Parents as Partners Episode #20 February 16, 2009 Niagara Catholic Parent Partnerships

Post-Show description: 

E-community, Spotlight on NIagara, Parent Reaching Out project, Director of Education podcasts and mentor connect  were all part of the discussion. Listen to John Crocco, Laurel Allison, Jennifer Brailey and Pat Mete share their experiences.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:


John Crocco, Director of Education, for the NIagara Catholic District School Board, Laurel Allison, Niagara Catholic Regional School Council Chair. Pat Mete Secondary School Consultant and Jennifer Brailey, Manager of Board Services and Communications joined Show Hosts Lorna Costantini and Cindy Seibel. They described an extensive list of best practices that engage parents and the Niagara community. In addition to the Parent Reaching Out Project, the "bus tour", "Spotlight on Niagara Catholic", "e-community", student mentor connect program were highlighted.

Please see the share tabs link for all the links dropped into the chatroom. You can go back and review the movies about Mentorconnect and see the program in action.

chat log

20:49:42 PeggyG -> - Hi everyone! Looking forward to the show! 
20:50:52 Lorna -> - Hello everyone we hope to start in 10 min
20:53:01 PeggyG -> - Great Lorna! Let me know if you need a sound check once you get started with your stream.
20:54:3 Scott Shelhart -> - Hello folks!  Ustream or Shoutcast?
20:55:20 PeggyG -> - Hi Cindy-great to see you! Hope you're enjoying your vacation in AZ!!
20:55:41 PeggyG -> - @Scott-use ETT-A not ustream
20:55:55 Scott Shelhart -> - Tnx Peggy
20:5:30 PeggyG -> - We're all excited in Phoenix AZ--President Obama is coming to visit on Wed. :-)
20:57:52 cindy seibel -> - Hi Peggy. We're working on bringing the guests in - hope all is patient in the chat room!
20:58:28 cindy seibel -> - Vacation in AZ is awesome. Lots of golf this week.
20:58:43 alex.ragone -> - Hi Folks.
20:58:44 PeggyG -> - Hearing some audio now :-) not voices, just sounds and typing
20:58:47 alex.ragone -> - I'm streaming.  
20:58:52 alex.ragone -> - Can anyone hear the stream?
20:59:04 PeggyG -> - yes I can hear it
20:59:13 [email protected] -> - All I can hear as well is typing
20:59:39 Scott Shelhart -> - Loud typing, very low voices.
20:59:55 PeggyG -> - those are imaginary voices Scott :-)
21:00:14 Lois -> - I cannot hear the stream. 
21:00:34 alex.ragone -> - There you go.
21:00:35 Scott Shelhart -> - Ur just mad 'cause they are only tlaking to me.  :p 
21:00:38 alex.ragone -> - That should be better.
21:00:45 PeggyG -> - the Skype call isn't coming through yet
21:00:50 Scott Shelhart -> - sounds like a tornado....
21:01:04 PeggyG -> - too funny Scott!
21:01:0 alex.ragone -> - OK Folks.  I've got the stream working. So once you call me back, We'll be ready to go.
21:01:07 mrsdurff -> - audio?
21:01:14 alex.ragone -> - Durff -- One sec.  
21:01:18 PeggyG -> - audio coming...
21:01:19 cindy seibel -> - Alex when you talk there is huge static
21:01:30 mrsdurff -> - so i'm not too late
21:01:35 alex.ragone -> - How's that?
21:01:37 mrsdurff -> - this is good
21:01:41 PeggyG -> - you're right on time Durff!
21:01:44 cindy seibel -> - In fact there is static now.
21:01:54 Scott Shelhart -> - only white noise 
21:01:58 alex.ragone -> - Wow.  That was ugly.
21:01:59 alex.ragone -> - OK.
21:02:02 JC -> - hello.. I can hear static but no voices....
21:02:0 Lorna -> - alec drop the stream pls
21:02:11 [email protected] -> - same here
21:02:21 alex.ragone -> - dropped.
21:02:3 cindy seibel -> - whew.
21:02:42 alex.ragone -> - Sorry folks.
