Maria Knee

Conversations #84 - November 21, 2010

This week Maria and Sheila were joined by John Fladd to discuss "What is teaching?" Lisa was away with family. We didn't come up with the answer, but we did discuss teaching and learning.

Conversations #83 - November 14, 2010

How do we deal with atypical students? Do we even have typical students?

Conversations #82 - November 7, 2010

Ageism - Does age take away or enhance teaching? What are the perceptions of "young" or "old" teachers in the classroom?

Conversations Episode 81 - What could a year round school really look like?

This week, Ginger Lewman gave us our topic by questioning in Plurk what year round school could really look like if we could make sure it wasn't "same old, same old."  We also discussed the  Slate challenge to create your own classroom. 

This week, Ginger Lewman gave us our topic by questioning in Plurk what year round school could really look like if we could make sure it wasn't "same old, same old."  We also discussed the Slate challenge to create your own classroom. 


Conversations Episode 80 - Where do we go for support in our school?

This week, we tackled the question of where to go for support in our schools.  New teachers usually get mentors.  What do others do?  What do you do when you are trying something new and have no one to turn to for support?  We all agreed to try to connect with someone new this week.

This week, we tackled the question of where to go for support in our schools.  New teachers usually get mentors.  What do others do?  What do you do when you are trying something new and have no one to turn to for support?  We all agreed to try to connect with someone new this week.



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