Cale Birk, Principal at South Kamloops Secondary School in Kamloops BC shared some innovative ways to include parents in school events, news and survey
Cale Birk, Principal at South Kamloops Secondary School in Kamloops BC shared some innovative ways to include parents in school events, news and surveys. Imagine using Wordle to publish and broadcast survey results.
There are plenty more new and exciting ideas so please listen to the recording to hear them all.
I was wondering what, if any learning management systems people used. Do you use these to communicate with your students? Create lessons? Share files? Grade posting? Group work? Forums?
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
What are you waiting for? These are limited edition items. Shop now and avoid the rush!