21:02:57 mrsdurff -> - everyone use this time to tweet
21:03:02 Scott Shelhart -> - Home grown webcasting...we understand.  No big deal.
21:03:23 [email protected] -> - or get class lists ready for pizza day :-)
21:03:25 mrsdurff -> - coffee refill time
21:03:27 cindy seibel -> - Please stand by. We are having technical difficulties. Please do not adjust your set. *) 
21:03:59 PeggyG -> - What a fun pre-show conversation!! The warm-up :-)
21:04:44 ds -> - hi all
21:05:07 cindy seibel -> - Can folks hear us?
21:05:18 ds -> - lost audio here
21:05:20 PeggyG -> - not right now
21:05:32 ds -> - have you now
21:05:39 cindy seibel -> - Yeah!!
21:05:42 Scott Shelhart -> - good
21:05:44 mrsdurff -> - on stream or ustream?
21:05:47 PeggyG -> - there we go! voices!
21:05:50 ds -> - stream
21:05:5 Scott Shelhart -> - etta
21:05:57 cindy seibel -> - Thanks for hanging in there!!
21:05:57 James Sigler -> - A or B?
21:05:59 [email protected] -> - I can hear
21:0:01 Scott Shelhart -> - A
21:0:02 ds -> - yes
21:0:04 LangLabCindy -> - hearing you just fine!
21:0:05 ds -> - Stream A
21:0:0 [email protected] -> - Hello Lorna
21:0:10 PeggyG -> - isn't technology exciting??
21:0:15 [email protected] -> - Hi Lorna
21:0:20 ds -> - Cindy's mic is a wee bit hot
21:0:2 PeggyG -> - we're typing but there's a 30 sec. delay
21:0:53 ds -> - mic ok now Cindy
21:07:05 PeggyG -> - WE're definitely still here and eagerly awaiting the great conversation!
21:07:42 alex.ragone -> - Sounds great.
21:07:45 alex.ragone -> - Nice work Lorna.
21:07:55 PeggyG -> - no holiday in Canada today, right? President's Day in the US
21:07:58 Scott Shelhart -> - Def Comedy Jam?
21:08:13 [email protected] -> - Family day 
21:08:24 [email protected] -> - now a holiday in Canada
21:08:4 ds -> - Three provinces ON, AB, and SK have holiday today
21:08:47 PeggyG -> -
21:08:59 mrsdurff -> - Lorna!
21:09:1 mrsdurff -> - Wonderful hearing you all!
21:09:28 James Sigler -> - Does the president get President's Day off?
21:09:4 PeggyG -> - @James--don't think so!
21:09:50 LangLabCindy -> - @James Not in the US - way too much to do!! :-)
21:10:10 James Sigler -> - Just wondering
21:10:57 PeggyG -> - I'm so excited that I got to meet Cindy f2f this week in AZ!! We talked non-stop!
21:11:01 mrsdurff -> - Did you all twitter, plurk, Jaiku, and whatever I forgot?
21:11:11 PeggyG -> - I tweeted :-)
21:11:19 Jeanne -> - thanks for the tweet!!
21:11:20 ds -> - tweet here too
21:11:21 mrsdurff -> - gold star for you
21:11:50 mrsdurff -> - anyone who tweets gets a smiley :D 
21:11:5 PeggyG -> - I love "home grown"--great for all of us!
21:12:01 mrsdurff -> - hi dave
21:12:15 cindy seibel -> - If you're not hearing the voices, please click on one of the audio buttons under EdTechTalk A at the right side of the screen.
21:12:3 mrsdurff -> - hi kdimini
21:12:42 James Sigler -> - I actually got here tonight before the ETT tweet
21:12:42 ds -> - @PeggyG thanks for the reminder about @alex and @arvinds k12online preso--enjoyed listening again today
21:12:53 kdimini -> - Hi... I am new to this!
21:13:01 jeannine -> - excuse my entering/leaving the chat room...first time doing this on a mac...very different
21:13:12 ds -> - @kdimini welcome
21:13:15 LangLabCindy -> - Just tweeted
21:13:21 mrsdurff -> - revolving door jeannine?
21:13:25 ds -> - click on the speaker icon for audio
21:13:28 Lois -> - Hi I am also new to this and I can now hear you. 
