Teachers Teaching Teachers #255 Exploring Minecraft w/ Jo Kay, Dean Groom, Bronwyn Stuckey, Joel Levin, and Chad Sansing 7.13.11

Post-Show description: 

If you dig Minecraft (or wonder why other teachers--and their students--do) you'll enjoy this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, recorded earlier this summer. We were joined by a few teachers who have recently launched Massively Minecraft:

The purpose of this community project is to trial the use of the game Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net) in schools as part of voluntary student activity. The community will engage in exploration and research, not to decide or direct any particular application of the game but, to understand where students might take it and how they and their teachers visualise possibilities for it use within the curriculum. This ethnographic approach relies on you, as the professional in the school, to observe and reflect on student imagination, initiative, interaction, engagement and learning.

The facilitators of this site, Jo Kay, Dean Groom, and Dr Bronwyn Stuckey share their thoughts, questions, and stories about Minecraft on this podcast.

The Minecraft Teacher, Joel Levin and Chad Sansing (who had been with us for an earlier show about Minecraft) joined the conversation as well.

Check out Joel’s videos on YouTube. Also, Ed Tech Crew did a great interview with Joel and Dean as well.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

20:46:55 Death_possum: Hi :D
20:47:41 Brandon: ohai
20:47:51 Death_possum: :D
20:47:57 Death_possum: soooooooo
20:48:02 Death_possum: having a partay
20:48:15 Brandon: yay!
20:48:23 Death_possum: uns uns uns uns uns uns
20:55:20 Death_possum: So this talking... it seems to be going festivley
21:00:18 csansing: Dean! Joel! Everybody!
21:00:49 Dean Groom: hey
21:01:02 Dean Groom: its winter here
21:01:19 jokay: *Waves*
21:01:25 sogle: My name is Sarah. I'm a student at Wilkes University and am completing their Instructional Media Master's Program. We needed to attend a live session for an assignment so I hope it's ok if I join you.
21:01:26 Chris Sloan: summer here
21:01:35 Dean Groom: welcome
21:01:46 Chris Sloan: Welcome Sogie. Where's Wilkes University?
21:01:51 Dean Groom: intros:
21:01:59 sogle: In Pennsylvania
21:02:05 csansing: *waves @jokay* any live sessions coming up?
21:02:07 Dean Groom: Sydney
21:03:03 jokay: Yup we have some sessions next week.. calendar on the network site ;)
21:03:25 csansing: @jokay: Wonderful!
21:04:31 Dean Groom: Miss8 wants to talk about Minecraft
21:04:31 Bronst: Hey there
21:04:55 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone! welcome! I'm a little late getting in here - just getting everything up and running in the background
21:04:59 SusanEttenheim: can you all hear ok?
21:04:59 Dean Groom: shes busy building a robot this morning in Minecraft
21:05:13 Bronst: what fun!
21:05:16 csansing: @Dean Groom: with pistons?
21:05:58 Brandon: i can't hear anything at all
21:06:12 Dean Groom: lol - Bron's not into the Doctor badge
21:06:55 SusanEttenheim: Brandon - click on participate and then the volume icon we are on edtechtalk A
21:07:06 SusanEttenheim: can everyone else hear ok?
21:07:11 sogle: i can hear.
21:07:17 ccoffa: Yes
21:07:24 EpicallyAWSM: I can't hear
21:07:24 Death_possum: Hi! Im a student in NZ :D
21:07:32 Brandon: thanks, in the end i had to download the vlc link above the main one, but i can hear no so it's ok, cheers
21:07:40 EpicallyAWSM: Can't find participate
21:07:42 Bronst: I am usually in Sydney but right now am in Arizona
21:07:42 Brandon: now^
21:07:53 Bronst: working with ppl at ASU
21:08:10 SusanEttenheim: Epically on the edtechtalk.com page?
21:08:14 SusanEttenheim: on the right side
21:08:17 SusanEttenheim: Participate
21:08:36 EpicallyAWSM: got it
21:08:53 EpicallyAWSM: Still not hearing anything =/
21:09:19 EpicallyAWSM: No I got it
21:09:21 EpicallyAWSM: Thanks
21:09:25 SusanEttenheim: great!
