EdTechWeekly #66 - EEE PC, Streaming Courses, & the McDreamy of EdTech

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EdTechWeekly #66
EEE PC, Streaming Courses, & the McDreamy of EdTech
February 24, 2008

Chat Log Below

18:53:40  Gary ->  I sent two e-mails to my MP over the last two weeks - no response also.
18:54:02  Gary ->  None???
18:54:30  Gary ->  Maybe Mr. Clinton?
18:58:31  Cathy E ->  But I see now the details in Google calendar
18:58:42  Cathy E ->  That does almost the same
18:59:43  CK in Nagoya ->  I am Charles
18:59:52  CK in Nagoya ->  I remember talking to you about that topic.
19:00:41  sine ->  hello
19:00:58  alicemercer ->  Howdy all
19:01:06  sharonp ->  LOL - the dryer!
19:01:23  alicemercer ->  Doorbell with UPS guy
19:01:42  alicemercer ->  No, but JL just came out and in
19:01:48  alicemercer ->  cutting out
19:02:02  alicemercer ->  I haven't watched Academy Awards since I was about 10
19:02:18  courosa ->  audio so much clearer than the Yahoo! audio experiment
19:02:27  alicemercer ->  It was fine for me in Yahoo!
19:02:31  dave ->  http://mfeldstein.com/blackboard-won/
19:02:51  sharonp ->  WHAT!!?? Bb won!
19:02:56  JenM ->  More BB links http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=43525
19:02:59  sharonp ->  that is unbelievable
19:03:29  courosa ->  horrible day for openness
19:03:44  sharonp ->  a TEXAS jury??
19:03:48  sharonp ->  hmmm
19:03:49  cyndidannerkuhn ->  how will this impact things like Moodle
19:04:08  JenM ->  http://www.dmlcompetition.net/winners.php
19:04:09  sharonp ->  D2L is a Canadian company....
19:04:22  scottlo ->  they have a patent - what do you expect - they invented the multi-user password thing!! lighten up Canada
19:04:29  alicemercer ->  Texas, hmmm, were they venue shopping for a <70 IQ jurry?
19:04:29  dave ->  lol
19:04:33  alicemercer ->  jury
19:04:50  JL ->  http://ck12.org/  CK-12 - Flex books for every student
19:04:59  alicemercer ->  Multi-user id? That's patentable?
19:05:10  courosa ->  http://www.boycottblackboard.org
19:05:22  JohnS ->  Sorry, Boys, This Is Our Domain: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/21/fashion/21webgirls.html?_r=2&ex=136133...
19:05:41  sharonp ->  I need lots of happy news to counter those first two stories
19:05:43  Cathy E ->  Girl Power
19:05:49  JL ->  John clicks a lot when he talks
19:05:56  alicemercer ->  The female is all about creation. Steven Tyler of Aerosmith thinks so
19:06:11  alicemercer ->  Says, that being an artist is getting in touch with the feminine
19:06:18  cyndidannerkuhn ->  cool girl power
19:06:20  alicemercer ->  But he could be full of it.
19:06:29  sharonp ->  yes, saw that posted from the http://www.ncwit.org/ site
19:06:34  dave ->  http://streem.us/
19:07:10  alicemercer ->  What the heck are we supposed to do there?
19:07:15  JenW ->  I am in
19:07:20  dave ->  http://streem.us/davecormier
19:07:29  JenM ->  http://streem.us/jenm
19:07:33  JenW ->  http://streem.us/jenw
19:07:47  courosa ->  http://www.streem.us/courosa
19:08:02  dougsymington ->  look a you streamers
19:08:08  JohnS ->  http://streem.us/jschinker
19:08:09  dougsymington ->  woohoo
19:08:16  dougsymington ->  missed the link
19:08:18  sharonp ->  that yellow is something awful
19:08:26  JenW ->  got a picture -- http://streem.us/jenw
19:08:28  alicemercer ->  Hey, Jottit lets you change colors
19:08:32  JenM ->  mashable roundups: http://mashable.com/2008/02/21/screencasting-video-tutorials ...
19:08:38  dougsymington ->  lol
19:08:51  CK in Nagoya ->  Next time use http://temporaryinbox.com  then you won't get the extra spam like messages.