21:13:28 [email protected] -> - Woohoo Laurel & John
21:13:30 James Sigler -> - @kdimini Welcome.  Feel free to jump right in with your thoughts
21:13:31 mrsdurff -> - those can make you dizzy
21:13:51 LangLabCindy -> - @Lois - Welcome!
21:14:03 mrsdurff -> - hi JoNelle
21:14:05 Scott Shelhart -> - Welcome kdimini.  You've come to the right place.
21:14:12 PeggyG -> - @ds-that is such a great presentation--everyone should listen to it!
21:14:13 James Sigler -> - @Lois welcome to the Edtechtalk community
21:14:17 JoNelle -> - Hello from SC 
21:14:27 PeggyG -> -
21:14:30 mrsdurff -> - does everyone here have sound?
21:14:34 kdimini -> - How does this whole thing work? Should I be hear something?
21:14:53 PeggyG -> - yes kdimini-audio is on ETT-A
21:15:2 ds -> - @kdimini click on the speaker icon on the right, it should start the default audio player on your machine
21:15:2 LangLabCindy -> - @kdimini - Try clicking on the sound icon on the right side.
21:15:50 ds -> -
21:15:59 kdimini -> - Thanks! Got it!
21:1:09 ds -> - yw
21:1:10 jeannine -> - @mrsdurff - seems more like a spinning top that I keep flying off of!
21:1:22 Jeanne -> - I work for a Catholic high school. This is great.
21:1:23 mrsdurff -> - hi tim
21:1:23 cindy seibel -> - great - welcome kdimini - I'm one of the hosts you'll be listening to
21:1:25 ds -> - hi Tim
21:1:2 JoNelle -> - yes on sound  (and tweet)
21:1:42 mrsdurff -> - sound on ETT A
21:1:54 ds -> - anyone who needs, click here for audio
21:17:03 PeggyG -> - What an outstanding group of guests you have for us tonight!
21:17:29 mrsdurff -> - hi pseg
21:18:08 mrsdurff -> - yay!!
21:18:1 PeggyG -> - you'll be able to see all of the links being shared tonight on the sharetabs page
21:19:33 PeggyG -> - great point! what's important in your school is important to all parents
21:20:04 cindy seibel -> - If you click on a link you'll be logged out. Best way is to copy and paste in a new window.
21:20:05 Jeanne -> - My son attends my high school so I'm a parent there too.
21:20:19 cindy seibel -> - But you can always log back in!
21:20:35 PeggyG -> - good advice Cindy!
21:21:11 PeggyG -> - Welcome courosa!
21:21:28 cindy seibel -> - Hi Alec!
21:21:3 courosa -> - hi Peggy, hi Cindy.
21:21:41 mrsdurff -> - hey Alec!
21:21:48 courosa -> - hey durff
21:21:51 ds -> - some like to "undock" the chat: 3rd icon from right
21:22:00 ds -> - hi penny and alec
21:22:08 penny -> - hello!
21:22:11 mrsdurff -> - the man responsible for getting me online at Educon!!
21:22:22 PeggyG -> - I have found if I undock the chat I can click on links without getting logged out :-)
21:22:28 courosa -> - note: pls welcome @kdimini (kristina), her first ETT show.
21:22:39 courosa -> - hey Penhy.
21:22:54 ds -> - @PeggyG same here
21:22:55 penny -> - hello kristina @plind here!  
21:22:5 courosa -> - Penny ... although that h is kinda funky.
21:22:59 mrsdurff -> - welcome kdmini (as if we didn't already)
21:23:10 PeggyG -> - so great to have you here Kristina!
21:23:18 ds -> - and welcome to all those who are visiting for the first time
21:23:24 mrsdurff -> - hi jeannine
21:23:25 kdimini -> - @penny - I think I am following you on Twitter!
21:23:29 ds -> - for audio if you need it
21:23:34 courosa -> - I know Durff, i should have know anyways
21:23:47 ds -> - lol
21:23:47 mrsdurff -> - :)
21:24:10 ds -> - hey Derrall
21:24:10 mrsdurff -> - hey derrall is here!
