EdTechTalk Newsletter - Week of November 30 - December 6, 2008

Hello EdTechTalkers:

Welcome to this week's edition of the EdTechTalk (ETT) Weekly Newsletter!

In the United States, the holiday season began last week with the feasting and sharing of Thanksgiving. Be sure to check the calendar for special ETT episodes, holiday show topics and alterations in the ETT show calendar. A variety of things happen each week at ETT so watch for
Plurk and Twitter announcements for show invitations/reminders.

While Thanksgiving memories and traditions were celebrated last week, ETT show guest and colleague of ETT's own Sheila Adams, Robin Ellsworth finished her Antarctica adventure. She returned home this week and posted online are photos and her online journal detailing the experiments, experiences and fantastic learning opportunities for all ages. Students can read questions posed to the team of experts on the adventure with Robin on the Polar Trec blog at http://www.polartrec.org.

This Week's Shows

We invited three students to "talk it over." Katie had written about her experiences of  commented on Katie's post in such a way that Katie's teacher, Chris Sloan, and  Dominique's teacher, Paul Allison, decided that it might be interesting to invite Katie and Dominique, along with another student, Farisa, to get together on Teachers Teaching Teachers to talk things over. That's where this show begins.

In addition, the students were joined by Elizabeth Berryman, Director
of the PBS Teacher Center in Virginia. Elizabeth provided some follow
up to a project that Susan Ettenheim's students at Eleanor Roosevelt
High School in New York City participated.

Annie Kidder, Jacqui Strachan and Gay Stephenson were on board to discuss the People for Education organization and the use of their new online community - schools at the centre. Listen to some great ideas and advice about helping parents and using a ning network.

Special Celebrations:


It was a "red letter" week this week as WoW2 celebrated the
broadcast of their 100th webcast with a repeat showdown against the
notorious EdTechPosse (Dean Shareski, Alec Couros, Rob Wall).  The WOW2
team included Sharon Peters, Jennifer Wagner, Cheri Toledo and Peggy
George. Mrs. Durff was drafted to be the official scorekeeper. The
competition was fun, entertaining and informative for all contestants
and participants in the chat! The Master of Ceremonies, John Schinker,
did an outstanding job of designing some very challenging, creative
question categories: By the Numbers, Cheap Imitations, Heard it From a
Friend Who... , Jennifer's Bane, Nonconformists Redemption,  A Thousand
Words, What's the Difference. One question that was particularly
intriguing was done with Wordles. Several Wordles were created using
Wikipedia articles of ed tech leaders, and contestants had to use the
Wordle to guess who the Wordle described. Another set of questions
consisted of photos of people using technology, and contestants had to
come up with a creative caption. Some delightfully inspired captions
came from the chat room. Unfortunately, the WOW team lost leaving the
EdTechPosse to win this competition. If you missed the fun, this is one
show recording you won't want to miss! Congratulations to the Women of
the Web on their 100th anniversary!

If you would like your celebration included in the ETT newsletter please email us at [email protected].

EdTechTalk is a community of people interested in the use of
technology to improve teaching and learning at all levels of education
throughout the world. As a Worldbridges community, it embraces the
values of collaboration and inclusiveness. The primary activity of the
community is the production of a number of live, interactive webcasts.
These programs cover a wide range of topics relating to educational
technology. Shows are typically streamed live, and listeners can
interact with one another and the show hosts through a text chat.
Recordings of the shows are released as podcasts. Participation in the
community is encouraged for anyone who has an interest in educational
technology. Participation may take many forms, from simply listening to
shows produced by the community to more actively working to produce and
distribute content for the network.

Anyone can subscribe to the ETT newsletter via email by scrolling down our front page and clicking on the “EdTechTalk Newsletter” subscribe button or via RSS by
navigating to the newsletter subscription page at http://edtechtalk.com/subscription_options . Click on the feed to which you would like to subscribe. You may also click on the show names from
the front page to listen to podcasts and read show notes right on your computer.

We welcome and value your input. Please feel free to leave comments, use the forums or the audioplayer on http://edtechtalk.com/contact. Thank you for reading our newsletter!

Enjoy your week,
Your enthusiastic ETT Newsletter Gang

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