Nancy White

Nancy White on 'Community' for Change11 MOOC

Nancy White on 'Community' for Change11 MOOC
October 31, 2011

Multiplicity of groups... how do we work creatively with multimembership? What is the role of the transversal? 

Change11 Week#8:
Blackboard Collaborate Recording
DTLT Recording (separate event) 
About Nancy:

View more presentations from Nancy White

21st Century Learning: NYSAIS EdTech 2006 Summary...

21st Century Learning Special Edition
from the NYSAIS EdTech conference 2006
November 17, 2006

Presentations from the NYSAIS EdTech 2006 Conference at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY.

Here they are:

The Ultimate Literacy ? Information Literacy” - by Rob Darrow

Global Assignments for a Web Connected World - Alan November & Will Richardson

Students Online: Realities, Issues and Solutions - Doug Fodeman & Marje Monroe

The Eight Competencies of Online Interaction: What Should We Be Learning and Doing? - Nancy White & Dave Cormier

Percolatage: Remixing at the World Café - Nancy White & Dave Cormier

There is lots more at Enjoy.

The Eight Competencies of Online Interaction: What Should We Be Learning and Doing?

A Presentation by Nancy White & Dave Cormier at NYSAISEdTech2006
November 10, 2006

The Eight Competencies of Online Interaction: What Should We Be Learning and Doing? Presider: Alex Ragone Speakers: Nancy White and Dave Cormier A conversation between David, Nancy and the audience on the eight competencies for online interaction. What should we be developing in ourselves? Our staffs? Students? Think of yourself as Oprah and think up questions for David and Nancy.


EdTechTalk#55 - A Discussion about Communities with Nancy White

July 20, 2006
Download mp3 (30.5MB, 1:06:30 )

We had a fantastic interview with Nancy White this afternoon. We talked about online collaboration, the difference between blogging and elgging, and discussed various ways to address and deal with online collaborations. If you are currently collaborating online or plan to, Nancy's perspective is a must-hear.

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