21:24:18 mrsdurff -> - hi candi
21:24:19 ds -> - hi candia09
21:24:2 PeggyG -> - Hi derrallg-great to have you join us!
21:24:43 jeannine -> - Hi againg @mrsdurff - I had to open the chat on a separate computer...I thought macs were foolproof
21:24:49 penny -> - @kdimini yes and vice versa!
21:24:57 derrallg -> - hey DS, mrsdurff and peggyg
21:25:53 ds -> - clicking on the 3rd icon from the right will undock this chat, helps with leaving via links
21:2:42 PeggyG -> - eager to hear how parents get their kids to talk about their school day when they get home--never had much luck with that as my kids got older
21:2:43 JoNelle -> - ah- ha, THAT 3rd icon:)
21:27:41 PeggyG -> - I think the Parent Portal is such a great idea!
21:27:59 JoNelle -> - same here @PeggyG. "I was in school all day- don't want to talk about it"
21:28:03 jeannine -> - @peggyg read an interesting idea about that in the comments of a blog...ask them "what questions did you ask today?"...
21:28:1 penny -> - @PeggyG - find now that my kids teacher has a blog I can direct the conversation a little better
21:28:18 ds -> - hi @waywifer and welcome back candia09
21:28:23 mrsdurff -> - everyone tweet @paulrwood and tell how much we miss him here - he is on Twitter right now
21:28:2 PeggyG -> - interesting idea--wonder if it works??
21:28:51 JoNelle -> - How to talk without a barrage of questions?
21:28:53 [email protected] -> - I love the E-community!  it works very well
21:28:58 mrsdurff -> - i don't think his phone will get the show  but it does get twitter
21:29:02 derrallg -> - @peggyG I'm always entertained when I hear what my students tell their parents, 
21:29:31 PeggyG -> - that's so true derrallg!!
21:30:08 penny -> - I'm using phonevite on a smaller scale for sports teams -- works great
21:30:12 mrsdurff -> - hi dave
21:30:28 mrsdurff -> - ds - he can't come on over
21:30:28 Jeanne -> - our school calls them phone blasts
21:30:37 kdimini -> - @missals - Hey Sherri!
21:30:41 mrsdurff -> - hi missals
21:30:4 missals -> - hey
21:30:55 missals -> - This is interesting!
21:30:59 PeggyG -> - curious if all parents in their community have email access? That sounds so impressive!
21:31:05 mrsdurff -> - sound on ETT A - click the black icon
21:31:20 penny -> - @peggyg -- i know in our school not all would have access
21:31:30 Jeanne -> - I would like to know if anyone from Niagara is going to NCEA in Anaheim?
21:31:33 penny -> - even if they do have access many don't check regularly
21:31:39 cindy seibel -> - my parent portal implementation guide is taking shape - would love feedback.
21:31:40 kdimini -> - Is this parent portal you are talking about?
21:31:40 PeggyG -> - it's obviously working for them!! very encouraging!
21:31:52 missals -> - @kdimini how to you get to the parent as partner one?
21:32:04 ds -> - @mrsdurff sorry, my bad
21:32:23 mrsdurff -> - ds - you know where he is then?
21:32:37 kdimini -> - @missals - this is it.. you just need to click EdTech Talk A to hear it
21:32:44 ds -> - I do, thought he might have a laptop....
21:32:54 mrsdurff -> - just the phone
21:33:00 cindy seibel -> - Directors in Ontario may be called Superintendents in other jurisdictions
21:33:11 mrsdurff -> - unless he swiped on
21:33:2 ds -> - lol
21:33:2 mrsdurff -> - come to think of it - i wouldn't put it past him
21:33:3 mrsdurff -> - hey missals
21:33:3 [email protected] -> - How do we find out where and when these board meetings will be held?  Are they on the ecommunity?
21:33:38 PeggyG -> - @Cindy--I think your Parent Portal guide is excellent and will be so helpful!
21:33:4 missals -> - Thanks
21:34:01 Jeanne -> - Our portal is just for our school
21:34:18 PeggyG -> - love that use of podcasting!!
21:35:38 kdimini -> - @cindy thanks for the parent portal guide! I will have to take a read through.. I have never heard of this before...
