ELT Live 2 - Hows, Whats, and Whys (or why nots) of class websites

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ELT  Live Webcast
' Hows, Whats, and Whys (or why nots) of class websites and other online resources. '
September 2, 2014

Sunny Lim's profile photoStafford Lumsden's profile photoRobert Dickey's profile photoRob McTaggart's profile photoJeff Lebow (you)'s profile photoElizabeth Anne's profile photoDaniel Cross's profile photoDaniel Craig's profile photo

hello everyone
FOMO - Fear of Missing Out
Elizabeth Anne
pbworks anyone?
Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig
I used to use pbworks, but haven't for a long time. I liked wikis, but haven't used them for a while.
Elizabeth Anne
I Just tried to join, but can't get in :-( I been working a system with my 3rd year Physics students for quite a while based on pbworks
Elizabeth Anne
wd've shared
just sent an invite Elizabeth Anne. Let me know if you don't see it
Elizabeth Anne
Oops - I heard the call, but I'm on the Koreabridge page and didn't see it ... don't worry - I'll go and fish around
Elizabeth Anne
got it
Daniel Craig
I used to use it with grad students at IU. I had them make their own sites and contribute to a class site. It worked quite well.
Daniel Craig
Hi Elizabeth
Lisa Bellamy
Hi there, this is my first hangout/webinar so if I do the wrong thing feel free to chastize/advise... Lis
Daniel Craig
Hi Lisa
hello Lisa
make sure to turn off the Youtube stream first
Lisa Bellamy
can see/hear
I can see you all
except lisa
Kuyang, would you like to join in the conversation?
getting close to an hour
Kev, it is. Feel free to try again.
I was just worried my mike was going to interrupt
I'll just listen for now. missed the first 45 minutes. cheers though
hahaha I'm 42
Daniel Craig
http://www.danielcraig.com is my site, but I haven't been very good at updating it :-)
thanks jeff. I'll watch the first part tomorrow.
Thank you Jeff for creating such nice chance to share our ideas and experience
Guest 202
I'm late :(
Elizabeth Anne
A livebinder of all my student wikis (just last year missing) !
Elizabeth Anne
But where does your write-up go? I'd never heard of "clip it" and don't seem to find a recording app with that name! THANKS as usual for the inspiration :-)