19:08:54  JenW ->  I used my [email protected] account
19:09:04  JL ->  http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2008/02/21/microsoft-open.html   Microsoft to share some of its secrets
19:09:11  JenM ->  http://mashable.com/2008/02/06/forget-excel-14-online-spreadsheet-applic...
19:09:18  JenM ->  http://mashable.com/2008/02/11/13-word-processors
19:09:25  JenM ->  http://mashable.com/2008/02/16/forget-powerpoint-online-presentations
19:09:37  JenW ->  ahhhh poor Cheryl's vaca is over??
19:09:45  sharonp ->  HI Cheryl!! Welcome back! Did you have a good week?
19:09:52  cheryloakes backfromtheMtns. ->  it was a great vacation, need a break from skiing.
19:09:52  JohnS ->  http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080221-eu-to-ms-well-believe-it-w...
19:09:57  courosa ->  you can no longer run a software company without being open, it doesn't make any business sense.
19:10:07  sine ->  so BB will go after open source instead!
19:10:11  sharonp ->  Is it only open to Americans? Google seems to forget about Canucks
19:10:13  courosa ->  it's seed money
19:10:14  JenW ->  can canadians even try to win this award??
19:10:18  alicemercer ->  Wow, went into del.icio.us and my friend Carrie sent me a cool link about a blog featuring old photos: http://www.shorpy.com/
19:10:19  JL ->  http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/02/22/business/moon.php  
19:10:33  JL ->  is Ustream audio OK?
19:10:42  JohnS ->  Give an Old Laptop New Life with Cheap (or Free) Projects: http://lifehacker.com/359389/give-an-old-laptop-new-life-with-cheap-or-f...
19:10:42  JenW ->  Is Bill's leaving MS opening up options??
19:10:47  cyndidannerkuhn ->  who cares about windows and how it works
19:10:48  sine ->  They are expecting people to build on existing technology
19:10:50  courosa ->  Windows is a sinking ship, too little too late.
19:10:53  Cathy E ->  Ustream is good
19:10:56  sine ->  Heard an interview on Science Friday
19:10:59  JL ->  thx
19:11:37  dave ->  http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2008/02/21/student-...
19:12:07  sharonp ->  I love Alec's prophetic-like utterances!
19:12:21  Alvin Trusty ->  This happened to all the public employees in Ohio.  I was on that list.
19:12:28  JohnS ->  http://www.truecrypt.org/
19:12:55  JenM ->  Horizon Report 2008:  http://www.nmc.org/news/nmc/2008-horizon-report
19:13:02  courosa ->  @sharonp ... i guess they are a bit prophetic. hehe.
19:13:13  sharonp ->  Jen, cover you ears!
19:13:55  JenW ->  LOL -- did someone say HORIZON??
19:14:13  JL ->  http://edtechtalk.com/sln
19:14:36  JenW ->  now someone will probably say pedagogy next
19:14:39  sharonp ->  wow! very cool!
19:14:49  sharonp ->  @JenW LOL
19:15:03  alicemercer ->  You GO!
19:15:06  JohnS ->  Phun: http://www.acc.umu.se/%7Eemilk/index.html and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H5g9VS0ENM
19:15:07  dougsymington ->  nice
19:15:15  alicemercer ->  Hey anyone else going to CUE March 6?
19:15:19  JenM ->  doug!!!!!
19:15:20  JenW ->  PHUN is like the TECH OF THE WEEK
19:15:26  JenW ->  Alice -- I AM I AM
19:15:28  sharonp ->  htat is the coolest  - that PHUN is really neat
19:15:29  scottlo ->  is it going to be on SL as well Jeff?
19:15:31  JenM ->  how was NV????
19:15:37  courosa ->  that site is phat!!!
19:15:39  JL ->  probably not Scott
19:15:39  alicemercer ->  Going to edubloggercon?
