john schinker

EdTechWeekly #180

John and Dave discuss ten years of Wikipedia.

EdTechWeekly #180
January 16, 2011

Ten years of Wikipedia

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EdTechWeekly #179

It's just Dave and John this week, as they take a closer look at Alec Couros' Ten Reasons Why Networked Learning Matters
EdTechWeekly #179
January 9, 2011

EdTechWeekly #177

The EdTechWeekly crew takes and old-school look at some of the recent news and resources from the educational technology world.

Dave's Links:
Jen's Links:
John's Links:

EdTechWeekly #177

December 12, 2010 

The EdTechWeekly crew takes and old-school look at some of the recent news and resources from the educational technology world.

Dave's Links:
Jen's Links: John's Links:

Wiki Agenda

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EdTechWeekly #176

This Week's Menu: 
Wiki Agenda

EdTechWeekly #176

December 5, 2010  

EdTechWeekly #175

Dave's Link:  Wikileaks. What does it mean for our classrooms? With Australia banning links to the site... where does this lead? Do textbooks of 'controlled content' become more important? Should we be teaching this in courses? Do we have a patriotic duty not to touch this information?

John's Link: Project Red: Do 1:1 right or don't do it at all. We're far enough along now that the novelty of 1:1 programs has worn off, and it's time to look at what effect they really have on a school. With many more schools now looking at 1:1 programs, it's important to look at best practices. For those thinking about 1:1 programs, the CDW 1:1 Readiness Surveyis a great place to start.

Zac Chase:

EdTechWeekly #175

November 28, 2010 

Regular hosts: Dave, John
Guest host: Zac Chase, English Teacher, Science Leadership Academy


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