21:3:35 PeggyG -> - that is such a hard thing for board members and school council members--to think beyond the needs/interests of their own kids
21:37:01 JoNelle -> - GREAT points - different views.
21:37:13 [email protected] -> - I don't find it that hard to think of the majority of kids, I sit on the Regional Council with Laurel
21:37:20 missals -> - How do I view the parent portal guide?
21:37:39 kdimini -> - @missals
21:37:57 mrsdurff -> - you beat me to it
21:38:02 mrsdurff -> - good job
21:38:15 missals -> - thanks
21:39:01 mrsdurff -> - hi dane
21:39:10 PeggyG -> - @Shonna--that's wonderful!! I think parents on councils have the best of intentions but it's hard to remember they are representing lots of parents.
21:39:25 mrsdurff -> - click the black icon under ETT A for sound dand
21:39:28 mrsdurff -> - dane
21:39:29 penny -> - that question is important to ask
21:39:52 penny -> - Our parents wanted an online calendar!  Who knew it could be so simple
21:39:5 PeggyG -> - that's such a great perspective!
21:39:5 [email protected] -> - Well if we are discussing something particular i.e. the school calendar for 2009/2010 I actually posted it on Facebook
21:40:02 mrsdurff -> - individualisation
21:40:08 mrsdurff -> - hi kms
21:40:24 [email protected] -> - and got responses from parents from both boards and see how it affected them
21:40:27 dane lowry -> - why can i hear no audio
21:40:3 PeggyG -> - Hi kms!!! So great to see you!!!
21:40:43 mrsdurff -> - kms there is sound - click the black icon under ETT A
21:40:50 kmsflyer -> - Hi there
21:41:02 kmsflyer -> - I saw your tweet, Peggy
21:41:03 JC -> - Jeanne - I understand NCEA is a first class conference...unfortunately it conflicts with meetings I need to attend....maybe next year in St Paul...
21:41:08 ds -> - anyone who needs click for audio
21:41:28 PeggyG -> - Hooray for Twitter! What a wonderful surprise! :-)
21:41:42 Jeanne -> - Too bad JC. We will be there. I am speaking there.
21:41:51 mrsdurff -> - you mean kids are not perfect?
21:42:09 dane lowry -> - thanks durff
21:42:1 PeggyG -> - lots of varied approaches--such an important point!
21:42:45 mrsdurff -> - yw
21:43:22 JoNelle -> - Looking at your site- fabulous! having information in one place and always editable. 
21:43:57 PeggyG -> - parents really value the personal approach, knowing that the teacher is open to hearing from them!
21:44:49 missals -> - looking for followers on twitter...missals
21:44:58 mrsdurff -> - welcome back missals
21:45:05 PeggyG -> - that's so valuable that all of the information is provided to parents without them having to attend meetings--very inclusive
21:45:24 Jeanne -> - Missals are you a teacher?
21:45:37 missals -> - 4th year Elementary Education student...almost a teacher
21:45:5 mrsdurff -> - she is a studenty
21:4:03 mrsdurff -> - without the y
21:4:07 missals -> - lol
21:4:09 Jeanne -> - terrific. good for you Missals
21:4:10 PeggyG -> - @missals fantastic!! you're getting a great jumpstart on your teaching career!
21:4:31 missals -> - ya, seems like a great resource right here!
21:4:42 mrsdurff -> - alec probably had something to do with her being here
21:4:47 missals -> - LOL
21:4:53 Jeanne -> - Yes Mr Couros is amazing
21:4:58 kdimini -> - I am in the same boat as missals and I am kdimini on Twitter
21:47:00 missals -> - that is too funny, everyone knows him. Yes he has suggested it to mee
21:47:10 Jeanne -> - Because of PLNs
21:47:25 mrsdurff -> - hope the boats are not sinking boats
21:47:28 missals -> - yup PLE/PLN that is what I am working is like everyone knows
21:47:35 Jeanne -> - I'm a HS lib med spec Missals
21:47:37 penny -> - How much information becomes too much information -- overwhelming?
21:47:52 kdimini -> - @jeanne - one of our assignments is PLE / PLN... what a useful assignment!