19:15:43  JenW ->  Alas, NO
19:15:46  sharonp ->  LOL
19:15:48  JL ->  if bandwidth is solid, perhaps
19:15:50  dougsymington ->  beyond words, nv08 was
19:15:58  dave ->  http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tr1qee-bTZI
19:16:11  sharonp ->  oh wow
19:16:14  alicemercer ->  Hey, WE talked about this last weekend
19:16:27  JenW ->  wow, deja vue
19:16:32  sharonp ->  that is hilarious!! Would I love to have the QC textbooks covered (translated badly from French to English)
19:16:46  alicemercer ->  Well, she keeps talking about it being "more accurate" and paper and pencil is better
19:16:51  alicemercer ->  Becuase you "think"
19:16:54  JenM ->  http://technorati.com/tag/northernvoice ... and ... http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/nv08
19:16:58  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I did a staff development workshop last summer, and that YouTube video was quite the topic of conversation
19:17:13  scottlo ->  yeah, I had trouble with the "New Math" too
19:17:14  sharonp ->  too bad she didn't do a good job
19:17:15  alicemercer ->  even though she wants kids to memorize a procedure without understanding anything behind it
19:17:25  JL ->  http://www.schooltool.org/
19:17:40  gary ->  But we are products of the old way.
19:17:54  courosa ->  yea it is
19:18:01  JohnS ->  What Happens When 10 Laptops Show Up: http://remoteaccess.typepad.com/remote_access/2008/02/what-happens-wh.html
19:18:18  cyndidannerkuhn ->  How do you guys keep up on all this stuff!!!
19:18:42  alicemercer ->  linux os?
19:19:01  dave ->  http://shedreamsindigital.pbwiki.com/
19:19:04  sharonp ->  am thinking they are really cool
19:19:08  alicemercer ->  Does it have linux os?
19:19:09  courosa ->  they are half linux, half xp i believe for the demo
19:19:15  alicemercer ->  half xp?
19:19:21  alicemercer ->  What's HALF xp?
19:19:21  courosa ->  half the machines
19:19:29  sharonp ->  one quarter Vista??
19:19:32  dougsymington ->  had fun playing "citizen journalist" with webcam on eee at nv08--some post-production issues, it seems, but hope to get more vids to youtube soon
19:19:40  JenM ->  International Edublogger Directory: http://edubloggerdir.blogspot.com/
19:19:59  sharonp ->  I tried to add my info there and had some difficulty
19:20:00  courosa ->  with a really oldschool way of submitting info.
19:20:10  alicemercer ->  JW: going to edubloggercon?
19:20:21  gary ->  It is a great site.
19:20:22  JL ->  http://teacher.pageflakes.com/   Pageflakes for Teachers
19:20:22  JenW ->  Alice Nope - -showing up on Friday
19:20:42  alicemercer ->  Yep, nicer for high school than elementary
19:20:46  alicemercer ->  But nice
19:21:10  alicemercer ->  Not enough RSS content for elementary (not PageFlakes fault)
19:21:14  JohnS ->  Chatzy: http://www.chatzy.com
19:21:30  Durff ->  sshh!
19:21:36  JenM ->  cool durff! I tried this and it worked great!
19:21:37  JL ->  did Jen share that one last week?
19:21:38  courosa ->  these portals are one of the most popular items for the teachers i work with, they really like to use them
19:21:41  courosa ->  m
19:21:49  dave ->  http://drupal.org/node/216958
19:21:54  alicemercer ->  http://www.pageflakes.com/alice_mercer/20942187
19:21:59  alicemercer ->  Elementary pageflake
19:22:49  JenW ->  @alice -- if edublogger con wasn't 2 days before CUE officially starts, I could go
19:22:57  alicemercer ->  1 day before
19:23:07  alicemercer ->  Wednesday, starts Thursday
19:23:09  courosa ->  now we just have to get schools to actually support drupal to som extent in schools ... so many still hate having mysql/php
19:23:13  JenM ->  CINCH: http://cinch.blogtalkradio.com/
19:23:22  sroseman ->  Love your pageflake, Alice
19:23:24  JenW ->  Thursday is really like an extra PAY FOR THINGS day -- isn't it
19:23:26  sharonp ->  joomla seems to be flavour of the week here in QC
19:23:30  alicemercer ->  That's how Steve H got "free space"
19:23:35  alicemercer ->  Thank you Srose
19:23:51  JohnS ->  sp: we used to use Mambo.
19:23:53  courosa ->  joomla is big in Moose Jaw as well.
19:23:56  dougsymington ->  speakin' of drupal/ed adn nv08 http://eduglu.learningparty.net/
19:24:05  alicemercer ->  ACK!
19:24:05  dave ->  big in Moose Jaw? LOL
19:24:09  sharonp ->  @JenW - which edubloggercon are you two talking about
19:24:18  courosa ->  both work well, both have good communities, either decision is a good one
19:24:19  JenW ->  @sharonp -- Palm Springs
19:24:39  sharonp ->  @dave.... so you figger two maybe three people using Joomla in MJ?
