Edublog Awards Ceremony & ETT Updates

Celebrate another amazing year of edublogging at...
  Saturday, December 8, 2007

In other ETT News:
- We want to be pretty!  As a result we've changed the default theme and done a bit of redesign.  We still have some tweaking to do, but hope this is a step in the right direction. Let us know what you think here:

- Webcastathon Ahoy - Worldbridges has scheduled a Solstice Webcastathon for Dec. 20~23.   It will begin with the ETT Debut of our newest show (the webcast formerly known as Teacher Talk) and wrap up with EdTechYearly. In between, there will  be lots of programming (some edtech related, some not) and several gradcasts from veteran ETT webcasters.  The planning schedule is here:  Webcasters and Interns can edit the schedule to add shows. Everyone is welcome to comment there with  ideas, suggestion, and webcast desires.

- The Webcast Academy Class of 2.4 is scheduled to begin the week of  Jan. 14 .  Anyone interested in participating, please start here: