #14 - Pre-show chat with Dafne

EdTechTalk #14 - Pre-show chat with Dafne
Before the show, we skyped out to Dafne, one of our first listeners/ participants and Webhead extraordinaire.  She was in Spain after surviving a traumatic departure from Venezuala. 
Download mp3 (8.1MB, 35:49)

Pre-Show EdTechTalk#11 - August 14, 2005

Pre-Show EdTechTalk#11 - August 14, 2005
A Discussion with Rita about Skype learning project
Download mp3 (4MB, 8:11)

A short conversation with Rita about a project she and Buthaina are trying with their students - their students located in Argentina, Kuwait, and Bahrain will use Skype to get acquainted and present their final projects.


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