19:24:40  JL ->  http://www.dontclick.it/
19:24:45  courosa ->  joomla is being used in a lot of @shareski's schools in Moose Jaw.
19:24:48  JenW ->  LOL -- should I click on it
19:25:21  JenM ->  All of the links for tonights show are here: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080224
19:25:33  JenW ->  isn't it just java??
19:25:35  JL ->  http://baw-08.pbwiki.com/
19:25:38  sharonp ->  One of my friends installed joomla on his server.... I had to ask.... doesn't one need content for a content management system??
19:25:51  dave ->  yes... that helps
19:25:53  JenM ->  To add link for next week's show, include a tag of "for:edtechtalk" ... THANK YOU!!!
19:26:13  JL ->  http://lessig08.org/  Lessig '08 - Change Congress.
19:26:31  courosa ->  makes sense for his current direction
19:26:34  alicemercer ->  Gonna get stomped
19:26:48  Durff ->  we could all give a dime
19:26:49  alicemercer ->  He won't get ONE term
19:26:57  alicemercer ->  I know who he is...
19:26:58  JohnS ->  'Vista Capable' lawsuit against Microsoft now a class action: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/352442_vista23.html
19:27:00  courosa ->  pretty difficult to get rid of corruption in government in two terms.
19:27:10  alicemercer ->  MORE people know the handpicked sucessor where he is running.
19:27:21  alicemercer ->  You don't know her, but her constiuents do.
19:27:25  sharonp ->  @courosa - Thanks for Posse mug offer.... will await by my mailbox with bated breath
19:27:44  courosa ->  @speters ... not a problem at all, you deserve it for  your work in eci831
19:27:46  alicemercer ->  Hence her likelihood of getting elected
19:27:53  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I hope they win against Microsoft
19:27:59  JohnS ->  Cure Writer's Block with Creative Writing Games: http://www.languageisavirus.com/
19:28:28  JohnS ->  http://www.notsonoisy.com/spaceinvaders/
19:29:21  courosa ->  http://www.sciencegeek.net/lingo.html ... reminded me of that.
19:29:27  courosa ->  ginsu knives?
19:29:29  scottlo ->  Looks like W.S. Burroughs on the banner for language is a virus site, thanks John!
19:29:35  JenW ->  no 1 minute video??
19:29:35  Durff ->  and please don't mention my name john
19:29:48  sharonp ->  têtes à claques - the willy waller
19:29:53  cyndidannerkuhn ->  who has time for games
19:29:58  JenW ->  OHHHH
19:30:00  JenW ->  I DO I DO
19:30:05  Cathy E ->  I don't understand how UStream can follow someone on Twitter
19:30:37  dougsymington ->  no country for best pic
19:30:41  dougsymington ->  haven
19:30:46  dougsymington ->  't seen blood
19:31:45  lee baber ->  Hello!
19:31:56  JL ->  to join in, skype 'coarsesalt'
19:32:09  alicemercer ->  Can I share: http://www.shorpy.com/
19:32:39  Cathy E ->  Better let Tom out of the closet- quick
19:33:18  JenM ->  CathyE: I gave Tom hives trying new soap today ... we probably have to go to the ER after ETW ... :)
19:33:26  Lisa Thumann ->  High res photos - looks cool!
19:33:48  dave ->  http://livingarchives.ca/etext_kensington
19:34:12  sharonp ->  this is PERFECT for a learning and eval situation I am creating about journaling through history!
19:34:22  JenM ->  Come on folks ... skype "coarsesalt"!!!!
19:34:47  cyndidannerkuhn ->  what is the trick for copy and paste in the chat window?
19:35:22  alicemercer ->  Cyndi: Pray
19:35:42  JohnS ->  I just use ctrl-C and ctrl-V
19:35:48  sharonp ->  @cyndi - it is annoying, sometimes it works for me, sometimes not, drag and drop sometimes works
19:35:53  alicemercer ->  Dave, you as always inspire with those photos.
19:36:19  alicemercer ->  Cyndi, I feel your pain, I've had trouble with cut and paste in the chat. It's worked the last few months?
19:36:34  cyndidannerkuhn ->  http://zamxar.com-have you ever needed to convert files without downloading software--like YouTube...
