EdTechTalk#28 Chat Transcript

[scott] Hi Bob
[bob_sprankle] hi scott!
[bob_sprankle] is this scott lockman?
[JeffLebow] Hey Guys
[scott] yes, it is
[bob_sprankle] great to meet you, scott!
Bud has joined the chat.
[Bud] you're big brother, huh?
[scott] likewise, I'm looking forward to hearing yours and Bud's conversation
[scott] turn your radios down, ;)
dave-on-air has joined the chat.
bobsprankle has joined the chat.
[scott] what kind of Mac is Jeff Michigan using for webcasts?
[dave-on-air] a bigger one
BarbaraGanley has joined the chat.
[dave-on-air] hi barbara
[scott] hi Barbara
[Bud] hi, Barbara
[Bud] hello to you, too Scott
[BarbaraGanley] Hi, Everyone--looking forward to the show
[scott] Hey Bud
[BarbaraGanley] Bummer--I left my headset at the office, so I'll have to ask my questions from here
[dave-on-air] no worries
RickRo has joined the chat.
[dave-on-air] i've got your back...
[dave-on-air] geeks!!!
mknee has joined the chat.
[Bud] yeah - geek. What can you do?
bobsprankle has left the chat.
bob_sprankle has left the chat.
[BarbaraGanley] How have the podcasts contributed to their reading/writing skills, Bob?
[dave-on-air] did that answer your Q. barb...?
[BarbaraGanley] Yes, thanks. Another question for Bob: Are other teachers following suit and using podcasting in your school?
[scott] It is neet to think about how Bob's students will move on in their education and demand bloging/podcasting in the future.
[dave-on-air] hate to be their next teacher
[BarbaraGanley] I agree on both pts.
[BarbaraGanley] It's tough on kids (even my college students) who want to continue classroom blogging & podcasting!
[dave-on-air] yeah... waddaya mean you want me to hand in a paper
[mknee] Bob's kids will need teachers who are willing to be lead by kids
[Bud] that's hard -- but you're right
[BarbaraGanley] which is the challenge facing all of us--to bring fellow teachers along with us
[mknee] it's a mind set change for some but others it is the only way
[BarbaraGanley] Bud, I love the wiki!
[Bud] thanks, Barbara
[mknee] when kids start asking for new tech in the classroom, the teachers have a hard time saying no
[BarbaraGanley] not necessarily on the college level--teachers hand onto their ways of doing things
[BarbaraGanley] I mean, hang onto..
[mknee] right - I was speaking from my elem. school point of view
leeb has joined the chat.
[mknee] there is a real purpose for doing their work
[mknee] and a responsibility to their audience
[BarbaraGanley] Great question, dave about MSN language
[BarbaraGanley] yikes, i dialed in--two different talks?
[dave-on-air] is someone in the teleconference listening to the webcast?
[leeb] It may not lose anything if the students are required but the requirements of what is blogged is less restricted
[Bud] leeb -- i don't quite get you -- can you restate
[leeb] nothing is lost when a student is required to come to school.... but how you conduct the class can set up for something lost
[leeb] oh groovin'
[leeb] If you restrict the direction of the blog too much, it may decrease its value..
[Bud] got it -- you're right
[leeb] Sort of like cutting off a teachable moment.
[Bud] I can't direct it too much or it gets olst
[scott] The audio from Jeff sounds fine on the stream
[dave-on-air] oh really?
[leeb] Yes.. and the challenge to the teacher is to be able to introduce a thought stream that excites them into the dirction you wish
[leeb] them to go.
[dave-on-air] well... that was very entertaining
[Bud] hmm
[dave-on-air] i wonder where the show went
[Bud] anyone there?
[dave-on-air] i'm here
[scott] twilight zone
[Bud] what happened
[Bud] ?
[dave-on-air] stream is still up
[Bud] but not the call?