21:09:31 Dean Groom: http://minecraft.jokaydia.com
21:09:45 Dean Groom: this is our 'community' game space for Minecraft
21:09:55 Death_possum: Im at school so I cant listen in :(
21:10:11 Dean Groom: you play MC @Death_possum
21:10:15 Bronst: Massively Minecraft is a community of teachers coming together to support each other in learning how to use this program in education.
21:10:16 Death_possum: damn... our proxy blocks that :P
21:10:19 Death_possum: I do
21:10:24 Dean Groom: woot
21:10:27 SusanEttenheim: Death_possum - what do you mean? do you not have audio?
21:10:35 Death_possum: no I don't have headphones...
21:10:44 Death_possum: and im in a community space
21:10:53 Death_possum: im trying to aquire some :P
21:10:57 SusanEttenheim: ahh can you just listen quietly?
21:11:06 Death_possum: hmm no...
21:11:22 Dean Groom: Joel is talking about his use of MC to teach basic computing skills to 1/2 graders
21:11:33 SusanEttenheim: well this will definitely be published as a podcast at edtechtalk.com and teachersteachingteachers.org
21:11:41 Death_possum: hmm what ages is that? My education system uses years
21:11:47 SusanEttenheim: hi bazil welcome!
21:11:48 Bronst: socialmediaclassroom/host/MassivelyMinecraft/
21:11:55 SusanEttenheim: about 6/7
21:11:56 Dean Groom: ages 6/8
21:12:04 Death_possum: oh cool :D
21:12:09 SusanEttenheim: death_possum - where and what age do you teach?
21:12:20 Dean Groom: we have 4 year olds in our MC community
21:12:22 Death_possum: Hehe im a student
21:12:39 Death_possum: but I thought this would be interesting, so I came
21:12:40 EpicallyAWSM: I'm not a teacher, I'm just interested in this teaching with Minecraft business
21:12:41 Bronst: Excellent Death_Possum
21:12:46 SusanEttenheim: great! welcome!how did you find us?
21:12:47 Dean Groom: excellent
21:12:58 Death_possum: Minecraft teacher retweeted it :D
21:13:02 SusanEttenheim: hi gail!
21:13:05 EpicallyAWSM: Yup, MinecraftTeacher
21:13:07 SusanEttenheim: great!
21:13:13 SusanEttenheim: hi draste welcome
21:13:22 Dean Groom: how long have u been playing MC?
21:13:27 Death_possum: Ill brb im going to change my name
21:13:32 Death_possum: and a year or two :D
21:13:34 GailDesler: Hi Susan:)
21:13:37 Dean Groom: wow
21:13:38 EpicallyAWSM: Me, since right after survival mode came out
21:13:44 SusanEttenheim: well, you can all put comments or questions here but if you have skype and headsets (so we don't get feedback) I can call you in
21:13:49 SusanEttenheim: we do that all the time
21:13:51 Harrison: And im back
21:13:57 Harrison: I
21:14:04 Bronst: Great comment there from Chad about norms game to game - what works in Call of Duty wont work in your class with Minecraft
21:14:13 Dean Groom: we're not fixed on this being classroom based
21:14:14 SusanEttenheim: Hi Harrison welcome - where and what do you teach?
21:14:14 EpicallyAWSM: Lol.
21:14:29 Dean Groom: think community, play-group
21:14:37 Harrison: I've been playing MC for 1-2 years but my friend showed me it before it... but I didnt like it then... and im Death_possum
21:14:50 SusanEttenheim: ahh quick change!
21:14:55 SusanEttenheim: :)
21:15:03 Dean Groom: are you playing multi or single?
21:15:25 Harrison: Now? None at all but what I do play, I play both
21:15:42 GailDesler: Am completely new to MC - so eagerly listening to discussion!
21:15:51 EpicallyAWSM: Lol Gail
21:15:57 SusanEttenheim: have you played gail?
21:16:07 EpicallyAWSM: It's an extremely fun game, and easy to learn
21:16:15 GailDesler: No. I created an account earlier today.
21:16:16 Harrison: Yeah :D
21:16:31 SusanEttenheim: hi vwarrn welcome!
21:16:40 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:16:57 Harrison: I got into it by illegally downloading it >.> but then I loved it so I bought it
21:17:12 EpicallyAWSM: I bought it the moment I could lol.
21:17:24 SusanEttenheim: that's great Harrison
21:17:39 SusanEttenheim: I know someone who only buys a book after he's read it and likes it
21:17:46 vwarrn: Hi SusanEttenheim. I'm an Ed Developer at Macquarie Uni
21:18:01 EpicallyAWSM: Cool.