19:36:40  JohnS ->  Doug is talking about Northern Voice: http://2008.northernvoice.ca/
19:36:59  cyndidannerkuhn ->  sorry--zamzar.com
19:37:04  JohnS ->  Cyndi -- good like. I've used it many times.
19:37:08  JohnS ->  link
19:37:10  courosa ->  I was very jealous watching from the sidelines ... I'll go next year.
19:37:18  sharonp ->  wow, would love to get to northenrvoice - love Vancouver!
19:37:43  courosa ->  http://www.idesktop.tv is really a nice tool to download and search for youtube videos ... and no waiting like in zamzar.
19:37:52  cyndidannerkuhn ->  http://www.zamzar.com    Ok drag and drop does work thanks
19:39:35  scottlo ->  what kind of camera is that Doug??
19:40:21  cyndidannerkuhn ->  thanks for the link, I was hoping somebody would give me another suggestion other than zamzar
19:40:39  Matt_Cronin ->  My EeePC battery life gets about 2.5 to 3 hours
19:41:06  JenM ->  zamzar seems to be the most popular, but hang on ... we do have a few in our delicious folder ... one sec ...
19:41:38  cyndidannerkuhn ->  super
19:41:57  CK in Nagoya ->  http://www.idesktop.tv JALT 2008 Conference in Nagoya, Japan
19:42:07  CK in Nagoya ->  http://www.idesktop.tv
19:42:19  CK in Nagoya ->  http://www.idesktop.tv
19:42:46  lee baber ->  what is the link for one of them Doug
19:42:48  courosa ->  the EEE updates in April 2008 will really be nice.
19:42:53  CK in Nagoya ->  http://jalt.org/conference
19:43:04  scottlo ->  CK that looks like the link, thanks
19:43:06  Matt_Cronin ->  The EeePC is hackable and has a decent developer community around it.
19:43:11  courosa ->  i'm holding out for April to pick up ... and I still hate my XO.
19:43:39  sharonp ->  I would love my XO.... if I had it
19:43:47  CK in Nagoya ->  This chat room wouldn't let me paste in the link, I had the type it in.  Strange.  It kept pasting in a link that I copied within the chat.
19:43:51  courosa ->  junk
19:44:06  JenM ->  various under "converter" tags ... http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/converter ...
19:44:13  courosa ->  <rant>
19:44:15  Matt_Cronin ->  EeePC over XO anyday
19:44:27  cyndidannerkuhn ->  thanks for the link
19:44:34  CK in Nagoya ->  I'm on a Mac now.
19:44:38  lee baber ->  open a new window...drag the address over from the other window to this one
19:44:46  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I agree, the copy and paste thing is so annoying.....
19:45:11  congerjan ->  yep... I am on a Mac and it won't let me copy and paste...
19:45:27  cyndidannerkuhn ->  buy them all a MacBook, every age needs one
19:46:07  JL ->  we're considering switching to other chat room - can't take the pain we're causing Mac users much longer
19:46:20  sroseman ->  Did anyone else have trouble with Don't Click Me  ..hung up my MAC
19:46:44  gary ->  My Mac worked fine
19:46:48  Matt_Cronin ->  Works fine on my Mac (using Camino 1.5)
19:46:50  dougsymington ->  many great sessions at nv08 @cogdog aka Alan Levine
19:47:00  dougsymington ->  's 55 ways to tell a story was
19:47:04  dougsymington ->  especially good
19:47:16  gary ->  Many Mac users here - it appears
19:47:19  sroseman ->  I am using Safari
19:47:30  lee baber ->  Safari has been funky for me lately
19:47:42  lee baber ->  doesnt seem to be updating things enough
19:47:46  dougsymington ->  as was Matt Mullenweg's keynote
19:47:48  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Guess I should try Camino on my Mac
19:47:50  gary ->  Using Firefox
19:47:58  lee baber ->  firefox on mac seems best for me
19:48:01  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I am using FireFox now too
19:48:02  dougsymington ->  nv08 and northernvoice are tags at media sites
19:48:10  lee baber ->  funn but ie is best for my dell with vista
19:48:14  gary ->  Hard to go  back to Safari
19:48:22  congerjan ->  I agree... it works better in Firefox
19:48:24  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Have a student from China that worked for Apple and he swears by Camino
19:48:25  lee baber ->  firefox doesnt work wortha darn on that
19:48:43  scottlo ->  here's the littlest puter I've seen recently: http://www.kohjinsha.com.sg
19:48:43  sroseman ->  Camino ..may give it a ry
19:48:45  dougsymington ->  how does it know it
19:48:51  lee baber ->  i need to try it more... camino on my mac.. i have it but have not used it much
19:48:53  JohnS ->  Dvorak's column: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2704,2227850,00.asp
19:49:01  dougsymington ->  has been stolen?