21:48:12 Jeanne -> - yes it is kdimini.. you are lightyears ahead of estd faculty in a lot of cases
21:48:15 PeggyG -> - Great question Penny! I think people have to find their own strategies for keeping all of the information from being overwhelming.
21:48:49 missals -> - @Jeanne Are you on twitter?
21:48:5 Jeanne -> - yes missals - Bookgirl425
21:48:57 mrsdurff -> - hi again dane
21:49:18 PeggyG -> - the important thing is that the information is available and that they know how and where to find it when they need it :-)
21:49:21 dane lowry -> - hi again
21:49:38 Jeanne -> - Peggy and that's why librarians will never be obsolete
21:49:42 Jeanne -> - haha
21:49:43 penny -> - is there any communication allowed btwn ppl in the e-community or is it one way
21:49:4 [email protected] -> - I got the ecommunity at :03am that day
21:49:48 JoNelle -> - @missals @Jeanne I am Technology Specialist K-5 jonelleg/Twitter
21:49:49 PeggyG -> -
21:49:54 cindy seibel -> -
21:49:59 Jeanne -> - thanks JoNelle
21:50:05 Jeanne -> - I'll add you both
21:50:07 cindy seibel -> - oops Peggy won the link race!
21:50:22 PeggyG -> - I was keeping it open just in case :-)
21:50:32 James Sigler -> - @penny good question.  Using you PLN can help you sort the wheat from the chat.
21:50:41 James Sigler -> - *your
21:50:58 James Sigler -> - *chaf
21:51:0 PeggyG -> - @Jeanne--absolutely--about librarians!!!
21:51:11 mrsdurff -> - wheat from the chat - interesting play on words
21:51:27 James Sigler -> - :)
21:51:3 PeggyG -> - that tutorial resource sounds fantastic!
21:51:44 ds -> - or is that tweet from chat?
21:51:45 Jeanne -> - agree - I liked wheat and chat also
21:51:50 penny -> - @james -- more thinking from a parent perspective -- lot's of info can be overwhelming
21:51:57 penny -> - on a portal
21:52:03 cindy seibel -> - Mentor Connector is an amazing program that helps student teachers as well!
21:52:04 penny -> - or school website
21:52:14 Jeanne -> - wow JSerra doesn't do that. that's amazing
21:52:18 PeggyG -> - what a great experience for the student teachers!
21:52:33 Jeanne -> - Cath schools here do NHS tutoring after school for free
21:52:48 [email protected] -> - It is my cousin is a part of it and loves it ~ she said they gave her all the tools she needed and is very confident when doing it
21:52:50 ds -> - what a great resource
21:53:03 Jeanne -> - it's like 24/7 reference in the libraryworld
21:53:05 kdimini -> - @cindy - how do you get to mentor connector? or is it something that is a school based program?
21:53:07 Jeanne -> - Love it
21:53:07 PeggyG -> - can anyone outside of your school network access the tutoring?
21:53:11 derrallg -> - sounds amazing
21:53:22 [email protected] -> - each high school student is given a login 
21:53:39 Jeanne -> - is it only secondary school?
21:53:42 penny -> - mentor connector sounds very exciting
21:53:42 [email protected] -> - yes
21:54:22 ds -> - nice, close the loop
21:54:39 PeggyG -> - what a great model! I'm so glad you're sharing it with us!
21:54:41 James Sigler -> - @penny I follow some great blogs that help me sort through a lot of the noise.  Much of the info is irrelevant, poor quality, or repeations of other sources.
21:54:42 kmsflyer -> - I need to go, but now I know about Edtech- Thanks Peggy-still hope to catch you
21:54:52 Jeanne -> - Are these Catholic schools Diocese schools so the mentor connector agmt is negotiated thru the Diocese?
21:55:38 Jeanne -> - Do the tutors talk to the teacher about the student?
21:55:51 PeggyG -> - everything seems to be so connected--that's really valuable!
21:5:28 PeggyG -> - Can the portal be used to help parents help their own child with homework problems?
21:57:08 [email protected] -> - @PeggyG ~as far as I know it is only for the secondary students
21:58:15 PeggyG -> - incredible story!! what awesome communication!