21:18:03 Harrison: By the way, im in New Zealand, and In Christchurch :D
21:18:09 SusanEttenheim: welcome vwarn = where is that?
21:18:20 EpicallyAWSM: I'm in Wisconsin, USA
21:18:32 vwarrn: It's in Sydeny, Australia.
21:18:40 Harrison: Cool lol
21:19:01 SusanEttenheim: welcome everyone! I have a lot of connections to Milwaukee - where are you Epically?
21:19:09 EpicallyAWSM: Appleton
21:19:14 EpicallyAWSM: My sister lives in Milwaukee
21:19:24 SusanEttenheim: ahh yese
20:05 Dean Groom: Epic = so big, ambitious, empowering - almost at the edge of what you believe possible
20:15 EpicallyAWSM: LOl.
20:18 EpicallyAWSM: Lol*.
20:48 Dean Groom: we're very much more like a playgroup that a classroom
20:57 Chris Sloan: parents and kids playing the game together reminds me of parents and kids reading together
21:14 EpicallyAWSM: Lol.
21:16 Harrison: It does doesn't it lol
21:23 Harrison: :D I have red text
21:23 Dean Groom: they do read together - MC requires parents and kids read all sorts of stuff
21:34 EpicallyAWSM: Rofl, true
21:45 Bronst: Kids love teaching the adults
21:52 Dean Groom: what emerges - better literacy - spelling, turn taking, clarity
22:09 Chris Sloan: @Dean what kinds of stuff do they read regarding MC?
22:22 Harrison: and hand-eye co-ordonation
22:27 Dean Groom: the forums, lots of YouTube, the wikis
22:31 Chris Sloan: got it
22:32 Harrison: And signs :D
22:40 EpicallyAWSM: Yes, signs, lol
22:43 Bronst: In virtual worlds one of the things you do when you learn something is show, mentor and teach others how to do it. MMOG engender collaboration and support
22:51 Dean Groom: they need to read that to learn - the game has almost no in-game help system
21:23:05 EpicallyAWSM: Yes, that's why there should be a tutorial world
21:23:13 SusanEttenheim: hi gamerteach welcome!
21:23:14 EpicallyAWSM: That's automatically added to the games download
21:23:16 Harrison: Isn't minecraft teacher working on that?
21:23:18 GamerTeach: Thanks!
21:23:20 Dean Groom: we are physical - I have 9 kids most Fridays in my house playing MC
21:23:27 EpicallyAWSM: I'm not sure
21:23:34 Harrison: Hmm i think alpha used to have one
21:23:43 GamerTeach: I have around 15 in and out of my home hosted server.
21:23:45 EpicallyAWSM: Not that I remember, but there could have been one
21:23:45 Harrison: ill go replace my .minecraft folder and check
21:23:55 Dean Groom: I might invite a MC kid into Skype if you like later - ask her
21:23:59 SusanEttenheim: hi wonko welcome!
21:24:07 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:24:13 jokay: oo is netballstar coming, dean? ;)
21:24:20 SusanEttenheim: sure dean!
21:24:32 Dean Groom: our game has levels of access rights - kids earn the right to have power
21:24:40 Harrison: I am completely confused what your talking about Dean
21:24:42 Bronst: Come join Massively Minecraft if you think you want to explore this with other fun classroom educators.
21:24:47 Harrison: the skype part
21:25:02 GailDesler: "Executive control" hmmm...
21:25:03 Harrison: @Bronst Link please?
21:25:16 GamerTeach: so you op students who earn the privilege
21:25:23 Dean Groom: yep
21:25:33 Dean Groom: but they have to mentor others
21:25:37 GamerTeach: Nice. I do, as well. I have two who have been mods for several months.
21:26:17 Harrison: Damn I wish they tought minecraft at my school... I get to do fun stuff anyways :D
21:26:28 Brandon: do you kids end up getting minecraft for home as well and use it independently of teacher led scenarios?
21:26:32 EpicallyAWSM: People in my school play Minecraft but not during class
21:26:39 Brandon: your kids*
21:26:42 Bronst: Minecraft is very young in classrooms so the research is not there yet - that's why we have set up a research agenda to really see where kids take this as a curriculum.
21:26:51 GamerTeach: Mine started with home bought copies.