19:49:06  scottlo ->  don't know how it stacks up againt the eee deal
19:49:14  Alvin Trusty ->  It's like a mail truck... it sticks out.
19:49:22  Alvin Trusty ->  No one steals mail trucks
19:49:35  jepcke ->  Camino is fine, but I much prefer FireFox for my MacBook running Tiger
19:49:36  Matt_Cronin ->  I love Camino (uses Firefox's rendering engine Gecko), although no plugins
19:49:51  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I am runninf Leopard
19:49:59  JohnS ->  But they still steal priceless one-of-a-kind paintings.
19:50:19  jepcke ->  Camino is FAR superior to Safari
19:50:33  sharonp ->  I think it depends on cultural context - XO is better than nothing,
19:50:38  sroseman ->  Leopard is causing us problems
19:50:54  dave ->  @sharonp... i'm really not sure that's true
19:51:20  cyndidannerkuhn ->  i just wnat an iPhone, but not At & T where I live
19:51:37  sharonp ->  well I would be afraid of ghettoization of 1:1 programmes
19:51:37  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Firefos beta for Mac?
19:52:31  JL ->  http://education.uregina.ca/technology/ecmp355/
19:52:33  sharonp ->  Alec, your model for that course is really great
19:52:38  cyndidannerkuhn ->  is that a college class for teachers?
19:52:47  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I teach pre-service, can I join in?
19:52:49  sharonp ->  it is a grad course for educators
19:53:03  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I teach grad classes in Instructional tech too
19:53:17  cyndidannerkuhn ->  can we talk, [email protected]
19:53:22  sharonp ->  Alec needs to drop the UStream link in the chatroom here and then you can join in on Tuesday nights
19:53:31  Matt_Cronin ->  HP is getting into the mini laptop bandwagon http://www.engadget.com/2008/02/20/hps-umpc-2133-to-cost-630-when-shippi...
19:53:38  Durff ->  i wonder how long the firefox beta takes - anyone?
19:53:38  cyndidannerkuhn ->  lets hope he sees this chat
19:53:48  JohnS ->  anyone know the status of the classmate?
19:54:00  sharonp ->  @courosa - can you put that Ustream link for your course here in the chat,please?
19:54:24  JohnS ->  HP is at $630 -- that's pretty high for a low end laptop ($300-400)
19:54:36  cyndidannerkuhn ->  can you share your link for your UStream course you are discussing?
19:55:10  sroseman ->  http://caminobrowser.org/  ..involves no clicking
19:55:31  sroseman ->  sorry it does involve clicking
19:55:46  cyndidannerkuhn ->  email would work!!
19:55:49  sharonp ->  http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/797
19:55:52  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Yeah Moodle
19:55:53  Durff ->  it was a web cam girl alec
19:55:58  sharonp ->  That is Alec's blog
19:56:11  sharonp ->  yay moodle!
19:56:20  Matt_Cronin ->  Moodle woot
19:56:24  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I am pushing Moodle at my university, but I am alone in the fight, they are so embedded in Blackboard, lots of money invested
19:56:34  lee baber ->  I am disappointed that the Univ.I am in now is using Blackboard
19:56:38  dougsymington ->  xactly re $
19:56:42  dougsymington ->  it's a crime
19:56:43  sharonp ->  @cyndi - yup that is often the case...
19:57:05  scottlo ->  maybe this BB boycott will gain momentum
19:57:18  lee baber ->  I am supporting it
19:57:18  sharonp ->  files in an CMS - old school DE
19:57:30  courosa ->  that ecmp355 course is the wrong one
19:57:32  scottlo ->  what if the educators reject it and demand something different??
19:57:35  courosa ->  here is the course URL
19:57:44  courosa ->  http://eci831.wikispaces.com
19:57:53  JL ->  http://ustream.tv/courosa
19:58:21  dougsymington ->  the persistent archive is key as well
19:58:34  dougsymington ->  doesn't go away at end of course
19:58:43  cyndidannerkuhn ->  connections are where it is at!!
