
EdTechWeekly#208 - 2012 Goals, Projects, and Edtechosphere updates

Taxonomy upgrade extras:
January 15, 2011
2012 Goals, Projects, and Edtechosphere updates

EdTechWeekly#206 - Tech Overload & The Purpose of Education

December 11, 2011

The whole gang is together again as we cover Dave's recent lack of focus, John's visit to 21st Century Skills Ohio, and Jen's Imminent Doctorhood.  

EdTechWhenever#205 Student Data: Where to draw the line?

December 4, 2011

Dave & Jeff discuss the merits and ethics of of academic and social media data analysis by universities as we take the experimental Wowza Studio out for it's first spin. 

Taxonomy upgrade extras:
December 4, 2011

Dave & Jeff discuss the merits and ethics of of academic and social media data analysis by universities.

EdTechWeekly#204 - Rhizomatic Learning & Battling the Positivists

November 6, 2011

Jen & Jeff grill Dave on Rhizomatic Learning as he prepares for his featured week for Change 11 and continues his ongoing battle against positivists.
Week#9 Change 11

Rhizomatic Learning – Why we teach?

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