21:26:57 Brandon: ah
21:27:00 GamerTeach: But I'm 5th-8th, so it's a little different.
21:27:08 Brandon: no problem getting them to do their homework then hehe
21:27:11 Brandon: i see
21:27:25 SusanEttenheim: hi aloha welcome!
21:27:28 GamerTeach: We met during lunch to determine rules and disciplinary actions for infractions
21:27:36 GamerTeach: And they played from home after that point.
21:27:41 csansing: @GailDesler many of our students make more emotional, immediate decisions, even when they are not pro-social or academic - they have trouble summoning the executive control to make a decision based on past experience or logic - or in pursuit of delayed, positive consequences.
21:28:06 Brandon: what's to stop them logging into other servers which are not controlled?
21:28:17 aloha: sorry I got here late. any big ideas I missed?
21:28:23 GailDesler: Thanks, Chad. What ages are you working with?
21:28:33 GamerTeach: Brandon - was that directed at me?
21:28:39 csansing: @GailDesler Middle school :)
21:28:53 SusanEttenheim: welcome aloha - where and what do you teach?
21:28:57 Brandon: well generally but you too GamerTeach :D
21:29:03 Harrison: Hmm about the tutorial level, MC alpha has a grayed out tutorial level
21:29:05 aloha: 7th grade science - Hawaii
21:29:10 GailDesler: Totally intrigued by a game that spans so many ages!
21:29:24 SusanEttenheim: welcome!
21:29:26 Harrison: Its probably grayed out cause I don't have it
21:29:28 GamerTeach: for my age group, i encourage them to explore other servers - we began the club with a discussion about digital citizenship and online communities
21:29:30 aloha: thanks
21:29:38 Dean Groom: the kids are all over YouTube - looking for ideas and mods for the game
21:29:52 GailDesler: @GamerTeach - What age group are you working with?
21:29:56 Brandon: ah ok so you don't worry about strictly controlling their MC experience
21:30:12 GamerTeach: the majority of students on my server are 5th and 6th
21:30:13 csansing: @GamerTeach I think that happens - just as kids play games we wouldn't necessarily ask them to play; healthy relationships and discussions around learning inside and classroom are the best tools I know of with which to talk honestly about gaming safety and responsibility.
21:30:22 SusanEttenheim: aloha - have you used Minecraft at your school?
21:30:26 Bronst: Inside /outside - learning happens
21:30:34 GamerTeach: @csansing Totally!
21:30:43 aloha: no, but my students use it outside of school
21:31:01 SusanEttenheim: we have an interesting mix of experiences tonight
21:31:09 GamerTeach: In fact two of them became mods for private servers after getting comfortable in my server.
21:31:11 GailDesler: Just searched YouTube for Minecraft - got tons of returns
21:31:12 csansing: @Dean Groom sounds like our "club" at school called "club" to accommodate all we want to work on together.
21:31:13 SusanEttenheim: please chime in with your comments/questions
21:31:23 Brandon: cool GamerTeach
21:31:34 csansing: @Dean Groom have you built a Bug in game?
21:32:09 Dean Groom: no, I just dig dirt for others
21:32:19 GamerTeach: I just threw some picks of their stuff up on Flickr -
21:32:27 Dean Groom: challenge the core-curriculum - yeah right?
21:32:28 csansing: Does anyone know if there is a mod or app like a viewer that would embed a multiplayer game in, say, a school website?
21:32:37 ccoffa: Heidi Siwak has an interesting blog on Minecraft with her students mylifeasanon-gamer.blogspot.com
21:32:42 SusanEttenheim: url please gamerteach?
21:32:53 Dean Groom: virtual ethnography
21:32:58 csansing: @Dean Groom you need to make a red torch repeater clock with a slow period to make time for yourself.
21:32:59 Harrison: What do you mean @csansing
21:33:05 Dean Groom: lol
21:33:19 SusanEttenheim: hi moehlert welcome!
21:33:25 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:33:42 Brandon: classic mode is played on the web but that's on the Minecraft site, as it's Java it should be possible to run it as an applet on a page but not sure of the mechanics of it
21:33:42 GailDesler: Ditto on @Harrison's question
21:33:48 csansing: @Harrison I would love to show off a student community built in-game as an embedded website game for parents and others to explore, perhaps just as viewers.
21:33:58 Bronst: Play and see where it goes
21:34:07 Harrison: You mena like on game sites?