[leeb] I can hear both of them
[dave-on-air] just going to have to wait for Jeff. L. to return
[Bud] weird
[dave-on-air] he's hosting the webconference
[Bud] i see
[JeffLebow] Sorry folks - now we know why they call it Skype Beta
[JeffLebow] Just crashed
[dave-on-air] so. nice weather we're having today
[JeffLebow] Will re-establish communications momentarily
[Bud] it's cold here -- but snow on the ground
[mknee] the sounds of silence
[dave-on-air] still no snow here, strangely
[dave-on-air] considering we're half way to the arctic
[scott] this text chat thing is so 2003
[dave-on-air] scott... do you ever sleep?
[dave-on-air] or do you have a double in every times zone
[Bud] that is odd
[Bud] i don't think he sleeps -- but people used to say that about me, too
[leeb] yes eeerie
[leeb] I can't live without my audio.
[dave-on-air] the silence is quite heavy
[Barbar_Ganley] it does bring home the power of the talk
[leeb] I think it could be described as 2 dimensional...
[leeb] flat not 3d
[scott] as someone said yesterday, this is why we need the Vulcan Mind Meld brought back
[dave-on-air] we're back on
[leeb] yes
[leeb] and virtual meetings would be to beam us to a locaiton....wishful thinking but who knows
[scott] ;)
[scott] It is all Dave's fault! ;>
[dave-on-air] yes
[dave-on-air] i agree
[mknee] yes - collaborate with me
elderbob has joined the chat.
[mknee] and my kids would want to tell you about their activ
[mknee] ites
[elderbob] What a distinguished group here this morning.
[dave-on-air] thanks bob... i've been working on my hair all morning...
[leeb] Bee's students asked my 8th graders if they would be willing to tudor them in English.
[elderbob] and Dave, you have never looked more lovely.
[leeb] We had a meeting on Alado with Andy Pincon coordinating 5 classes about Christmas Traditions.
[leeb] Yes, your hair is divine!
[dave-on-air] thank you kindly
coakes has joined the chat.
[dave-on-air] :p
[bobsprankle] hey, cheryl!
[coakes] There may be a chance for Bob's kids to train some High School students in Yarmouth, ME, we are looking into that.
[Bud] cool
[dave-on-air] indeed
[Barbar_Ganley] remarkable
[mknee] hi cheryl
[coakes] Hi, Marie
[Barbar_Ganley] how about teaching my college students?
[elderbob] or my adult students.
[coakes] We could would the bus be expensive?
[Barbar_Ganley] how about the blog bus?
[elderbob] We are all Bozos on this Blog Bus.
[coakes] it sounds like a song, bouncing along the blog bus.
[dave-on-air] the blogs on the bus goes...
[scott] He can't get his head through the faculty room door ever since the New York Times article
[scott] ;)
[leeb] Where is that class on the web?
[Bud] mine, lee?
[leeb] I also do all put everything they need to do on the website but would like to see how others are setting thiers up?
[Bud] it's a moodle course -- not open to the public right now
[dave-on-air] feel free to jump in barbara!
[Bud] but send me an e-mail and I'll let you in
[leeb] Oh... I am starting to transfer my class site to a moodle now as well.
[coakes] i called and can hear on my phone
[Barbar_Ganley] will do
[JeffLebow] great
[coakes] now if i comment ... how?
[leeb] I used Dreamweaver last year and so far this year blogger but I am anxious to get the moodle going now.
[mknee] I think it is less about the technology and more about the teaching philosophy -engaging kids
[mknee] it is multi-leveled
[coakes] i got it
[bobsprankle] hello maria!
[mknee] hi there
[dave-on-air] i think until academics start doing real work online... start blogging for real, the university professors will not really
[dave-on-air] get the blogging going
[dave-on-air] for their students
[Barbar_Ganley] i agree--it's just getting going now
[Barbar_Ganley] there's the tenure fear, too
[dave-on-air] publish or perish
[Barbar_Ganley] yup
[elderbob] IS that fear of academic freedom in the upper levels.
[elderbob] Still too m uch sage on the stage.....?
[Barbar_Ganley] that too
[leeb] In my class, Comp Tech.. learning how to use the computer and do assignments becomes the topic.. questions answered.
