EdTechWeekly #163

Post-Show description: 

 John, Dave, and Jen to review the latest news and resources influencing education and technology.

 EdTechWeekly #163
May 9, 2010

Chat Log Below 


This Week's Delicious Links



18:57:29 JenM -> Hey, Matt!

18:58:13 matt montagne -> hey john and jen

18:58:35 JenM -> dave says hi, too

18:58:53 matt montagne -> dave too...I thought it was just the 2 of you

18:59:05 matt montagne -> sorry 'bout that dave :)

18:59:20 matt montagne -> hey there peggy

18:59:25 PeggyG -> Your timing for the show is perfect today! right between the Celtics game and the Suns game :-)

18:59:51 PeggyG -> Hi everyone!

19:00:17 PeggyG -> yes I do!

19:00:24 PeggyG -> the Celtics won!

19:00:55 dave -> http://2010.northernvoice.ca/

19:01:20 PeggyG -> so sorry I missed Jeff!

19:02:36 PeggyG -> how was the conference different than what you usually do?

19:03:31 PeggyG -> how funny! tell us about the mushroom presentation

19:07:13 matt montagne -> the broad Internet is one great big social media platform

19:07:38 matt montagne -> but a telephone has one purpose usually

19:07:55 PeggyG -> that's one long day!!

19:08:25 JenM -> can't join 'em ... beat 'em: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/05/adobe-demonstrates-flash-on-andro...

19:08:56 dave -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/ninmah/4590137267/

19:09:18 PeggyG -> would love to hear more about iCandy

19:10:11 JohnS -> Flowtown: http://www.flowtown.com 

19:10:16 PeggyG -> very cool image

19:10:17 matt montagne -> what app did she use dave?? That is really, really cool

19:10:30 JohnS -> Teens and Their Mobile Phones: http://www.flowtown.com/blog/teens-and-their-mobile-phones 

19:10:32 JohnS -> Who is the Modern Media Consumer?: http://www.flowtown.com/blog/who-is-the-modern-media-consumer?display=wi...

19:10:32 dave -> don't suppose you read the notes under the pic?

19:10:38 JohnS -> What are People’s Perceptions of Spam?: http://www.flowtown.com/blog/what-are-peoples-perceptions-of-spam?displa...

19:10:40 PeggyG -> she says autodesk sketchbook pro on ipad

19:11:10 matt montagne -> no, I'm lazy

19:11:25 dave -> http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/

19:11:37 dave -> @matt :P click the flickr link again...

19:11:56 matt montagne -> wow, her drawings are incredible

19:12:13 dave -> she's pretty cool.

19:16:57 dave -> http://www.slideshare.net/coarsesalt/if-machiavelli-and-montaigne-grew-m...

19:17:11 PeggyG -> thanks for the link Dave

19:17:32 matt montagne -> Interesting thought..."The Tyranny of the Book." There definitely is a certain tyranny in the traditional book medium

19:17:48 dave -> http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/6780848

19:18:47 PeggyG -> interesting approach-point/counterpoint

19:19:01 PeggyG -> sounds a bit like the edfutures course :-)

19:19:12 matt montagne -> a book is oppressive in alot of ways...

19:19:25 matt montagne -> I can think of how some teachers will not allow kids to read on a kindle

19:20:10 matt montagne -> a kindle can really be a nice way for a kid w/ vision problems to modify the reading environ...but if the teacher never allows that and forces him to use the print book, it is a tyranny

19:20:32 matt montagne -> choice, choice, choice...give people choice

19:21:05 matt montagne -> hey paul

19:21:16 Paul Allison -> Hi.

19:23:51 sroseman -> Socrates

19:24:30 JenM -> Pearson BOOK Sales up 12% ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandteleco...

19:25:06 JohnS -> Wikipedia Now Lets You Order Printed Books: http://mashable.com/2010/05/06/wikipedia-books/ 

19:26:04 matt montagne -> many organizations might continue to give money to companies that neatly package and organize information for students and teachers...

19:26:16 PeggyG -> an amazing concept!

19:26:27 JohnS -> TDSB considers replacing textbooks with e-books: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/tdsb-considers-repl...

19:26:27 SteveEdiger -> We need to honor 'snapshots'  as authoritative sources in some situations.  For instance revisionist history that has been rewritten, depending on who is in control of the textbook process.

19:26:33 dave -> bye guys

19:26:36 matt montagne -> hopefully not for much longer...but textbooks could be the answer for alot of schools to information overload

19:26:39 matt montagne -> see ya dave

19:27:15 PeggyG -> bye Dave

19:29:04 JohnS -> Merlot Open Textbook Initiative: http://taste.merlot.org/opentextbooks.html 

19:29:38 JohnS -> CK-12 Flexbooks: http://www.ck12.org/flexr/ 

19:30:36 JenM -> Dumbphone ... http://www.fastcompany.com/1640204/dumbphone-statistics-oh-right-not-eve...

19:30:39 matt montagne -> I'm a big fan of CK-12 and Neeru Khosla, the director...she was at our school earlier this year

19:31:10 matt montagne -> unfortunately we couldn't get any traction/interest within our school for CK12 flexbooks...hopefully we can revisit this.

