Bill O'Neal

Teachers Teaching Teachers #108 - Planning all out in the open - 06.11.08

On this podcast you'll hear Felicia George, Bill O'Neal, Susan Ettenheim, Cheryl Oakes, and Gail Desler as they help Paul Allison and Julie Conason think about this Summer Instutute for teachers in the New York City Writing Project.

Youth Space

Using Web 2.0 tools to build
social networks for learning


New York City Writing Project
Institute for Literacy Studies
Lehman College, CUNY

Summer Advanced Institute
Mondays - Thursdays, 9 - 2
June 30 - July 17


How can we use technology to put the voices of youth at the center of the curriculum?

Spend 12 days this summer with other New York City Writing Project teachers who use technology in their classrooms.
Share the ways we use the Internet to make student-to-student connections. Learn about a curriculum currently being developed and collaborated on by teachers across the nation. Explore how we use blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other tools to inspire young people to do research into their own questions.

Find out why Creative Commons Man is our superhero!

Facilitators: Paul Allison and Julie Conason
Location: Lehman College, CUNY

Participants will receive 3 graduate credits or a $500 stipend.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #107 - What have we learned this year with VoiceThread? 06.04.08

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Join Matt Montagne, Ben Papelle, Susan Ettenheim, Paul Allison, Chris Sloan, Bill O'Neal, and Hannah Feldman in a reflective conversation about where we have come this year, and where we want to go next year.

We especially look at how to move beyond our initial infatuation with VoiceThread to a more long-lasting relationship that emphasises what VoiceThread probably does best: inspire, generate, and build online conversatons.

Here are a couple of VoiceThreads that were made back in February 2008. Many of us used these to prepare our students for the Many Voices for Darfur project that George Mayo and Wendy Dexler organized in the first week of March 2008.

I present this pair of VoiceThreads as an example. By comparing the presentation that I, Paul Allison, made (top) with the of the kind of collaborative space created by Bill Ferriter (Darth Tater) and his 6th Graders in North Carolina (bottom), we can begin to understand the constructive critique that we build up to on this podcast.

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Teachers Teaching Teachers #88 - Me and my inquiry in relation to a whole community of learners - 01.23.08

Listen to seven National Writing Project teachers plan a Spring Blogging curriculum together.

Find out if seven people can plan a curriculum together over skype. These seven teachers from Writing Projects across the country met and planned a 15-week blogging curriculum that they have started to put together (click read more).

  • Bob Levin and Gail Desler (Area 3 Writing Project, Sacramento, CA)
  • Woody Woodgate (Alaska Writing Project, Marshall, Alaska)
  • Bill O'Neal (Trenton, NJ Writing Project)
  • Chris Sloan (Wasatch Range Writing Project, Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim (New York City Writing Project)
Image Source: Art for the Soul by RICHARD LAZZARA, a Creative Commons image uploaded to Flickr on January 13, 2006.
by shankargallery


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Teachers Teaching Teachers #84 - Old School Meets New School: A Chat with Dave Cormier and Bonnie Stewart on A Living Archives

userstartupDave Cormier and Bonnie Stewart joined this show to discuss their project "A Living Archives." As you will hear them explain, this project, which is funded by Canadian Heritage, has students from all three school districts on Prince Edward Island (PEI) using leading edge technologies to bring PEI history and heritage to life. Bonnie and Dave have been building partnerships between the University of Prince Edward Island, the Provincial Archives and Records Office, the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation, the PEI Library, and the three PEI Boards of Education.

Click Read more to find out what what Dave wrote about "The Living Archives project" in July 2007.

Chat Log

Teachers Teaching Teachers #83 - Tagging, Ceramics, Digital Photography, and More

Listen in as these eight teachers have a wide-ranging conversation during one of their virtual staff meetings, where they discuss their work together.
  • Paul Allison, East Bronx Academy for the Future, Bronx, NY
  • Lee Baber, J. Frank Hillyard Middle School, Broadway, VA
  • Susan Ettenheim, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, New York, NY
  • Russ Knopp, Preston Hall Middle School, Waitsburg, WA
  • Matt Montagne, University School of Milwaukee, WI
  • Bill O'Neal, Trenton High School West, Trenton, NJ
  • Chris Sloan, Judge Memorial High School, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Woody Woodgate, Marshall School, Marshall, AK
TTT83 tagged map by user - Tagzania


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