[Barbar_Ganley] very little time goes into teaching college teachers how to learn and how to teach
[leeb] they like blog for help from each other and not have to come to me and wait for me to get to their answers.
susanvg has joined the chat.
[coakes] barb, i remember in college my program had to spend time in local schools and trying out new things have your students reach out
[coakes] to the community
[dave-on-air] hi susan
[susanvg] Hi - my first time here
[Barbar_Ganley] yes, I do have my students work with fifth-graders
[dave-on-air] are you listening to the stream?
[Barbar_Ganley] it's an incredibly powerful connection
[Bud] hi, susan -- nice to "meet" you
[coakes] that will help push the technology, with the students having conversations
[Bud] in real-time, that is
[leeb] Hello Susan
[dave-on-air] susan - do you have the stream going?
[dave-on-air] (just making sure)
[susanvg] yes - I'm listening
[scott] could some of the panelists mention how blogging/podcasts used for reflection has affected their views and practice on teaching?
[dave-on-air] great
[Bud] good question, scott -- I hope we get there
[dave-on-air] i love backchannels...
[scott] baby got back-channels
[leeb] absolutely
[mknee] a literature show
[leeb] skype in
[leeb] I would as well
[leeb] A k-12 version of this show
[susanvg] book talk show
[mknee] or a "where in the world "show
[Barbar_Ganley] current events show
[leeb] Most things at school are smart filtered but not Skype
[leeb] at my school that is
[mknee] barbara - what's that site again
[leeb] think.com
[Barbar_Ganley] which?
[mknee] for sharing work at the elem level
[coakes] a good way to blog with k-12 students is think.com, a closed website. the kids were so engaged , wrote ore and loved to look for
[coakes] comments from their fans
[susanvg] Most of us cannot get to conferences very often - I feel as if I can have the benefit of a conference any time I want
[scott] good answers, thanks everyone
[coakes] this is great! thanks
[mknee] thanks cheryl - that's the site
[Barbar_Ganley] thanks for a fabulous show--and for letting me interrupt away on the teleconference :D
[Bud] Barbara -- it was an honor to get to speak with you
[Bud] keep on doing the wonderful things that you do
[leeb] Thanks for being here Barb
[Barbar_Ganley] you guys are doing something really important--all of you!
[bobsprankle] Thanks to everyone, and Scott, so happy your podcasts have returned!
[mknee] this learning community is so important to me - thanks to all
Barbar_Ganley has left the chat.
[scott] This time does not work for the folks in Asia, other than we insomniacs!
[scott] thx, Bob
[dave-on-air] cheers scott...
[scott] Do you dream in text or mp3?
[dave-on-air] electric sheep baby, i'm old school
[leeb] I think in part it is personality type....or different types of intelligences...
[leeb] I havealways done that automatically BUT I have trouble focusing on one thing!!! :)
[leeb] Its called scattered from one point of view and yet it is perfect for doing all these things at once.
[leeb] And given a positive tag or name/
[mknee] I'd love for my kids to get out into the world
[elderbob] I'm still working on it.
[scott] how about radio plays?
[mknee] sharing art perhaps and book talks
[leeb] ok, and the radio show is rss of course which the kids get automatically on their feed?
[scott] who will do the sound effects?
[leeb] Then they can respond to the show on the radio's blog...
[elderbob] I'm still working on it.
[leeb] I once played banjo for NPR ... it was a radio show called "song jumping in my mouth"
[leeb] My banjo represented the spider on the show....
[elderbob] Lee Ann?
[leeb] Yep
[elderbob] the banjo gave you away....
[leeb] What?
[leeb] Doesn't everybody play banjo? :o
[leeb] Yes thats what I think as well
[elderbob] If everyone played banjo, there would be no need for audio
[leeb] True.
susanvg has left the chat.
[leeb] You mean a virtual or real
[elderbob] Its all Shakespeare.
[leeb] Thanks everyone... thank you for being here...
[leeb] See you all later.
[elderbob] It was a great chat...I got a ton of good ideas....
[Bud] thanks to everyone in the chatroom -- y'all are wicked smart
[elderbob] bye all.