21:34:08 Bronst: see what kids create as a curriculum
21:34:12 Harrison: mean*
21:34:16 moehlert: I work at Defense Acquisition University and I'm kinda the tech integrator
21:34:26 moehlert: #FirstTimer
21:34:33 SusanEttenheim: great you're here!
21:34:45 csansing: @Harrison @GailDesler so instead of a flickr stream from a school or classroom on a website, or in addition to it, visitors would see the virtual world maintained by kids.
21:34:48 moehlert: had to...11 yr old LOVES Minecraft
21:35:32 GailDesler: Thanks @Chad - and I already share your enthusiasm
21:35:43 SusanEttenheim: hi habitalcoast and clavis
21:35:51 Clavis: hello
21:35:53 csansing: @GailDesler Game on!
21:35:53 Harrison: @csansing So you mean a small MC game where you can view the world?
21:36:04 Dean Groom: I just supply materials ... my building skills are primative, the kids are better than I
21:36:13 csansing: @Harrison or a embed window into the kids' server.
21:36:27 csansing: Who uses hacks and mods or studies kids' use of them?
21:36:32 Dean Groom: we're also FREE community, free game-space
21:36:51 Harrison: The only mod I use is HD fix
21:37:07 GamerTeach: I can't seem to paste a link...
21:37:45 Harrison: @csansing You could try having one of the kids (or someone in the server) livestream and embedding that into a webpage
21:37:46 moehlert: so are people running their own MC servers?
21:38:09 csansing: @Harrison Good idea!
21:38:15 GamerTeach: I am, from a server at home.
21:38:35 GamerTeach: Does anyone helse have trouble pasting text?
21:38:38 Harrison: @csansing thanks
21:38:50 moehlert: I'm looking at setting up one for my son and his friends (and me of course)
21:38:55 SusanEttenheim: yes gamerteach
21:39:00 Bronst: Jo is Massively Connected
21:39:01 Harrison: @gamerteach Yes, I just tried it and I do
21:39:06 SusanEttenheim: different possibilities such as dragging
21:39:32 Dean Groom: they all mod their avatars
21:39:43 Dean Groom: they all run texture packs
21:39:58 moehlert: first thing that happens...avatar skins
21:40:07 Harrison: @moehlert it's quite easy, you can use an external server software (like bukkit) or you could try the original, which is easier but you cant add mods easily
21:40:18 csansing: Thanks, @Dean -
21:40:25 Dean Groom: Girls like to run a texture pack called GirlCraft - makes it pink and gurly
21:40:37 Harrison: Haha
21:40:47 Harrison: I think Minecraft4Kids looks cool
21:40:49 Dean Groom: our kids play a lot of single player too
21:40:58 Bronst: Writng is the mod of reading
21:41:03 Dean Groom: they like to build mazes and challenges
21:41:18 Bronst: our goal is to get kids to mod their world - their passions
21:41:30 moehlert: Nice. My son knew how to do everything in MC BEFORE playing from watching all the videos on YouTube...so what happens when kids show up in classroom with mastery of content and then look at you like "what now?" :-)
21:41:41 Bronst: Absolultely - well said Chad and Joel!
21:41:44 GailDesler: first time to hear 'mod' meaning 'modify'
21:41:52 Dean Groom: they also make lots of video! - lots of TV-shows
21:42:20 Harrison: @moehlert then you get them to install complex mods then see which happens :D
21:42:24 Dean Groom: we don't have classes, we're just building a gateway - a platform for others
21:42:28 Harrison: Or you could make your own mods
21:42:29 csansing: @moelert We start a design process of brainstorming, researching, and writing to use what the kids know about Minecraft to fuel reading, writing, and learning about bits of the world that fascinate them intesnsely - e.g. ancient Greece.
21:42:33 SusanEttenheim: hi throkk welcome!
21:42:36 Brandon: yeah there are a lot of videos made by kids on you tube and many are very impressive
21:42:37 GamerTeach: I found that they would relocated and rebuild when they got bored. (Did I send a link to anyone or did it just fail to work?)