19:31:31 JohnS -> Yeah, we're having trouble too, Matt.

19:31:32 PeggyG -> I heard her present at MEC last year and was very impressed but at that time they didn't have a lot of content available yet

19:31:50 PeggyG -> I loved the idea that you could add your own content to the ebook

19:32:57 matt montagne -> yeah, CK12 makes great sense...you start with seeded content and then you can do whatever you'd like with it...you can even print out copies

19:33:20 SteveEdiger -> 1 to 1 schools can do this now.  Also it is more relevant for higher ed than for K-12.

19:33:31 JohnS -> Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative: http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/05/facebook-rogue/ 

19:33:48 JohnS -> Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook: http://www.rocket.ly/home/2010/4/26/top-ten-reasons-you-should-quit-face...

19:34:27 JohnS -> Visual Guide To Facebook's Privacy Changes Over Time : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/07/facebook-privacy-changes_n_5683...

19:34:27 PeggyG -> I agree SteveEdiger! I am very impressed with the materials being created by Empire HS in Vail AZ--called Beyond Textbooks

19:35:04 Paul Allison -> This boy was writing about his part of the garden with his cell phone: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ewsis/4588371804/sizes/l/

19:35:12 matt montagne -> facebook to me has never been private...even back when it was for college students only

19:35:25 PeggyG -> some of the recent changes are very frustrating on FB!! you almost can't get out of the popup without agreeing to sharing

19:35:33 matt montagne -> beautiful garden paul

19:35:37 SteveEdiger -> I'm interested in finding out who will be developing an open source version of facebook (in the long term).  In the short term, we need to demand more granularity of what we can choose to not share.

19:35:44 matt montagne -> are those your plots right there??

19:35:57 Paul Allison -> My students don't accept my philosophy: Live a life that you can post publically on Facebook.

19:36:01 PeggyG -> great photo Paul!

19:37:04 matt montagne -> @Paul...that is what I find as well...that is similar to my philosophy as well

19:37:11 SteveEdiger -> It's also scary because of data aggregation and the ensuing patterns that appear

19:40:05 JenM -> Scitable (social network for science research) .. http://www.crunchgear.com/2010/05/06/scitable-a-social-network-for-scien...

19:42:13 JohnS -> Lessons for the World: http://www.lessonsfortheworld.org/Lessons_for_the_World/Welcome.html 

19:42:45 Paul Allison -> (sorry to be behind the conversations, but...) I'm worried that young people's lives are more factured than they need to be because of all the online private spaces they have. I advocate for more public, more unified lives -- being the same person in school, at home, at work, at parties.

19:43:12 PeggyG -> I agree with you Paul! makes so much sense!

19:43:50 JenM -> http://www.boingboing.net/2010/04/30/online-sex-education.html

19:45:23 PeggyG -> you are very sure how this will play in a school district!! not at all!

19:45:26 JohnS -> More Google Applications Coming for google Apps Customers: http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2010/05/more-google-applications-co...

19:45:58 matt montagne -> that could be really helpful for some kids whoose parents don't talk to them...who knows

19:46:03 PeggyG -> we'll be hearing about this on Saturday Night Live :-)

19:46:21 matt montagne -> this is big news...I'm really curious as to how google will link the enterprise networks w/the other tools...

19:47:22 matt montagne -> that is pretty huge news

19:48:13 matt montagne -> sounds cool, John

19:48:20 Paul a -> So will this include the free education accounts??

19:48:26 PeggyG -> Matt knows all about that :-)

19:48:33 matt montagne -> yes, paul

19:48:44 Paul a -> sweet

19:49:16 matt montagne -> that is smart john...

19:49:18 JenM -> Adult Literacy ... http://www.slate.com/id/2252927 ... and ... http://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/StateEstimates.aspx

19:49:33 PeggyG -> students say email is for old folks

19:49:36 matt montagne -> not lighting up the mail side of things means you give up alot of integrated funtionality

19:49:41 JohnS -> yep.

19:49:50 JohnS -> And yes, all of this stuff will be available in apps for edu

19:49:59 matt montagne -> the email program in google is pretty social...status updates, chat, etc...it is quite nice. The kids like it

19:51:01 matt montagne -> the new groups feature in google is really nice too...no longer do distrubtion groups/listserves need to be centrally managed (although you can still centrally manage some critical mail groups while flatten out management for others)

19:51:56 JohnS -> Fake Science: http://fakescience.tumblr.com/ 

19:52:30 matt montagne -> this site is hilarious jon

19:53:17 PeggyG -> very funny!

19:53:20 matt montagne -> volcano one is hilarious!!!!

19:53:26 matt montagne -> gonna send this to our science folks

19:53:58 matt montagne -> nice show folks...great links this week!!!!

19:53:58 PeggyG -> I'll be interested to read some of the comments :-)

19:54:32 PeggyG -> where to the twitter posts come from that use the ETT avatar?

19:54:52 SteveEdiger -> Thanks y'all

19:54:58 JenM -> thank you, too!

19:55:52 PeggyG -> thanks for that explanation--was curious about it seeing a bunch come through yesterday

19:56:39 PeggyG -> didn't know those "rules"

19:58:08 PeggyG -> bye everyone! have a great week!