19:58:56  sharonp ->  they are probably working harder than for a regular course!
19:59:09  sharonp ->  but the learning curve is probably that much greater
19:59:54  scottlo ->  jeff could you say a little more about the conference you'll be doing live online this week??
19:59:55  sharonp ->  I am not nearly as cool as those other folks!
20:00:09  JohnS ->  Yes you are, Sharon.
20:00:41  sharonp ->  aw shucks, John....
20:00:45  scottlo ->  was that tied to NCM (new media consortiums)??
20:00:56  JenM ->  sharon ... go girlfriend!
20:00:58  sharonp ->  he is teaching his students to be cutting edge learners
20:01:03  scottlo ->  errr NMC
20:01:10  JL ->  http://edtechtalk.com/sln  - Larrry Johnson of NMC is doing the keynote
20:01:25  JL ->  we'll be streaming the whole day - presenting for 45 mins
20:01:41  JenM ->  @JL .... SHHHHH!!!
20:01:52  JL ->  I'm not afraid..
20:01:55  JL ->  for you to fail ;)
20:02:00  JohnS ->  I heard thousands of people are going to watch, Jen.
20:02:03  dougsymington ->  lol
20:02:14  dougsymington ->  failure's not an option
20:02:22  dougsymington ->  you'll be great
20:02:31  dougsymington ->  per usual
20:02:37  scottlo ->  asocial or antisocial??
20:02:46  Durff ->  is courosa offering this course this summer?
20:02:50  JenM ->  "the convergence of messy and magical"
20:02:51  cyndidannerkuhn.info ->  I am using Flash Meeting with an undergraduate class, the antisocial thing is an issue for sure
20:02:57  sharonp ->  good question, Lias
20:02:59  sharonp ->  Lisa
20:03:06  Durff ->  Sharon
20:03:23  Durff ->  call a cab?
20:03:46  sharonp ->  It was Stephen Downes who actually challenged me about not wanting to be social - not wanting to be forced to work with other people
20:04:01  courosa ->  asocial probably should have been the term.
20:04:18  Durff ->  cyndi - do you ever have a virtual mtg with the undergrads and the teachers in the trenches?
20:04:40  sharonp ->  made me sit back and thiink about making collaboration compulsory - bec I am such a strong believer in social constructivism
20:05:06  Durff ->  but you are such a social person sharon
20:05:20  cyndidannerkuhn.info ->  Haven't yet, but wnat to Druff
20:05:32  cyndidannerkuhn.info ->  I will let you know
20:05:39  Durff ->  i think you should consider it cyndi
20:05:42  cyndidannerkuhn.info ->  Yes off in the summer, please
20:05:48  scottlo ->  here's a case of Langauge Lab CALL type stuff in a social web setting: http://iknow.co.jp
20:05:50  Durff ->  i rally for it alec
20:06:05  lee baber ->  hey Cooter was a congressman..so....
20:06:08  Matt_Cronin ->  draft alec
20:06:10  Durff ->  already in a course on wed's
20:06:20  Cathy E ->  NC State's Wolflands Island in Second Life on Tuesday night @ 7:00 - Bill Lovin ( a new Making Connections contact)
20:06:44  Durff ->  in DL
20:06:48  Durff ->  SL
20:06:57  Durff ->  yes!
20:06:59  lorna ->  yes
20:07:05  Durff ->  and it's ele
20:07:08  lorna ->  9:00 pm EST
20:07:13  Durff ->  7pm is us
20:07:21  Durff ->  9pm is her
20:08:17  scottlo ->  can I make a quick pitch on the way out??
20:08:17  tollie ->  re: "being social" - I'm not so sure the issue is being social as much as it is being forced to go on the record by posting online. Even with "anonymous" blogs, the degree of anonymity is - questionable.
20:08:24  courosa ->  thanks everyone ... sorry to rant on and on
20:09:02  JenM ->  @courosa ... good stuff!
20:09:19  gary ->  @courosa - we don't mind considering all the good twitter links we get from you.
20:09:26  dougsymington ->  great to see you Scott, welcome back!
20:10:03  dougsymington ->  great show all --have a great week all-cya online
20:10:26  dave ->  http://ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=29206
20:11:25  dave ->  He's soooo funny and a really great teacher. Plus, he's DREAAAMY! :-)