21:42:56 GamerTeach: *relocate*
21:42:58 Harrison: I think it failed
21:42:59 Dean Groom: it's easy to add a mission/quest, but our kids are 100% volunteers
21:43:09 moehlert: I think Geology would be a natural subject as well an ancient Greece :-)
21:43:39 Bronst: civilisation is a gr8 topic in MInecraft
21:43:41 GamerTeach: http://www.flickr.com/photos/65159728@n06
21:43:45 Bronst: kids build it
21:43:52 csansing: What I really want is a remake of Master of Magic inside Minecraft. Any help?
21:43:56 Harrison: You could also use economy to educate them
21:44:11 GailDesler: @moehlert and @csaning Wow, what amazing learning experiences you are providing your students (beats the heck out of Accelerated Reader;-)
21:44:21 Brandon: page not found for that link GamerTeach
21:44:27 GamerTeach: sigh...haha
21:44:31 Brandon: heh
21:44:37 csansing: @GailDesler AR & its ilk are another show ;)
21:44:55 SusanEttenheim: hi stahscream welcome!
21:45:12 stahscream: thanks :)
21:45:17 GailDesler: @csansing - so much work to do with administrators....
21:45:22 Harrison: @csansing you could probably make it, but not the turn based
21:45:45 Harrison: @csansing or you could make it a minigame
21:45:52 GamerTeach: http://www.flickr.com/photos/65159728@N06
21:46:00 moehlert: i think to about watching my son and buddies do problem-solving and peer instruction
21:46:01 GamerTeach: Ok, I think that worked.
21:46:08 csansing: @Harrison Dreaming little dreams...
21:46:33 GamerTeach: It's the peer to peer learning that was really awesome with MC. They were really excited to teach each other. And parents, siblings, other teachers...
21:46:52 Harrison: @gamerteach looks cool
21:46:57 Brandon: that one worked great GamerTeach :D
21:47:02 Bronst: Single player is the game where you are 'against' the world. You can build and explore but not collaborate as you can in mutliplayer
21:47:09 GailDesler: @moehlert - in otherwords your son & friends are learning when they don't have to - that James Gee concept
21:47:13 SusanEttenheim: sogle is this your first live webcast?
21:47:19 sogle: yes
21:47:28 GamerTeach: I think the best server creation was the rail system that linked the various villages that popped up over time.
21:47:48 SusanEttenheim: great ! How are you finding it? Do you have comments/questions?
21:47:59 SusanEttenheim: Is it what you expected?
21:48:14 sogle: I'm just taking it all in at this point. I didn't know what to expect.
21:48:29 SusanEttenheim: please feel free to comment and ask questions!
21:48:31 sogle: I've never heard of minecraft.
21:48:43 Dean Groom: the best way to learn is to teach it
21:48:53 Dean Groom: http://www.minecraft.net
21:49:13 sogle: thanks. I did a search for it as soon as it was mentioned. :)
21:49:17 SusanEttenheim: sogle - you can check it out in another window in your browser while you listen :)
21:49:23 Brandon: you can play for free on that site using an old version just to see the general idea
21:49:45 Dean Groom: but you can share MAPs, like Joel's Tutorial World
21:49:52 Bronst: Yes single player is a great sandbox - then go multiplayer and collaborate
21:50:14 Dean Groom: we are exuberant, not practical
21:50:22 moehlert: Gail....I think they are just learning...or is it the "literacy" concept of Gee's?
21:50:31 Dean Groom: come on Paul, come punch trees
21:51:04 Bronst: @sogle come and play and you will luv it
21:51:17 Harrison: @Dean whos paul :P?
21:51:41 sogle: I'll have to check it out. possibly. it sounds really interesting and great for student learning.
21:51:42 Dean Groom: we kind of see games appearing from a different semiotic domain - culture and history than other technology tools, so needs to be understood from that perspective.
21:51:43 SusanEttenheim: Paul Allison - the moderator on the call :)
21:52:02 Harrison: Oh ^^
21:52:19 Harrison: AHA! I have headphones!
21:52:21 moehlert: When I think of "playing" with MC I think about something that Will Wright (Sims creator) said...he said he didn't build games, he built toys....
21:52:30 Dean Groom: and Bron was in the US recently to discuss times/ideas with teachers
21:52:45 SusanEttenheim: Harrison - you can hear now?
21:52:49 Dean Groom: it's all about having ppl willing to facilititate - give up an hour or two
21:52:51 Harrison: Right how do I listen in
21:52:53 Harrison: Not yet
21:53:03 SusanEttenheim: click on edtechtalk A
21:53:03 csansing: It was great to say hi to @Bron at ISTE!