21:58:48 kdimini -> - Wow!
21:59:50 [email protected] -> - @jeanne did you hear that answer?
21:59:58 Jeanne -> - Yes I did, thanks.
22:00:45 PeggyG -> - this conversation makes it so clear that an educator's job doesn't end at the end of the school day!
22:00:54 penny -> - Alberta has this resource -- - but I wonder how many parents know?
22:01:21 mrsdurff -> - is 10 already?
22:01:30 mrsdurff -> - the time does fly
22:01:32 kdimini -> - @penny are you a teacher in alberta?
22:01:50 ds -> - wonderful show, thanks to all
22:01:53 penny -> - @kdimini - nope here on the parent side!  Yay parents!
22:01:55 Jeanne -> - that's great so the teacher knows what the student needs
22:02:13 cindy seibel -> - @kdimini - check the Sharetabs link - on the Niagara main page there is a link to Mentor Connector
22:02:17 PeggyG -> - it will be a challenge to find a way for the mentors to share the information with teachers without violating confidentiality online
22:02:21 JoNelle -> - Thank you so much for sharing these guides. Will great assest for our current sites. Lots to think about how to improve.
22:02:31 kdimini -> - @penny - :) I am moving to Calgary, AB for a job in Sept.. My first job, just graduating this April
22:02:39 penny -> - @peggyg --that's what I was wondering
22:02:44 cindy seibel -> - @kdimini - I'm in Calgary! What district?
22:03:11 [email protected] -> - I LOVE facebook!
22:03:15 kdimini -> - @cindy Catholic
22:03:29 James Sigler -> - @kdimini congrats on the job!
22:03:37 PeggyG -> - there's a link to the blog post about the Facebook show on the sharetabs :-)
22:03:48 cindy seibel -> - @peggyg - could you please pop my portal guide link in the Sharetab?
22:03:55 kdimini -> - @James - Thanks! :) 
22:04:31 PeggyG -> - so sorry Cindy but we can't add to the sharetabs once it's created--we'll have to put it on next week's sharetabs :-)
22:04:34 cindy seibel -> - @kdimini I'm in public - but we'll stay connected online. congrats on your appointment
22:04:48 kdimini -> - @cindy - do you have twitter?
22:05:04 mrsdurff -> - gtg - school tomorrow - nite!
22:05:07 cindy seibel -> - twitter - @cgseibel
22:05:35 cindy seibel -> - @deanjarvey is your tech supervisor
22:05:35 PeggyG -> - thank you all for a very inspiring show!!
22:05:50 derrallg -> - thanks for a great show
22:0:03 missals -> - Great experience, I will be back for more sessions. 
22:0:29 PeggyG -> - Great missals!! would love to see you come back again!
22:0:44 [email protected] -> - Great Job Laurel
22:0:55 cindy seibel -> - @kdimini - might be @dean_jarvey are you @kdimini?
22:07:01 PeggyG -> - we all have our technology challenges--congratulations Laurel!
22:07:29 derrallg -> - night
22:07:40 PeggyG -> - I can't wait to hear Paul's podcasts! Plan to share them as a "model" :-)
22:07:44 cindy seibel -> - thanks for your help PeggyG!
22:08:04 kdimini -> - @cindy - yes I'm @kdimini
22:08:18 PeggyG -> - any time--I love this show!! Can you tell???
22:08:32 penny -> - great job Niagra Catholic -- real role models
22:08:42 LangLabCindy -> - Thanks for the show!
22:08:51 Jeanne -> - Appreciate the excellent information
22:09:05 [email protected] -> - Great Job ~ I am proud to be a mom in the Niagara Catholic Board!  We have great people looking after our children!
22:09:18 Jeanne -> - thanks Peggy
22:09:22 kdimini -> - Thanks! Great Show!
22:09:29 PeggyG -> - as a retired elementary principal I wish I had had all of these tools and ideas before!!
22:09:38 ds -> - great job
22:09:43 ds -> - take care all
22:09:55 James Sigler -> - good show :)
22:10:10 PeggyG -> - Night all!
22:10:25 candia09 -> - Thanks so much - great job Niagra Catholic from Sylvia at TCDSB