Tech Discussion & Recommendations

Does anyone know of a GREAT short "story" of the impact and significance of web 2.0?

Does anyone know of a GREAT short "story" of the impact and significance of web 2.0 in the business workplace, specifically for the new generation of workers?
Why am I asking this? - I would like to quickly "sell" an executive on web 2.0.

Recommendations for Streaming Video

One of the request I've been getting quite often this semester is to put video clips in our Blackboard course. Faculty members are bringing large quantities of video clips on copyrighted DVD's to me and requesting that students be able to access and watch them via Blackboard (our course management system). We or they have gotten permission to put these on the server. The problem is that we don't have a streaming server.

Bye bye Eduspaces

This just arrived in my inbox from the Eduspaces team

Hi All,

We would like to inform all users of EduSpaces that we will be shutting
down the service on Jan 10th, 2008.

We have provided a mechanism for you to export all your blog posts in
either an RSS format or HTML. To do this, go to your blog and select the
submenu option you require. For those of you with files, you might want to
download those as well.

Thank you to everyone who has supported EduSpaces over the last three
Taxonomy upgrade extras:

What are your 'Must Listen' podcasts?

An interesting question was posed during last week's EdTechBrainstorm -

What are you 'must listen' podcasts? The ones atop your list of faves that get listened to first when time is limited...

What do faculty expect from Instructional Technologists?

I would like to begin a discussion on what faculty at higher ed institutions want/need from instructional technologists- if that position exists at their colleges/universities.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:


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