21:53:11 SusanEttenheim: what platform are you using?
21:53:17 Harrison: Windows
21:53:25 Dean Groom: I saw that - edu-accounts
21:53:40 jokay: Massively Minecraft Events Calendar is @ Its gorgeous to watch him
21:53:47 SusanEttenheim: it might open in itunes or media player or whatever you use - just click on the edtechtalk A button
21:53:52 jokay: oopos cut and paste fail! Its gorgeous to watch him
21:53:52 SusanEttenheim: hi jim welcome!
21:53:54 moehlert: Dean....you're spot on...WAY diff domain than trad. education or worse yet ISD...games come from a much older learning place
21:54:09 jokay: minecraft.jokaydia.com/events-calendar/
21:54:19 Dean Groom: stop being a b00b
21:54:23 Dean Groom: lol
21:54:42 jokay: hey.. i cant help it .. flu drugz.. lolz
21:54:51 Dean Groom: yep
21:55:02 GamerTeach: so there's sound?
21:55:14 Harrison: No I cant hear
21:55:52 Dean Groom: it's all about being collaborative ...
21:56:51 SusanEttenheim: yes Harrison
21:57:04 SusanEttenheim: on the edtechtalk.com page, click on Participate Live
21:57:08 Dean Groom: If ppl are serious, they get whitelisted ... we're not a voyeur world, or babysitting service - teachers have to come to learn and make
21:57:14 SusanEttenheim: and then click on the volume icon
21:57:21 SusanEttenheim: HI ninahippie welcome!
21:57:22 ninjahippie: test
21:57:49 ninjahippie: hello susan thanks for having me
21:57:57 Dean Groom: anyone - open to all
21:58:00 Harrison: Yes that downloaded a file
21:58:17 SusanEttenheim: and can you play it?
21:58:29 SusanEttenheim: ninjahippie - where and what do you teach?
21:59:44 Bronst: Yes - we want to support whatever it is that teachers want to do
21:59:49 ninjahippie: I'm a ict teacher
21:59:55 Bronst: Help teachers to set up their own servers when they want to
21:59:57 SusanEttenheim: where?
22:00:23 SusanEttenheim: what is ict ninjahippie?
22:00:52 moehlert: Its about play...Google Gadamer + Spielraum
22:01:44 ninjahippie: hagley comunity college
22:02:11 SusanEttenheim: ahh glad you could join us!
22:02:15 Dean Groom: we want to say to each other ' Gratz!'
22:02:20 Dean Groom: shut up
22:02:20 Harrison: ICT is information and communication technologies
22:02:34 SusanEttenheim: ahh and where are you? country?
22:02:53 ninjahippie: New Zealand
22:02:56 Brandon: thanks to all it's been very interesting
22:02:59 Dean Groom: agreed:)
22:03:04 SusanEttenheim: ahh soo glad you could join us!
22:03:19 Harrison: :O Im in NZ to
22:03:24 Dean Groom: playgroups reinvented though the Xbox
22:03:55 Dean Groom: thanks for the plug!
22:04:14 Dean Groom: thanks, see you in the Dirt!
22:04:40 csansing: Goodnight! Don't let the creepers bite.
22:04:53 GailDesler: Night all. Very interesting topic!
22:05:11 MinecraftTeachr: Thanks for talking/listening everyone
22:05:14 ccoffa: Thanks everyone - lots of food for thought
22:05:15 Brandon: bye!
22:05:20 csansing: Word, Joel.
22:05:26 MinecraftTeachr: sorry, I wasn't chatty... I'm bad at having two conversations at once
22:05:30 GamerTeach: Alright, i'm off. Cheers, all!
22:05:35 Harrison: Hi MCteachr :D
22:05:45 MinecraftTeachr: hi harrison
22:05:49 Harrison: Nice to meet you
22:05:50 GamerTeach: Hey Teachr!
22:05:54 MinecraftTeachr: same!
22:06:04 peniswanker: hey boys
22:06:08 Harrison: Hehe thanks for re-tweeting this
22:06:21 MinecraftTeachr: sure
22:06:26 Harrison: :D
22:06:31 MinecraftTeachr: I knew it would be an interesting talk
22:06:44 Harrison: Yeah it was
22:06:51 Harrison: Were you here the whole time
22:06:58 Harrison: -.-
22:07:03 SusanEttenheim: night all